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Delve into various forms of love, from parental to romantic, through personal experiences and reflections. Understand the nuances between motherly and fatherly love, and discover the impact of unconditional care. Explore the emotional depth of love for a significant person in your life. Engage in diverse reading activities focusing on empathy, understanding, and appreciation. Enhance linguistic skills through translation and writing exercises. Experience a journey of deeper emotional connections and self-discovery.
New collegeEnglish Book Two
Unit One Love
I Preparation II Reading Activities IV Translation & Writing III Further Development Unit One
Part I Preparation 1. Love and Like 2. Motherly Love and Fatherly Love 3. Someone You Love Most
Activity 1Love and Like • 1. Love and Like • People we love/like: father, mother… • What we love/like doing/to : motherland, hometown • reading, traveling…
2. Motherly Love and fatherly Love • Questions: • What do you think about Erich Fromm’s view on motherly love and fatherly love? • Can you tell the difference between them according to your personal experiences?
Sample • It’s true that motherly love is unconditional. I believe what I’ve got from my mother is the deepest love I’ve ever received. When I was at home, mother took good care of me and did what she could to meet my needs. For example. She remembered all my birthdays and bought nice birthday gifts for me, but she never celebrated hers. At home she woke me up in the morning after she prepared breakfast. Sometimes she even combed my hair while I was having breakfast so that I could go to school on time. She treated my classmates kindly when they were with me. I know that’s because they were my good friends. Now I am away from home, she calle me every two or three days asking about my college life and what she can do for me. It seems that my life is much more important than hers.
Sample • As for fatherly love, I’m not sure if his love is unconditional, but obviously it’s different from mother’s love. Father also loves me very much. He pays more attention to my education and what I’m going to be in future. He doesn’t care much about my daily life, but asks me to keep him informed of my study and progress. During my last year in high school, he was unusually patient with me. He encouraged me when I was not doing well at school and helped me when I had difficulties. Father must have been a math wizard in his school days. He seemed to know all the solutions to my math problems and could point out my weaknesses. Following his instruction, I began to feel interested in math myself.
3. Someone You Love Most • I love my mother most, because she is always very kind to me, unlike my father who will scold me or slap me if I make mistakes or when I am naughty. My mother is an ordinary-looking woman, but in my eyes, she is very beautiful. She is very hard-working and does almost all the housework. When I was working for the entrance examinations, she was very considerate and never let me do any housework. When I was hungry at night, she would fix a snack for me. She is a very good cook. It is a pity that I’m not able to have what she cooks because I’m far away from home.
Part II Reading Activities 1. Pre-reading Questions 2. Text Organization 3. Sentence Study 4. Words & Phrases
Pre-reading Questions • How do you feel when you walk on the street and see a disabled person? • I feel pity towards those who are disabled. I wonder how they can manage in their daily life and whether they have job. I feel lucky that I’m not disabled. • Do you know anyone who is disabled? If you do, talk about him/her. • Yes, My aunt is deaf and dumb. She has been like this since her childhood. My grandmother said that she became deaf because of taking wrong medicine. She is now more than seventy years old and she has never been married. She is very kind to me. In fact, it was she who brought me up. She often felt it unfair because she couldn’t hear. But she is very intelligent, and she is good at sewing. She sometimes kidded me with gestures that she wanted to cut off her ears because they did not work.
Text Organization Para.1-4 The father’s physical condition and how he managed to get to work Para.45-7 the son’s comment on the father’s responsibility Para.8-11 The father’s attempt to experience things directly or indirectly Para.12-13 The father’s influence on his son
Sentence Study 1 • Para.4 • Once there, he would cling to the handrail until he reached the lower steps that the warmer tunnel kept ice-free. • Attributive clause • Once there = The moment (Immediately, Instantly, As soon as) he arrived there, • Para.7 • Now that I am older, I believe that is a proper standard by which to judge people. • now that(conjunction) because of sth or as a result of sth • Now that you are here, why not have a drink. • Now that they have got to know each other a little better, they get along just fine.
