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GOA • Goa lies between 14 - 16o North latitude and 73-75o East longitude on the West Coast of India. • Climate is warm and humid tropical with cool and pleasant weather in winter months. • Average annual rainfall is 3000 mm. The total rainfall received during the year 2011 was 3780.4 mm. • The highest and lowest temperatures are 35o C and 15o C. • Relative humidity varies from 95% to 51%. • …contd..2..
The terrain is undulating with diverse soil conditions. • Agriculture is pursued by about 16% of the population. • The geographical area of the State is 3,70,200 Ha. • Total cropped area is about 1,63,991 Ha. having 34.96% area under food grain crops and balance 65.04% under commercial/horticultural crops including vegetables. • Net sown area is 1,31,822 Ha.
KHARIF 2012 ASSESSMENTAND RABI PROSPECTS • Rains started from June. • 2676 mm of rainfall received upto 12th September. • Good recharge of ground water. • Residual soil moisture would help pulses and groundnut prospects in Rabi. • Horticultural crops expected to get optimum irrigation.
T A B L E – ICrop wise Area And Production duringKHARIF 2012-13
T A B L E – II Crop wise Area And Production duringRABI 2012-13
T A B L E – IVCrop wise Area And Production duringRabi 2011-12
SEEDRabi 2012-13 (a) (availability) 90% seed procured from Seed Corporations outside the State. Almost 90% of pulse area is under local cowpea.
SEED (b) Seed Availability and Distribution • 482 tons of paddy seed, 1.0 tons of Pulses and 3.4 tons of groundnut seed was distributed during the year 2011-12. • 404 tonnes of certified paddy seed/TL seed has been made available to the farmers during Kharif 2012. Seed is sold to the farmers through designated Cooperative Societies with 50% subsidy at source involving PPP. …contd..2..
SEED (c) Seed distribution during Rabi 2011-12 and target for Rabi 2012-13 (in tonnes) Rabi 2011-12Rabi 2012-13 • Paddy 91 166 SRR (13.63) (20.12) • Groundnut - 97.0 SRR - (19.84) …contd..3..
SEED (d) Treatment It is proposed to cover 10,000 ha under Seed Treatment covering Paddy, Pulses, Groundnut, Vegetable and Sugarcane
FERTILIZER During Rabi 2012-13, proposed targets of sale of fertilizers.
FERTILIZER In terms of NPK (MT) for Rabi 2012N-1666 P-1233 K-831Actual Distribution of fertilizers during Rabi 2011-12N-882 P-647 K-526 FERTILIZER QUALITY CONTROL DURING 2011-12 Samples drawn by Fertilizer Inspector are sent for analysis to Central Fertilizer Quality Control Laboratory, Navi Mumbai. During the year 2011-12, 31 samples were sent for analysis.
INTEGRATED NUTRIENT MANAGEMENT (INM) • Regular soil samples are collected and analyzed for macro and micro nutrient deficiency. • soil health cards are issued to the farmers by recommending appropriate fertilizer dose. • The State has 2 STL with a capacity to analyse 25,000 soil samples every year. • During the year 2011-12 12923 samples were analyzed for nutrient and health cards issued.
QUALITY CONTROL OF MICRONUTRIENT FERTILIZERS • The State has only one Micronutrient Fertilizer manufacturing unit, which is marketing its product outside the State. Zinc, Magnesium and Boron have been identified as deficient in Goan soils and have been recommended to be used in straight micronutrient fertilizer form. • Use of Organic Manure is being promoted through supply of compost to farmers towards soil health improvement. • Preparation of on farm compost/vermicompost is encouraged through incentives given for infrastructure set up for compost units.
INTERGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT • Biopesticides like pseudomonas, metarhizium, trichoderma are supplied to the farmers. • Tricho cards are used by the farmers in their vegetable plots. • Bracon brevicornis a parasite to control black headed caterpillar in coconut is released. • Fruit fly traps for control of fruit fly in cucurbits and mango, are supplied to the farmers.
