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FVCC Fire Rescue. ROPES AND KNOTS. TS 6 –1. LIFE SAFETY & UTILITY ROPE APPLICATIONS. Life Safety Used solely to support rescuers/victims Must be synthetic, block creel, virgin fiber May not be reused unless meets all reuse criteria Utility Used for any but life safety applications
TS 6–1 LIFE SAFETY & UTILITY ROPE APPLICATIONS • Life Safety • Used solely to support rescuers/victims • Must be synthetic, block creel, virgin fiber • May not be reused unless meets all reuse criteria • Utility • Used for any but life safety applications • May be synthetic or natural fiber • May be reused
TS 6–2 CRITERIA FOR REUSING LIFE SAFETY ROPE • Has no visible damage • Has never been exposed to heat, flame, or abrasion • Has never been subjected to any impact load • Has never been exposed to harmful chemical liquids, solids, gases, mists, or vapors • Passes inspection before and after each use
Homework • Distinguish between life safety and utility rope applications. Mark “A”for life safety applications or “B” for utility rope applications. 1. __ Pulling someone from the water 2. __ SCBA guide rope 3. __ Tag line 4. __ Securing backpack assembly to confined space rescuer's harness when rescuer cannot enter space wearing standard SCBA 5. __ Securing a victim in a Stokes basket 6. __ Cordoning off an area 7. __ Hanging a salvage cover to dry 8. __ Hoisting a tool or piece of equipment 9. __ Safety harness tie-in during confined space entry 10. __ Securing a charged hose to a ladder 11. __ Drying clothes 12. __ Lowering a victim from a building during training exercise 13. __ Rappelling 14. __ Roping off an area 15. __ Stabilizing a vehicle for extrication
VS 6-1 ROPE TERMINOLOGY Strand Fibers Yarns Sheath or Jacket Core Kern Mantle
VS 6-2 ROPE CONSTRUCTION Laid (Twisted) Braided Braid-on-Braid Static Kernmantle Dynamic Kernmantle
Homework • Match rope materials to their descriptions. Write the correct letters on the blanks. 16. Strong, hard fiber from the abaca plant; type #1 best for rope and identified by a colored string twisted into the fibers; short, non-continuous strands provide poor tensile strength 17. Synthetic rope with three to three and one-half times the tensile strength of manila, but may lose up to 15 percent of its strength when wet; stretches under load so is not suitable for vehicle stabilization or similar applications 18. Synthetic fiber sometimes known as Dacron®; particularly suitable to high-strength, low-stretch applications such as vehicle stabilization; very susceptible to damage by alkalis 19. Very lightweight synthetic rope used for water rescue because it absorbs no water and floats; difficult fiber to secure into solid knots and hitches a. Manila b. Nylon c. Polyethylene d. Polyester
Homework • Match rope materials to their descriptions. Write the correct letters on the blanks. 20. Same synthetic fiber as that used in bulletproof vests; also known as Kevlar®; easily damaged by abrasion so must be sheathed in polyester or nylon; very difficult to knot 21. Soft, pliable natural fiber; generally white or light colored; most susceptible to physical abrasion and damage of all natural fiber ropes 22. New synthetic fiber with a high molecular weight; strongest of the synthetic rope fibers; also known as H. Spectra® 23. Very lightweight fiber from same synthetic family as polypropylene; surface has slick, oily feel; can be manufactured in bright colors for good visibility a. Gel spun polyethylene b. Cotton c. Polypropylene d. Aramid
TS 6–3 NATURAL FIBER ROPE • Types • Manila • Sisal • Cotton • Used for many years • Is no longer accepted for life safety applications
TS 6–4 SYNTHETIC ROPE • Types • Nylon • Polypropylene • Polyester • Polyethylene • Preferable to natural fiber rope • Excellent resistance to mildew and rotting • Excellent strength • Aramid • Gel spun polyethylene (H. Spectra®)
TS 6–5 DYNAMIC (HIGH STRETCH) ROPE • Used when long falls are a possibility • Designed for high stretch without breaking • Not considered practical for hauling applications
TS 6–6 STATIC (LOW STRETCH) ROPE • Preferred for rescues requiring raising and lowering heavy loads • Designed for low stretch without breaking • Used for hauling, rescue, rappelling, and where no falls are likely to occur or only very short falls are possible
TS 6–7 LAID (TWISTED)ROPE CONSTRUCTION • Constructed by twisting yarns together to form strands; three strands twisted together make final rope • Susceptible to abrasion and other types of physical damage
TS 6–8 BRAIDEDROPE CONSTRUCTION • Is constructed of uniformly intertwined strands • Reduces or eliminates twisting common to laid ropes • Is subject to direct abrasion and damage
