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The Reign of Terror in France (1789-1794)

Explore the tumultuous period in French history, from the National Assembly to the rise of Robespierre and the eventual fall of the Reign of Terror. Witness the radical executions, the power struggles, and the emergence of The Directory.

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The Reign of Terror in France (1789-1794)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Reign of Terror

  2. National Assembly (1789) Legislative Assembly (1791) War with Austria & Prussia (1792) Radical Execute King & declare Republic (1793) National Convention The Reign of Terror Begins

  3. National Convention France is a Republic with no real Government Different factions fight for POWER

  4. Jacobins • Most radical of reformers in France • They sentence Louis XVI to death • January 1793 he is executed

  5. Maximilien Robespierre • Assumes leadership of Jacobins • Sought to create a “Republic of Virtue” • Slowly gained power

  6. Committee of Public Safety • Decided who was PUBLIC ENEMY • July 1793-July 1794 Robespierre becomes a virtual dictator • Execute anyone who is viewed as a threat!!

  7. Reign of Terror • 1-Year in Length • July 1793-July 1794 • 3,000 executed in Paris • Marie Antoinette executed • Up to 40,000 total

  8. Marie Antoinette’s Last Words?

  9. The Directory • July 1794 Robespierre executed • People are tired of the Terror • National Assembly forms a new body called The Directory • This body puts Napoleon in charge of the Army

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