STRENGTHENING EXTENSION MACHINERY AT STATE LEVEL • The extension activities are catered by 11 Zonal Agricultural Offices located in each Taluka who motivate farmers, provide training and demonstration to the farmers upto village level. …contd..2..
STATE EXTENSION WORK PLAN (SEWP) for the State submitted to GOI have been in principle approved and final draft with required modification is being submitted to GOI’s technical committee for approval since SLSC in the State has been already held for year 2012-13. Meanwhile steps are being taken to Register, SAMETI and two ATMA’s for two districts as autonomous bodies.
Best practices adopted by the State • In order to increase the replacement rate of seed like paddy, groundnut, pulses and vegetables, the State Government provides 50% assistance at source through the network of Cooperative Societies (PPP Mode). • The creation of infrastructure for irrigation is boosted by providing additional assistance to bring the total subsidy to atleast 70% for establishing sprinklers, and 90% for drip irrigation. …contd.2..
For vegetable crops grown on hill slopes the farmers or group of farmers are provided with Jalkunds with approximate capacity of 12,000 lts of water, which stored as rain water/runoff harvesting used for protective irrigation. 290 Jalkunds were constructed during 2010 – 11. • To reduce the cost of cultivation and the scarcity of labour mechanization is promoted on a large scale with upto 75% subsidies. • Combine paddy harvesters in co-operative sector have been introduced to promote paddy cultivation. …contd..3..
Provide Assured price for Paddy Rs.17/- per kg • Provide assured price to a) Arecanut upto Rs.170/- per kg b) Coconut Rs.8/- per nut c) Oil Palm Rs. 9/- per kg d) Cashewnut upto Rs.90/- per kg …contd..4..
Stress is laid on organic farming under NHM specially in cashew cultivation. Productivity improvement is taken up under State sector for cashew and coconut wherein inputs worth Rs.15000/- per ha are provided. • Solar Power Battery Fencing is promoted with assistance to the extent of 90% of admissible cost is provided to all farmers restricted to Rs. 2.00 lakhs for individuals and Rs. 3.00 lakhs for registered farming groups.
VEGETABLES For increasing production of vegetables the following steps are being taken up. • Farmers are encouraged to join Self Help Groups. • Requirement of each groups is being assessed. • Inputs will be provided through Co-operative Society identified by the Department. • Seedling are being raised in Government Farms & identified farmers field for sale. • Marketing of vegetable is being planned by involving Goa State Horticulture Corporation Ltd. • Establishment of vegetable collection centres through Goa State Horticultural Corporation are being taken up.
Protected Cultivation • Cultivation of vegetable are being encouraged under covered cultivation, farmers are coming forward. • Constructors of Green Houses are empanelled by the Department by Registering green house constructors. • Marketing of the produce is being planned by forming them into groups, so that viable quantity of produce is available for sale.
INCENTIVISING PRODUCTION & PROCUREMENT OF OILSEEDS AND PULSES OILSEED CROPS Groundnut –only field crop of Goa Acreage- 85% in Rabi season Seed Replacement Rate (SSR)- below 4% Main reason- non availability of seed in sufficient quantity & in time Seed from Rabi crop deteriorates by next Rabi due to high humidity Special programme for groundnut promotion approved under RKVY,2012-13
PROMOTION OF GROUNDNUT UNDER RKVY, 2012-13 • Two pronged strategy • Seed Production Clusters- mainly during Kharif season • Seed for multiplication procured from NSC • Seed produced to be procured by Department and sold to farmers at 50% subsidy provided at source.
Seed production cluster target 2012-13 is 75 ha. • Seed distribution target 2012-13 is 1200qtl. • SRR target for 2012-13 is 21% • SRR in 2011-12 was below 1% • Target of 50% SRR by 2016-17 • 264.5 qtl. already distributed during Kharif
PULSES • Local cowpea cultivar Alsando occupies more than 90% of area • Acreage-95% during Rabi season • ICAR, Goa has identified high yielding strain of “ Alsando “ • Process for State release at final stage • Department provides 50% subsidy on custom service for land preparation, seed, biofertilizers, plant protection inputs etc. and 75% assistance for soil conditioners