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PENGANTAR IAD Biodiversitas dan Bioteknologi. PANJI HIDAYAT, M.Pd PAI TARBIYAH 2011. Surat Al An’am Ayat 95. “ Sungguh, Allah menumbuhkan butir Padi-Padian dan biji kurma” ). SURAT AN NAHL AYAT 11.
PENGANTAR IADBiodiversitas dan Bioteknologi PANJI HIDAYAT, M.Pd PAI TARBIYAH 2011
Surat Al An’am Ayat 95 “ Sungguh, Allah menumbuhkan butir Padi-Padian dan biji kurma” )
SURAT AN NAHL AYAT 11 • • Dia menumbuhkan bagi kamu dengan air hujan itu tanam-tanaman; zaitun, korma, anggur dan segala macam buah-buahan. Sesungguhnya pada yang demikian itu benar-benar ada tanda (kekuasaan Allah) bagi kaum yang memikirkan.
PengertianBiodiversitas Keanekaragaman di antara makhluk hidup dari semua sumber, termasuk dari daratan, lautan, dan ekosistem akuatik lain, serta kompleks-kompleks ekologi yang mereka menjadi bagiannya; mencakup keanekaragaman di dalam spesies(genetik), di antara spesies dan pada ekosistem. Totalitas komponen dan sistem kehidupan organisme di bumi (biosfer))
Gen Ekosistem Spesies KEHATI (Keanekaragaman Hayati) (Biodiversitas) Budaya?
Biodiversitas genetik Frekuensi dan keragaman gen di dalam dan di antara populasi spesies yang sama. Biodiversitas genetik tampak pada perbedaan tinggi tanaman padi, rasa dari berbagai varietas shorgum, padi, jagung; variasi golongan darah manusia; dll. Dinyatakan dengan: Varietas, strain, ras dsb.
Biodiversitasspesies Nepenthes spp. Biodiversitas Spesies Gabungan jumlah spesies (kekayaan; richness) dan jumlah individu di dalam spesies (kemelimpahan; abundance). Spesies adalah kelompok organisme yang dapat melakukan fertilisasi secara bebas, memiliki kesamaan ukuran dan struktur, dinamika populasi dan siklus reproduksi, pola perilaku, dan taksonomi.
Biodiversitas ekosistem Variasi di dalam dan di antara ekosistem yang berbeda. Ekosistem adalah kompleks dinamis dari komunitas tumbuhan, hewan dan mikroorganisme dan lingkungan non-hayatinya, berinteraksi sebagai sebuah unit fungsional
Manfaat Biodiversitas • Konsumtif: • Pangan • Obat-obatan • Sandang • Papan • Energi • dll • Non-konsumtif: • Ekologi • Sosbudhankam • IPTEKS • dll
Degradasi Biodiversitas " Salah satu proses yang terus berlanjut serta memerlukan waktu pemulihan selama jutaan tahun adalah hilangnya keanekaragaman genetik dan spesies karena rusaknya habitat alam. Inilah kebodohan kita yang sulit dimaafkan oleh anak cucu kita" (E.O. Wilson, Harvard University, USA).
Aktivitas perusakan lingkungan (degradasi biodiversitas) Kebakaran Pembalakan Pertanian Perburuan
Hilangnya biodiversitas. • Bermacam sebab, yg paling fundamental dan irreversibel: extinction of species (kepunahan spesies). • Penyebab hilangnya diversitas biologi terutama oleh manusia: • Langsung: perburuan, koleksi, dan persekusi. • Tidak langsung: perusakan dan modifikasi habitat • Dari segi total hilangnya biodiversitas, efek tdk langsung jauh lebih penting dibanding pengaruh langsung.
Mekanisme hilangnya Biodiversitas 1.Hilangnya/fragmentasi habitat 2.Introduced spesies (spesies pendatang) 3.Pencemaran pada air, tanah dan atmosfir. 4.Perubahan iklim global 5.Eksploitasi jenis hewan/ tanaman yg berlebih/overeksploitasi 6.Industrialisasi pertanian dan kehutanan
Pengaruh perkembangan budaya: • zaman purba (nomaden) • zaman bercocok tanam • zaman tumbuhnya permukiman (perkotaan) • zaman tumbuhnya industri (mulai diterapkannya paham kapitalisme budidaya monokultur & monopoli) • aman informasi/globalisasi ? • What next ?