TS 6–9 BRAID-ON-BRAID (DOUBLE BRAID) ROPE CONSTRUCTION • Is constructed with both a braided core and a braided sheath • Is very strong • Does not resist abrasion as well as kernmantle; sheath may slide along the inner core of the rope
TS 6–10 KERNMANTLEROPE CONSTRUCTION • Has braided covering or sheath over main load-bearing strands • Comes in both dynamic and static types
Homework • Select facts about rope construction. Write the correct letters on the blanks. 23. What type of rope construction is illustrated above? a. Laid b. Braided c. Braid-on-braid d. Kernmantle 24. Firefighter A says that static rope stretches very little. Firefighter B says that dynamic lines stretch more than static lines under weight and shock loads. Who is right? a. Firefighter A b. Firefighter B c. Both A and B d. Neither A nor B 25. Why is static rope preferred for rescue work? a. Its elasticity absorbs the weight of a fall b. It has a low stretch factor c. It has a high stretch factor d. It stretches more than dynamic rope under weight and shock loads
Homework 26. What statement below is true in regard to laid (twisted) rope construction? a. The tightness of the lay (twist) determines the rope’s properties. b. Generally six strands are twisted together to make the final rope. c. Twisted rope is resistant to abrasion and other types of physical damage. d. Twisted rope is difficult to inspect. 27. What type of rope construction is illustrated below? a. Laid b. Braided c. Braid-on-braid d. Kernmantle 28. Firefighter A says that braided rope eliminates the twisting common to laid ropes. Firefighter B says that braided rope is constructed mostly of natural fibers though some are made from synthetic fibers. Who is right? a. Firefighter A b. Firefighter B c. Both A and B d. Neither A nor B
Homework 29. What type of rope construction is illustrated below? a. Laid b. Braided c. Braid-on-braid d. Kernmantle 30. How many strands are there generally in a laid rope? a. Seven b. Five c. Three d. Two 31. Which of the following ropes possesses half its strength in its sheath and the other half in its core? a. Laid b. Braided c. Braid-on-braid d. Kernmantle
Homework 32. Which type of rope construction is also called twisted construction? a. Kernmantle b. Braided c. Laid d. Woven 33. Which of the following ropes possesses three-quarters of its strength in its core and the remaining quarter in its sheath? a. Laid b. Braided c. Braid-on-braid d. Kernmantle 34. Which rope construction is most easily inspected, but also most susceptible to physical damage? a. Braided b. Laid c. Braid-on-braid d. Kernmantle
Homework 35. Which of the following is the most commonly used rescue rope? a. Dynamic braid-on-braid b. Static braid-on-braid c. Dynamic kernmantle d. Static kernmantle 36. What type of rope construction is illustrated below? a. Laid c. Braid-on-braid b. Braided d. Kernmantle
TS 6–11 ROPE CARE & MAINTENANCE • Number or otherwise identify all ropes. • Inspect after each use. • Make periodic inspections. • Use approved inspection methods. • Immediately red-label rope damaged on scene. • Keep a rope logbook. • Remove used life safety rope from service per manufacturer’s criteria.
TS 6–12 REASONS TO REMOVE ROPE FROM SERVICE • Excessive sheath wear • Severely shock loaded • Overloaded • Chemically contaminated • Old • Lacks uniform diameter • Lacks uniform texture • Does not meet manufacturer’s criteria for reuse as life safety rope
TS 6–13 GUIDELINES FORINSPECTING ROPE • Inspect visually and tactilely after each use. • Remove damaged rope from service. • Inspect for flaws and damage specific to rope type.
TS 6–14 INSPECTING LAID ROPE Look for . . . • Soft, crusty, stiff or brittle spots • Cuts • Nicks • Abrasions • Internal mildew
TS 6–15 INSPECTING BRAIDED ROPE Look for . . . • Heat sears • Nicks • Cuts • Excess or unusual fuzziness
TS 6–16 INSPECTING BRAID-ON-BRAID ROPE Look for . . . • Heat sears • Nicks • Cuts • Lumps that indicate core damage • Sliding sheath
TS 6–17 INSPECTING KERNMANTLE ROPE Look for . . . • Lumps • Depressions • Soft spots • Irregularities in shape or weave • Foul smells • Discoloration • Roughness • Abrasions • Fuzziness
TS 6–18 MAINTAINING A ROPE LOGBOOK • Start record with purchase of each piece of rescue rope. • Keep track of each use and the inspection/ maintenance records of the rope. • Keep log in waterproof envelope.e The rope log is usually placed in a pocket sewn on the side of the rope’s storage bag.
TS 6–19 CLEANING NATURAL FIBER ROPES • Do not use water; ropes cannot be cleaned effectively. • Wipe or gently brush to remove as much dirt and grit as possible.
TS 6–20 CLEANING SYNTHETIC ROPEBY HAND • Use cool water and mild soap (no detergents, bleaches, or solvent-based cleaners). • Wipe with damp cloth that has been dipped in cool soapy water and then wrung out, or scrub gently with brush. • Rinse thoroughly. • Dry out of direct sunlight.
