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Human Body Systems

Explore the complexities of the circulatory, respiratory, muscular, digestive, skeletal, and nervous systems. Gain insights into the functions, structures, and fascinating facts about these intricate systems that keep our bodies healthy and functional.

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Human Body Systems

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  1. Human Body Systems

  2. 1. The Circulatory System Purpose of the system: transport food, oxygen, waste and hormones. We have a closed system (all blood is held in vessels)

  3. Heart-about the size of your fist, it is a 4 chambered pump, upper chambers are called atria and bottom chambers are called ventricles.

  4. Vessels Vein-a vessel going to the heart, has thin walls Artery-vessel going away from the heart, has thicker walls Capillary-smallest vessel, has walls one cell layer thick, where the exchange of oxygen and CO2 takes place.

  5. Blood is mostly water (plasma) it carries cells and dissolved materials RBC- cells that carry oxygen WBC-cells that fight infection Platelet-cell fragments that clot blood

  6. Blood pressure-push of blood against artery walls. Recorded when heart is pumping and when it is relaxed. Normal is 120/80

  7. Interesting facts about the circulatory system: • Our bodies contain 60,000 miles of blood vessels • Adults have 10 pints of blood

  8. 2. The Respiratory System Purpose of the system: to exchange carbon dioxide and oxygen

  9. Nose-warms, filters, moistens air Pharynx-throat (where nose and mouth combine)

  10. Larynx-contains vocal cords, as air goes past they vibrate and we can form sounds

  11. Trachea-windpipe, carries air to lungs Bronchi-branches of the trachea

  12. Lungs- spongy tissue made up of millions of air sacs Alveoli- air sacs

  13. Normal lung Smoker’s lung

  14. Diaphragm-breathing muscle, located under lungs, it changes the size of the chest cavity pulling in or pushing out air

  15. Interesting facts about the respiratory system: • A sneeze has a speed of 102 mph • You have 300 million alveoli, flattened out that is the size of a tennis court

  16. 3. The Muscular System Purpose of the system: movement (of the body, blood, and food) 40% of the body is muscle. There are approximately 600 muscles in the body

  17. There are 3 types of muscle tissue: 1. Smooth -not under voluntary control -has one nucleus -not striped -found in walls of hollow structures (like the stomach)

  18. 2. Cardiac -found only in the heart -striated (striped) -not under voluntary control 3. Skeletal -attached to bone -under voluntary control -striated -large cells with many nuclei

  19. Antagonistic muscles muscles that cause the opposite action of another muscle example: bend arm up (biceps) bend arm down (triceps)

  20. Interesting facts about the muscular system: • Eye muscles are the busiest in the body. It is estimated that they may move 100,000 times a day. • Muscles can’t push, they can only pull

  21. 4. The Digestive System Purpose of the system-to turn food into a usable form for cells to get energy from

  22. Structures: Mouth-teeth make food smaller, saliva moistens food, starches get broken down here

  23. Esophagus-a muscular tube that pushes food to the stomach Muscular waves are called peristalsis

  24. Stomach-a muscular sac that mixes digestive juices with food. Proteins begin digestion here Food averages 3 hours in the stomach.

  25. Liver-large structure that makes bile which breaks down fats Gall bladder-small sac under liver that stores bile until needed

  26. Pancreas-located under stomach, it adds digestive enzymes to the small intestine

  27. Small intestine-long tube (25 ft. in an adult) where fats get broken down and food is absorbed into the blood.

  28. Large intestine-(colon) shorter tube (5 ft.) that removes water from waste and gets it ready to eliminate.

  29. Interesting facts about the digestive system: • In your lifetime your digestive system will break down as much as 35 tons of food (that is 10 elephants!) • A horse’s digestive tract is 89 ft. long • Americans eat 2 billion pounds of chocolate a year

  30. 5. The Skeletal System Purpose of the system: bones protect organs, give us shape, store minerals, make blood cells Bones-the organs of the skeletal system, there are 206 in the body

  31. Marrow-the soft tissue inside of bones red marrow makes blood cells yellow marrow is fat

  32. Joints-where two bones come together

  33. Tendons-connect muscle to bone Ligaments-connect bones to other bones

  34. Cartilage-material that is lighter and more flexible than bone, it makes a cushion between bones

  35. Interesting facts about bones: • The smallest bones are in the ear, the largest bone is in your thigh (femur) • Cartilage decays faster than bone which is why skeletons have no ears or noses • The most frequently broken bone is the clavicle (collar bone)

  36. 6. The Nervous System Purpose of the nervous system is to control and coordinate body functions, respond to external and internal stimuli

  37. Brain-divided into areas that control different body functions

  38. Spinal cord-dorsal, links the brain to the rest of the body

  39. Motor nerves-carry message from brain to muscle Sensory nerves-carry message from organ to brain

  40. Nerve cell: Dendrite-receives information Cell body-contains nucleus and other cell organelles Axon-tail that carries message to next cell

  41. Neurotransmitters-chemicals that carry the message across the space between nerve cells

  42. Interesting facts about the nervous system: • Humans have 100 billion nerve cells in the brain • Nerve cells cannot be replaced if damaged

  43. 7. The Endocrine System Purpose of the endocrine system-deliver chemical messages throughout the body

  44. Gland-group of cells that makes and secretes a hormone Hormone-chemical that gives instructions to cells

  45. Hypothalamus-in the brain, it controls the pituitary Pituitary-size of a pea, located below brain, called the master gland as it controls many other glands. It makes growth hormone and endorphins

  46. Thyroid-in the neck, makes two hormones that control metabolism (turning food into energy) Adrenal-on top of kidneys, control water/salt balance, releases adrenaline for stress

  47. Ovaries-estrogen for female characteristics Testes-testosterone for male characteristics

  48. Interesting facts about the endocrine system: • A girl is born with over 60,000 eggs in her ovaries • It takes 72 days to make a sperm cell

  49. 8. The Lymphatic/Immune System Purpose of the lymphatic system- filter blood of disease causing organisms and make antibodies

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