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INDIANA UNIVERSITY G raduate and P rofessional S tudent O rganization Elected Officers. Elected Officers. Meet with the rest of the Executive Committee twice a month When situations require a vote of the Executive Committee, only the elected officers vote
INDIANA UNIVERSITY Graduate and Professional Student Organization Elected Officers
Elected Officers • Meet with the rest of the Executive Committee twice a month • When situations require a vote of the Executive Committee, only the elected officers vote • Must be currently enrolled graduate or professional students in a degree-granting program at IUB. • Term runs from May 1, 2013 until April 30, 2014 • Elected by a majority of Assembly Representatives casting ballots and must train with their predecessors during April 2013.
Executive Committee Powers • to delegate work to committees, officers and staff • to appoint standing committee chairs in consultation with the committees themselves • to remove standing committee chairs with the concurrence of three-quarters of the members of the Executive Committee • to create ad hoc committees and appoint their chairs • to enforce the Constitution and by-laws • to create Assembly meeting agendas • to oversee the implementation of decisions made at Assembly meetings • to assist the Treasurer in creating the annual budget • to advise the President on issues of importance to graduate and professional students
GPSO President’s Duties • Represent the graduate and professional student body to the university at large • Serve as chair at all Executive Committee and Assembly meetings and inform Assembly as to the decisions made at Executive Committee meetings • Prepare and submit draft agendas for both Assembly and Executive Committee meetings; • Serve as a representative to the Graduate Council, the Bloomington Faculty Council and the Student Advisory Board meetings and provide regular reports to the Executive Committee and Assembly • Supervise, along with the appropriate administrative liaison, the staff positions • Appoint graduate and professional students to university committees • Perform any other functions necessary and proper to advance the welfare of the GPSO not expressly prohibited or delegated by the provisions of the Constitution or by-laws
GPSO Vice President’s Duties • Fulfill the duties of the President when s/he is temporarily unable to perform them • Represent the GPSO to the university at large as required • Oversee and receive reports from delegates to GPSO and campus committees and to regularly summarize these reports to the Assembly • Serve as representative to the All University Student Association and provide regular reports to the Executive Committee and Assembly • Perform other duties requested by the Executive Committee
GPSO Treasurer’s Duties • Maintain the GPSO’s financial records • Prepare the annual budget for review by the Assembly and provide a brief financial update at Assembly meetings at least once a semester • Request disbursement of funds as required • Work with the Awards Officer and the Awards Committee to ensure the timely execution of the Awards process • Perform other duties requested by the Executive Committee
GPSO Parliamentarian’s Duties • Assure proper order and decorum during all Executive Committee and Assembly meetings • Ensure that the Constitution and Bylaws are complete and current • Record minutes of all Assembly and Executive Committee meetings and provide the Communications Coordinator a copy of all minutes • Tally votes and perform other tasks that the Executive Committee may require to ensure smooth operation of meetings • Gather the necessary data to determine the number of seats in the Assembly • Update, with the assistance of the Executive Committee, the official history of the GPSO at the end of each academic year • Perform other duties requested by the Executive Committee
GPSO Liaison's Duties • Act as a medium of communication between the GPSO and other student organizations • Attend meetings of such student organizations as shall be determined by the Executive Committee at least twice per semester • Serve as a medium of communication between the National Association of Graduate-Professional Students and GPSO. A “medium of communication” entails that the Liaison may attend and actively participate in a NAGPS conference on behalf of the GPSO and file a written report to the Assembly as to the actions taken at the NAGPS conference • Chair and organize the Diversity Council • Perform other duties requested by the Executive Committee
GPSO Awards Officer’s Duties • Recruit members for the Awards Committee and to chair the Awards Committee • Oversee the Awards Committee and the review of GPSO Awards, including, but not limited to the Travel Grants, the Research Grants, and the Faculty Mentor Award • Ensure all applicants are notified of Awards Committee decisions • Maintain and update procedures for evaluating awards applications and nominations • Update the Assembly on the status of the Awards process, when requested • Perform other duties requested by the Executive Body
GPSO Benefits Officer’s Duties • Recruit members for the Benefits Committee and to chair the Benefits Committee • Represent the GPSO on committees relevant to the salaries and benefits of graduate students, including, but not limited to the Student Academic Appointee (SAA) Mandatory Health Plan Committee and the SAA Salaries Committee • Develop GPSO resolutions and initiatives related to salaries and benefits • Update the Assembly on initiatives related to salaries and benefits, when requested • Perform other duties requested by the Executive Body
GPSO Sustainability Officer’s Duties • Recruit members for the Sustainability Committee and to chair the Sustainability Committee • Represent the GPSO on committees relevant to issues of sustainability, including, but not limited to the Student Transportation Board-Campus Bus, the Transportation and Parking Advisory Committee and the Office of Sustainability Advisory Board • Maintain communications with the Office of Sustainability • Develop resolutions and initiatives related to issues of sustainability governing the practices of the GPSO and the campus community • Update the Assembly on initiatives related to sustainability, when requested • Perform other duties requested by the Executive Body
GPSO Elections Timeline • February 8th: Nominations open • INSTRUCTIONS FOR NOMINATIONS • February 17th: Nominations close at midnight • March 8th: Elections during GPSO Assembly