TS 6–21 CLEANING SYNTHETIC ROPEIN ROPE WASHER • Use cool water. • Feed through washer to remove larger particles of dirt. • Remove stubborn dirt by hand with cloth or scrub brush. • Dry thoroughly out of direct sunlight.
TS 6–22 CLEANING SYNTHETIC ROPEIN CLOTHES WASHING MACHINE • Use a front-loading, tumbling-type machine without a plastic window. • Place rope in cloth bag in bird's-nest coil. • Wash and rinse in cool water for recommended period of time. • Use mild soaps (no detergents, bleaches, or solvent-based cleaners), and follow mfgr.’s directions. • Dry thoroughly out of direct sunlight. • Contact the rope mfg. for special cleaning problems.
TS 6–23 ROPE DRYING METHODS • Spread out on a hose rack out of sunlight • Suspended in a hose tower • Loosely coiled in a hose dryer
TS 6–24 LIFE SAFETY ROPE STORAGE • In clean, dry spaces that have adequate ventilation • Coiled • In bag • Best for kernmantle rope and other life safety rope • Allows easy carrying; keeps dirt and grime from rope
VS 6-3 COILING ROPE 1 2 3 4
Homework • Select facts about rope cleaning and storage. Write the correct letters on the blanks. 37. How should natural fiber ropes be cleaned? a. In cool water with a brush b. By wiping or gently brushing c. By coiling in a cloth bag and washing in a clothes washing machine d. By feeding through a rope washer 38. Which of the following is not an approved method of drying rope? a. Air drying b. Drying in a hose tower or on hose racks c. Drying in a clothes dryer d. Looping over clothesline and drying in the sun 39. What water temperature should be selected when using a clothes washer to clean rope? a. Warm b. Hot c. Cold d. Any of the above
Homework 40. What type of machine should be used for washing ropes in a clothes washing machine? a. Front-loading b. Commercial c. Top-loading d. Heavy-duty 41. What type of cleaning agent should be used for cleaning rope? a. Bleach b. Solvent-based cleaner c. Soap d. Detergent 42. What should the water temperature be for cleaning a rope with a rope washer? a. Warm b. Cold c Hot d. Any of the above
TS 6–25 GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT KNOTS • The ability to tie knots is a vital part of fire and rescue operations. • Synthetic rope material has changed methods of selecting and tying knots: • Manila and other natural fiber ropes are no longer considered safe for life safety use. • Synthetic rope is slick and may slide under load, so it requires an overhand or half hitch safety knot on the working end. • The bends in knots weaken rope: outside fibers are stretched; inside fibers are bent or crushed.
TS 6–26 DESIRABLE KNOT ELEMENTS • Easy to tie • Easy to identify • Easy to untie • Secure under load (not subject to slippage) • Tied with few abrupt bends • Strong enough for required job
VS 6-5 ELEMENTS OF A KNOT I Underhand Loop Bight Loop Round Turn Overhand Loop
VS 6-6 ELEMENTS OF A KNOT II Working End Standing Part Running End
TS 6–27 KNOT TERMS • Working end — Used for forming knot • Standing part — Between working and running ends • Running end — Used to hoist, pull, belay, etc. • Bight — Loop that does not cross over itself • Loop — Side of bight crossed over or under standing part • Round turn — End of rope continued around top of loop until standing lengths are parallel
TS 6–28a PRIMARY KNOT APPLICATIONS • Overhand knot • A foundation knot for beginning other knots • A safety knot or backup to secure other knots (particularly those of synthetic rope) to prevent the working end from slipping back through the knot and causing it to fail • Half hitch • Hoisting tools • Stabilizing tall objects
TS 6–28b PRIMARY KNOT APPLICATIONS (cont.) • Bowline — Various utility and life safety (rope rescue harness) applications • Clove hitch • Attaching ropes to objects • Hoisting (with overhand knot) • Figure-eight — Foundation knot for other knots in family • Figure-eight follow through — Joining ropes of equal diameters
TS 6–28c PRIMARY KNOT APPLICATIONS (cont.) • Figure-eight on a bight — Securing a loop in middle or end of a rope for a safety line, safety harness, litter and rescue equipment, anchor lines • Double-loop figure-eight — Constructing a rope rescue harness • Becket bend (sheet bend) • Joining ropes of unequal diameter • Joining rope to chain
VS 6-7 HALF HITCH & OVERHAND SAFETY 1 2 3 Two Half Hitches Overhand Safety
VS 6-8 BOWLINE 1 2 3 4
TS 6–29 BOWLINE KNOT • Is used to form a loop that will not constrict the object it is placed around • Is untied easily • Shares degree of acceptability in both life safety and utility applications