Apa yang harus kita lakukan untuk Biodiversitas: • Konservasi: • In-situ • Ex-situ • Fungsionalisasi • Bioprospecting • Bioteknologi
General Definition Penerapan teknologi untuk memperbaiki organisme/jasad hidup Detailed Definition Penerapan teknologi untuk memodifikasi fungsi biologis dari organisme dengan menambahkan gen/sel/koloni sel dari organisme lain Bioteknologi
Peran/manfaat Bioteknologi • Biotechnology is a series of enabling technologies, which involves the manipulation of living organisms or their sub-cellular components to develop useful • Products (e.g. insulin) • Processes (e.g. improved fermentation) • Services (e.g. bioremediation) • Biotechnology encompasses a wide range of fields, including the life sciences, chemistry, agriculture, environmental science, medicine, veterinary medicine, engineering and computer science.
Biotechnology Application: Crop Production Crop Production Animal Production Animal Production Food & Nutrition Food & Nutrition Bio Bio - - Processing Processing Medicine Medicine Crop Yield Crop Yield Livestock Performance Livestock Performance Organoleptics Organoleptics Food Enzymes Food Enzymes Pharmaceutical Pharmaceutical Proteins Proteins Output: grain and biomass Output: grain and biomass Feed to gain improvements: Feed to gain improvements: Sensory quality: Sensory quality: Raw material conversion: Raw material conversion: Photosynthesis, enzymatic regulation, plant structure, Photosynthesis, enzymatic regulation, plant structure, High density, more completely balanced feed resulting in High density, more completely balanced feed resulting in Improved taste, texture and appearance (proteins, Improved taste, texture and appearance (proteins, Enzymes in food production with higher purity & Enzymes in food production with higher purity & - - – – – – – – flowering, ripening, sprouting flowering, ripening, sprouting more meat per ton of feed more meat per ton of feed lipids, carbohydrates) lipids, carbohydrates) specificity: specificity: chymosin chymosin , lactase, alpha , lactase, alpha - - amylase, amylase, Production of complex proteins Production of complex proteins Protein quantity and quality Protein quantity and quality amyloglucosidase amyloglucosidase , , aceto aceto lactate lactate ecarboxylase ecarboxylase , , xylanase xylanase , , – – Abundant, cost effective production of therapeutic Abundant, cost effective production of therapeutic – – Grain quality Grain quality Oil (caloric energy) Oil (caloric energy) lipase, lipase, meniculllases meniculllases , cyclomaltodextrin , cyclomaltodextrin – – Nutrition Nutrition proteins with improved safety and specificity. Eg proteins with improved safety and specificity. Eg Hirudin Hirudin Amino acids Amino acids glycoslytransferase glycoslytransferase . . – – Composition specifications and grade Composition specifications and grade – – Fatty acids Fatty acids – – Efficient drug delivery vehicle Efficient drug delivery vehicle Starch Starch Conversion of plant or animal raw material substrates into Conversion of plant or animal raw material substrates into – – – – Micronutrients Micronutrients Selective breeding Selective breeding Carbohydrate Carbohydrate foods (e.g. cheese, bread, beer). foods (e.g. cheese, bread, beer). – – Edible vaccines for the management of: Edible vaccines for the management of: – – Bio Bio - - availability and preservation of vitamins & minerals: availability and preservation of vitamins & minerals: Vitamin and mineral composition Vitamin and mineral composition – – – – Reducing the time it takes to develop improved crops Reducing the time it takes to develop improved crops Dental caries Dental caries – – - - Iron, Folic Acid, Vitamins A, C, E Iron, Folic Acid, Vitamins A, C, E Antioxidants Antioxidants Bacteriocin Bacteriocin preservatives / peptide antimicrobials (e.g. preservatives / peptide antimicrobials (e.g. – – – – Gastroenteritis virus Gastroenteritis virus - - Improved performance of growth factors and Improved performance of growth factors and Nisin Nisin ) ) – – Abiotic stress tolerance: Abiotic stress tolerance: Hepatitis B Hepatitis B - - Fiber content Fiber content hormones to increase food yield hormones to increase food yield Measles Measles - - Increase the ability of crops to grow in a geography by Increase the ability of crops to grow in a geography by – – Food Processing Food Processing Genital herpes Genital herpes - - increasing tolerance to: increasing tolerance to: Feed digestibility Feed digestibility Protein Protein Rotavirus Rotavirus - - Moisture and Drought Moisture and Drought – – Enterogenic Enterogenic Escherichia coli Escherichia coli - - Derive greater nutritional value from feed Derive greater nutritional