Sentence Study 2 Sentence Study • Para.10 • But the next day people kidded him by saying it was the first time any fighter was urged to take a dive even before the bout began. (See Note 1 on P10) • kid: deceive sb especially playfully, tease • Don’t get mad, I was only kidding. • urge: ask sb strongly to do sth • take a dive: (in boxing) pretend to be knocked down, usu. the match is fixed
Sentence Study3 • Para.11 • And when I came home on leave, he saw to it that I visited his office. • on leave: on holiday • see to it that: make sure • See to it that you’re ready on time. ( See Note 3 on P9)
Words and Phrases • Para.1. • Lean on: • to depend on sb/sth for support and encouragement, especially at a difficult time • He always leans on me for help. • Let on: • to reveal, to tell sb that was intended to be a secret • He knew where the boy was hiding, but he didn’t let on.
Words and Phrases • Para.3 • He went to work sick, and despite the nasty weather. • nasty: unpleasant, disgusting • A nasty smell, taste, sight • despite: in spite of(+noun/pronoun/gerund), it is chiefly used in newspapers and in formal English: • Despite the severe weather conditions, all the cars completed the course.
Words and Phrases • Para.5 • When I think of it now, I marvel at how much courage it must have taken for a grown man to subject himself to such indignity and stress. • marvel at: be filled with surprise or admiration • to subject to oneself: cause sb to experience sth unpleasant • The tires are subjected to various tests. • indignity: a situation that makes you feel very ashamed, unimportant, and not respected • stress: continuous feelings of worry about your work or personal life, that prevent you from relaxing
Questions for Discussion • What do you think make a good heart? • I think there are many things to make a good heart. They are: kindness to others, endurance, patience, hard-work, never hurting others, be satisfied with life, etc.
What did you learn from this article about the relationship between the father and the son? • The father knew his disability stood in the way between him and his son. That’s why he said to his son: “You set the pace. I’ll adjust to you.” The son was young, so he was ashamed of his father because other people stared at them. But deep in their hearts they loved each other. The father was proud of his son, and the son learned a lot from his father.
How and why does the son’s attitude change? • The son realized that it was his father who taught him many things, such as how to have a good heart. He knew that having a good heart was more important than having a good appearance. Especially after his father died, he felt it more intensely that it was his father who guided him in his life
It you were the son, how would you feel towards the father? • If I were the son, I wouldn’t be embarrassed to be seen with him by others. I would be proud of my father no matter how he looked because it was he who gave me life and brought me up. His disability was not his own choice. He was disabled, which was hard enough for him. How could the others look down upon him, let alone his son?
Part III Further Development 1. Expressions on Chinese Romances 2. Agree or Disagree 3. What’s Wrong with them
Expressions in Chinese romances • Men till the soil while women weave at home • It tells us the different roles of men and women in a traditional family, though husbands and wives won’t till the soil or weave literally. I think husband and wife each should play a role or they should share work or responsibilities necessary to the family, but it doesn’t mean that the husband should work outside while the wife should stay at home.
Expressions in Chinese Romances • A woman follows her husband no matter what his lot • This refers to women, not men, and is kind of out of date. It means a woman could have only one marriage all her life, no matter what happened to the husband or no matter what kind of person the husband became. This reflects that Chinese women in the past had very low social status and were vulnerable in the family. A woman could make no choice of her own all her life and as we know, marriage was arranged by parents.
Agree or Disagree • Other medical study showed that people’s blood pressure would fall when they stroke their pets. (line33-36) • Discussing the statement: people’s blood pressure falls when they stroke their pets. • Give examples, if possible.
Sample 1 • I agree with this statement, because I love pets. I feel happy when I’m with pets. I myself have a pet cat. I like him very much, and I enjoy taking care of him. When I am unhappy or in low spirits, I stroke him or cuddle him then I feel much better. He is like one of my friends, he is better than a friend because he never argues with me and usually obeys me.
Sample 2 • I don’t agree with this statement. I am afraid of animals, especially dogs. I don’t know why, but I have been afraid of dogs since my childhood. At the sight of dogs, I shiver. I don’t understand how I can lower my blood pressure by stroking or patting them. On the contrary, my blood pressure would rise because I am so nervous around a dog and sometimes I can’t help screaming.
What’s Wrong with Them? • 1. Why didn’t John and Bonnie get married after dating a year and half?
