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Chapter 5- Absolute Monarchs in Europe

Chapter 5- Absolute Monarchs in Europe. Section 1: Spain’s Empire and European Absolutism Section 2: The Reign of King Louis XIV Section 3: Central European Monarchs Clash Section 4: Absolute Rulers of Russia Section 5: Parliament Limits the English Monarchy. Charles V’s Kingdom.

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Chapter 5- Absolute Monarchs in Europe

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  1. Chapter 5- Absolute Monarchs in Europe Section 1: Spain’s Empire and European Absolutism Section 2: The Reign of King Louis XIV Section 3: Central European Monarchs Clash Section 4: Absolute Rulers of Russia Section 5: Parliament Limits the English Monarchy

  2. Charles V’s Kingdom

  3. What justifies absolute power? • Discuss reasons on page 160 and 161 • When is it acceptable to take away limits on power? • Have our Presidents ever stretched the limits of their power? • What crosses the line between a strong ruler and a despot/dictator. • Bodin’s quote- pg 161

  4. Spain as a world power • Charles V controls a huge Empire! (map) • Phillip II inherits Spain • Source of riches • Catholicism vs. __________ & __________ • Defeat of the Armada – English navy • Late 1500s Spain economy/ empire lose power- Reasons? (pg. 158)

  5. Power in Dutch hands • Netherlands split from Spain- along what lines? (map) • What advantages to they have over other nations?( pg. 160) • How were the Netherlands in 1600 like Italy in 1400s.

  6. Dutch Republic

  7. France’s gains control in Europe • Protestants (Huguenots) and Catholics struggle for control in France • King Henry IV converts for peace- limits restriction on religion • Why was a Cardinal able to “rule” despite there being a king? • Who was seen as a threat to the monarchy? - Nobles -Spain - Protestants

  8. All that power… • King Louis XIV is unquestioned leader- “L’etatc’estmoi” • What does King Louis do to keep nobles subservient to him? (164-165) • Why did the nobles’ revolt fail? • New sources of wealth- how can we show our power? - King’s lifestyle - expand - wage war

  9. More money, more problems • Failed wars, extravagance leave France financially unstable • France makes a lot of enemies- Europe unites against them (War of Spanish succession) • What were the pros and cons of Louis XIV rule? • Create a brochure for the Palace of Versailles- work alone or in pairs.

  10. Central Europe • See Map on pg A21 of the Atlas and pg 170. Identify the countries in Central Europe that are on both maps. • Hapsburgs- royal family that controls several different areas in Europe • Reign in Austria, Spain, Naples, some German states- Goal= Establish centralized, Catholic rule in Central Europe. Holy Roman Empire is the closest thing to getting that done.

  11. Thirty Years’ War • Conflict erupts over, you guessed it, religion and territory. • Peace of Augsburg (Ch 1)- German princes can pick own religion • Catholics (including Hapsburg Ferdinand II) vs. Lutheran princes fight for power and territory • What are the two phases of the war? (169) • With help from France (Why did they help non-Catholics?) Hapsburgs defeated

  12. Treat to end the 30 years’ war: Peace of Westphalia • Which empires were weakened? Which were strengthened? • Biggest outcome- central Europe will be made of smaller states, not a large empire. • Most empires are weak- use feudal system and can’t compete with Western Europe in world trade. Two emerge… • What were the leaders of Prussia and Austria like? What was their rivalry based on?

  13. Seven Years War involves large empires and small states aligned along common lines. • Austria allies with France and Russia • Prussia allies with England. • New type of war: fought on three continents • British victory sets the table for expansion in the 1800s.

  14. Absolutism in Russia- Section4 • Russia’s size and location affect its identity

  15. Strong Rulers Unite Expansive State • How did Ivan III and Vasily help make Russia stable and increase its power? • Absolute ruler Ivan IV (the Terrible) calls himself “czar”. Who are his only rivals to power- how did he treat them? • How are Ivan’s “good” and “bad” periods characterized? • How was a new ruler chosen when no capable heir was present? (Romanovs)

  16. West side is the best side? • Was Russia’s economy more like Central or Western Europe’s (Serfs or no serfs?) • Three reasons why Russia was so different from the rest of Europe- (175) • What did Peter (Romanov absolute ruler1696-1725) like about the West? How did he learn more about Western practices? • Peter’s view on absolute power: 176 • What reforms did he introduce? 176-77

  17. Russia Westernizes • Peter’s rivals lose power- Easrtern Orthodox Church, the boyars- how does he accomplish this? • Why were China and Japan not rivals for Russian lands in the east at this time? • What agricultural products did Russia depend on? • How was education emphasized?

  18. Bout in England Monarchs vs. Parliament • As you read this section: Make notes of Monarchs’ victories over Parliament and vice versa: • Round 1- James I: Access to country’s treasury vs. passing Puritan Reforms • Round 2- Charles I Access to country’s treasury vs. Signing of the Petition of Right - Charles goes back on word: backlash

  19. English Civil War and consequences • Royalist Cavaliers vs. Puritan supporters of Parliament= monarchy at stake • Monarch ousted- General Oliver Cromwell in charge - limits on individual rights still endure - no tolerance for Catholics • Round 3 – Oliver Cromwell: A Parliament vs. a commonwealth

  20. Back to Monarchical Model • After Cromwell, monarchy is restored- Charles II • Round 4- Charles II; monarch’s absolute power vs. rights of the accused (Habeas Corpus Act) • Charles II dies with no heir- James II new king. Wait… a Catholic king? • With the help of Parliament, Mary takes throne from her dad.

  21. New type of Monarchy in England • Round 5: Mary ( and William)- Absolute monarchy vs. constitutional monarchy. • William and Mary consent to Bill of Rights- limits royal power, written guarantees of protection. • How to prevent future monarchy vs. parliament conflicts- Cabinet System!

  22. Written response section • These two topics will be part of the test on Chapt 5 written response section. Plan ahead and be prepared. • The motives for Westernization and the methods used to Westernize Peter’s Russia • Describe the successes Parliament had in limiting abuses of royal power between the reigns of James I and William and Mary.

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