value from feed Quantity, composition and quality Quantity, composition and quality – – - - Heat and Cold Heat and Cold - - Norwalk Norwalk virsus virsus – – Ruminant animals (corn silage lignin) Ruminant animals (corn silage lignin) Amino acids methionine, lysine, tryptophan Amino acids methionine, lysine, tryptophan Improved processing Improved processing – – - - Saline Saline - - Pseudomonas, Pseudomonas, – – Increase oligosaccharides to reduce non Increase oligosaccharides to reduce non - - digestable digestable – – Heavy Metals Al, Se, Heavy Metals Al, Se, Mn Mn and Ozone and Ozone - - Increased yield, quality, consistency Increased yield, quality, consistency Staphylococcus Staphylococcus Vegetable oils Vegetable oils – – – – compounds is soybeans ( compounds is soybeans ( stachyose stachyose , , galactose galactose , , raffinose raffinose ) ) Optimized cost Optimized cost non Hodgkin's B non Hodgkin's B - - cell lymphoma cell lymphoma – – – – Reducing phytate content for increased bioavailability of Reducing phytate content for increased bioavailability of – – Nutritional quality, cooking stability, shelf life Nutritional quality, cooking stability, shelf life Pest Management Pest Management – – Reduced food loss / waste Reduced food loss / waste Insulin Insulin - - dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM), an dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM), an – – – – amino acids, amino acids, chelation chelation of mineral ions for less P & N of mineral ions for less P & N Low saturated fats Low saturated fats - - auto immune disease auto immune disease waste waste High oleic acid High oleic acid - - Improved food ingredients Improved food ingredients Increased stearate Increased stearate - - Drug Discovery and Drug Discovery and Carcass quality Carcass quality Disease resistance Disease resistance Increased laurate Increased laurate - - Organic acids: Lactic, citric, Organic acids: Lactic, citric, gluconic gluconic , , proprionic proprionic – – Essential fatty acids (PUFA balance) Essential fatty acids (PUFA balance) – – Amino acids: lysine, methionine, tocopherol Amino acids: lysine, methionine, tocopherol Meat composition: efficient delivery of micro / macro Meat composition: efficient delivery of micro / macro – – – – Fungus: Fungus: verticillium verticillium , , fusarium fusarium , , sclerotinia sclerotinia , grey mould, , grey mould, - - Vitamins Vitamins Screening Screening nutrients in human diet nutrients in human diet – – botryrtis botryrtis , powdery mildew, black , powdery mildew, black sigatoka sigatoka Carbohydrates / Starch Carbohydrates / Starch Gums Gums Meat texture, appearance, taste Meat texture, appearance, taste – – – – Bacteria: bacterial blight Bacteria: bacterial blight - - Sucrose Sucrose Protein, Oil and Amino Acids Protein, Oil and Amino Acids – – – – Resistant starch Resistant starch – – slowly digested to improve colonic slowly digested to improve colonic Virus: BYDV, mosaics, leaf curl, spotted wilt, ring spot, Virus: BYDV, mosaics, leaf curl, spotted wilt, ring spot, – – - - Non nutritive and semi Non nutritive and semi - - nutritive sweeteners nutritive sweeteners Vitamin and mineral composition Vitamin and mineral composition – – – – health, generation of short chain FA, slow energy release health, generation of short chain FA, slow energy release feathery mottle, necrotic yellow vein viruses feathery mottle, necrotic yellow vein viruses Bio Bio - - active molecules active molecules Processed starch products e.g. Processed starch products e.g. maltodextrins maltodextrins , , Antioxidants Antioxidants – – – – for diabetics and athletes for diabetics and athletes oligosaccharides, sugars, high fructose corn syrups for oligosaccharides, sugars, high fructose corn syrups for Mode of action Mode of action – – Increased starch potatoes (reduce oil absorption during Increased starch potatoes (reduce oil absorption during Insect & Nematode resistance Insect & Nematode resistance – – health health Novel chemistry Novel chemistry – – processing processing Animal Health Animal Health Foliar, Root, Fruit, Grain Foliar, Root, Fruit, Grain Carbohydrates such as Carbohydrates such as arabinogalactans arabinogalactans and and inulins inulins for for - - – – Fructan producing sugar beets (sweetness equal to Fructan producing sugar beets (sweetness equal to – – Sucking, Chewing, Piercing Sucking, Chewing, Piercing prebiotic prebiotic improved colonic improved colonic microflora microflora . . - - sucrose without the calories) sucrose without the calories) Natural products Natural products Pectin processing yield and cooking properties Pectin processing yield and cooking properties – – Herbicide tolerance