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Welcome to Mrs. Hequembourg's classroom! Learn about classroom rules, responsibilities, grading scale, and how to make the most of your time in school. Stay organized, ask questions, and aim to work to the best of your abilities.
Mrs. Hequembourg Classroom Information
An Introduction • Welcome Students and Parents! I am looking forward to this school year and truly appreciate the opportunity to be part of this school community. For 42 years I have loved teaching and working with children. It has been a challenge and a wonderful reward. My expectations for students are high but fair and achievable. Each student comes to the classroom with their own special gifts and talents. Everyday is a learning experience for both my students and myself. • Please feel free to contact me at anytime to discuss the progress of your child. • email: nhequembourg@stjosephwestphalia.org • School: 573-455-2339 • ““Ideal teachers are those who use themselves as • bridges over which they invite their students to cross, • then having facilitated their crossing, joyfully collapse, • encouraging them to create bridges of their own.”
Classroom Rules • Courtesy and respect should be shown at all times to everyone. • Only 1 person should be speaking at a time. Please wait until you are called on to speak. • FOLLOW DIRECTIONS: Directions have a purpose • Work quietly and do not disrupt other students as they work. • Stay in your seat during classtime. • Make the most of classroom time. You should always have an outside reading book and you can always work on assignments. • Show respect for school and personal property. Our room is to be kept neat and tidy at all times. Trashcans have a purpose! • All students are expected to do the right thing in school, the halls, the cafeteria, on the playground, even when nobody is looking, regardless of what other students are doing. • If the teacher leaves the room: stay seated, stay silent, and stay busy. If in doubt, ask yourself: “What would Jesus do?” • Failure to abide by these rules will result in consequences.
CLASSWORK RESPONSIBILITIES • Listen carefully to directions! Read directions carefully! • Follow directions! It is criteria for grading • Neatness matters! Do not cross-out on assignments. Erase mistakes • Use cursive when completing assignments unless you are told differently • Your name, first and last, goes in the upper right hand corner of the paper. Also put your • student # underneath your name • Answer written questions in complete sentences. • Spelling matters! • Stay organized and plan your time. Do not wait until the last minute to complete your work. • Make the most of the time here at school. Time used wisely at school means less homework for you. • Don’t hesitate to ask questions. A wise person knows the importance of asking questions. • I am willing to help you before or after school if you need extra help.
Grading Scale • A+: 100-99 A: 98-95 A-: 94-93 • B+: 92-91 B: 90-88 B-: 87-86 • C+: 85-84 C: 83-80 C-: 79-77 • D+: 76-77 D: 74-75 D-: 71-70 • Assignments are due at the beginning of the class period • Name, first and last, must be on an assignment • 1 day late: 10% reduction of points • Assignments graded in class are graded AS IS • More than 1 day late: No credit • Spelling matters: Points will be reduced IF a word bank is provided and a word is still misspelled. • No name on paper is a 10% deduction on the assignment • You need to use your planner to record assignments • Often assignments are given and then you will have extended time to complete the work. This is done so that you learn to manage your time. Do not wait until the last minute to complete these extended assignments. • Your AR goal is 15 points per quarter. Your AR goal is factored into your reading grade. • My expectations for each of you is to work to the BEST of YOUR abilities. All anyone can ask is that you work up to your abilities. Let’s concentrate on LEARNING and the grades will take care of themselves. • Parents may call or e-mail me if there was a problem with an assignment. • nhequembourg@stjosephwestphalia.org • School phone: 455-2339