Sample • 1) At that time they did not know how to make the relationship work though they loved each other. In other words, they did not understand each other. They did not know what the other needed or how the other felt to make their love grow. I believe they were both inexperienced. • John said he was not skilled enough to make their relationship work, but I do not think that was the real cause. Nobody is skilled when they meet their first date, and if they really value their relationship, they can do whatever they can to keep it. I guess why they broke up and went their separate way at first was because they thought they could find a better partner later on.
What’s Wrong with Them? • 2. Why were they able to make their relationship work the second time?
Sample • Four years later, they became more mature and dated differently because they understood how men and women were different. When they knew how the opposite sex thought and felt differently, they were able to improve their communication to open their hearts to each other. By doing so, the created conditions for love to grow. • I think why their relationship could be resumed four years later was because they had loved each other. Their problem at that time was that they lack skills to continue their relationship. When they met again and the problem was solved, they made their relationship work. It they had not loved each other, I think it was impossible for them to rekindle the fire of love and passion.
Part IV Translation & Writing 1. Knowing about Translation 2. Writing Practice
Knowing about Translation 英译汉省略译法(1)—省略代词和冠词
Translation Skills 省略译法指在翻译中略去原文中需要而译文中不需要的单词和词组。英语和汉语在某些词类的使用上有较大差异,英语里代词和连接词用得较多,而汉语里则用得较少。英译汉时,为了使译文自然流畅,往往要避免在句子里出现代词和连接词。 A. 省略代词B. 省略冠词
A. 省略代词 • 1) He never talked about himself as an object of pity, nor did he show any envy of the more fortunate or able. • 他从不把自己当作同情的对象,也从不对更幸运的或更能干的人表示任何嫉妒。 • 2) He liked to go to dances and parties, where he could have a good time just sitting and watching. • 他喜欢参加舞会和聚会,就是坐在一旁观看,也很开心。 • 3) Every afternoon when I came on duty as the evening nurse, I would walk the halls of the nursing home, pausing at each door to chat and observe. • 作为晚间护土,每天下午我值勤的时候,都要走过养老院的过道,在每个门口停下来看一看,聊一聊。 • 4) When a local baseball team found itself without a manager, he kept it going. • 当本地的一支棒球队发现缺经理的时候,他使它维持下去。
B. 省略冠词 • 英语里有冠词,而汉语里则没有。因此,翻译时往往可以省略,尤其是当冠词固定地用在某些名词前或用来表示类别时。例如: • 1) The sky was blue and the sun was shining. • 天空是蓝色的,太阳正照耀着。 • 2) The war escalated, on the ground, in the air, and at sea. • 战争在地面、空中以及海上(全面)升级。 • 3) Water changes from a liquid to a solid when it freezes. • 水结冰时由液体变成固体。 • 4) Even brushing or patting a dog is great physical therapy, and we all know the benefits of walking, which is something a dog needs too. • 甚至给狗梳梳毛或者轻轻地拍拍它,都是很好的理疗,而且我们都知道散步的好处,这也是狗所需要的。
Writing Practice • Writing • Outline • a description of the physical features (height, weight, etc.) • characteristics of your father or mother • what you think of your father or mother • something that had happened between your father/mother and you
Writing Practice • My Father • My father, forty-six years old, is a peasant. He is very hard-working, because he has a big family to support. Perhaps it’s because he is tired, he is a man of few words, and almost no smile appears on his face. • Father has never bought any toys or candies for my younger brother and me, but I know he loves us. He is strict with us. He once said, “You should study hard so that you can serve the people better in the future.” My family was poor but father promised that he would pay for education of my brother and me even if he had to sell our house. We were deeply moved. • Following father’s example, both my brother and I are very diligent. We appreciate what we received from him and are determined to study hard to repay him. • I love and admire my father.
Sample 2 • My Mother • My mother, a middle-aged woman, has a kind of typical characteristic of oriental woman. I’ll be always thankful for her love. • When I was a child, my mother took me to the kindergarten even when the weather was bad. When I was naughty and made mistakes, my mother never blamed me. Instead, she often told me some enjoyable stories and from these I was able to know what I should do and what I should not do. • When I went to school, my mother cared about not only daily needs but also my studies. When I did poorly in school, she often encouraged me to try my best again. She said she had confidence in me and told me never to lose heart. So I owe what I’ve achieved in my study to my mother. • I love my mother and will remember her kindness and advice forever. I’ll try to be a person who has all the good virtues my mother possesses.