Herbicide tolerance Animal fertility and genetics Animal fertility and genetics Probiotics Probiotics Identification and synthesis of phytochemicals from Identification and synthesis of phytochemicals from – – Industrial Processing Industrial Processing plants with medicinal and cosmetic properties. plants with medicinal and cosmetic properties. More environmentally benign e.g. More environmentally benign e.g. Glyphosate Glyphosate , , - - Gastro intestinal health: colonic Gastro intestinal health: colonic microflora microflora Lactobacillus Lactobacillus – – Alternate mode of action e.g. IMI, SU, Alternate mode of action e.g. IMI, SU, Glufosinate Glufosinate Plant based animal vaccines Plant based animal vaccines - - and and Bifidobacterium Bifidobacterium stimulate mucosal immune system, stimulate mucosal immune system, increase resistance to food borne illness & chronic increase resistance to food borne illness & chronic Gastroenteritis virus Gastroenteritis virus – – Bio Bio - - energy production energy production disease disease Bio Bio - - pesticides pesticides Pathogen resistance Pathogen resistance Ethanol Ethanol – – Phytochemicals Phytochemicals Lubricants Lubricants – – Environment Environment Reduced infestations from infectious disease that are Reduced infestations from infectious disease that are – – Disease prevention (cardiovascular, cancer, diabetes, Disease prevention (cardiovascular, cancer, diabetes, Liquid Wax Liquid Wax – – – – human health risks human health risks eg eg Salmonella Salmonella obesity, osteoporosis, arthritis) obesity, osteoporosis, arthritis) Bioactive peptides Bioactive peptides Waste water treatment Waste water treatment - - Aquaculture Aquaculture Decrease pesticides Decrease pesticides Isoflavones Isoflavones - - Phytosterols Phytosterols - - Substitute chemicals for gene traits Substitute chemicals for gene traits – – Bio Bio - - catalysts catalysts Anti Anti - - oxidants: oxidants: flavanol flavanol , , lycopene lycopene , , tocopherol tocopherol – – Sustainable production Sustainable production Improve production practices Improve production practices Shelf life Shelf life Detergent proteases Detergent proteases Salomon Salomon – – Reduced soil erosion, Improved ground and surface Reduced soil erosion, Improved ground and surface – – Talapia Talapia – – water, Less fuel, Less land water, Less fuel, Less land Trout Trout – – Controlled plant ripening and post harvest shelf life Controlled plant ripening and post harvest shelf life – – Bio Bio - - polymers polymers Flounder Flounder – – Enhanced package goods shelf life Enhanced package goods shelf life eg eg Bread Bread Reduce fertilizer dependence Reduce fertilizer dependence – – Catfish Catfish – – Reduce browning from bruising, polypheno oxidase Reduce browning from bruising, polypheno oxidase - - Improved plant extraction, transport and utilization Improved plant extraction, transport and utilization Shrimp Shrimp - - – – Specialty Chemicals Specialty Chemicals decreases demand for synthetic fertilizers (Nitrogen, decreases demand for synthetic fertilizers (Nitrogen, Allergens and Safety Allergens and Safety Phosphorus, Potash) Phosphorus, Potash) Fibers Fibers Increase plant biodiversity Increase plant biodiversity Reduced allergens: Reduced allergens: Glycoalkaloids Glycoalkaloids , , trypsin trypsin inhibitors, inhibitors, – – Modified lignin from pulp Modified lignin from pulp – – cyanogenic cyanogenic glycosides, proteins glycosides, proteins Expand crop gene pool and reduce risk of crop failures. Expand crop gene pool and reduce risk of crop failures. - - Silk Silk – – Reduced Mycotoxin: Reduced Mycotoxin: Fumonisin Fumonisin , Aflatoxin , Aflatoxin 80,000 species of edible plants, cultivate 300, 12 are food 80,000 species of edible plants, cultivate 300, 12 are food – – Cotton Cotton – – Detection methods for pathogens, toxins Detection methods for pathogens, toxins staples. staples. – –
Contohnya: • lihat berbagai variasi kulit biji • buncis berikut Mengapa bioteknologi diperlukan/ Perlu dikembangkan ?: • Alam memiliki kekayaan variasi kehidupan • (BIODIVERSITY) Akan tetapi tidak semua variasi yang tersedia di alam sesuai dengan kebutuhan manusia
Pisang dengan vaksinnya • Padi dengan nutrisi lengkap Maunya manusia ? > Dan lain-lain ??????
Bioteknologi klasik; Misal: penggunaan ragi untuk roti, tempe , peyem dll
Bioteknologi modern; Misal: industri enzim/vaksin, tanaman transgenik dll
Bagaimana prinsip-prinsip bioteknologi modern? DNA Protein Enzim
Fungsi sel Faktor lingkungan Substrat +/- Gen Organel sel +/- Enzim Protein F E8 Metabolit E1 E2 E3 S A B C D E E4 E5 E6 G Organel sel E7 P Produk (contoh: Penicillin)
Manipulasi gen • Identifikasi gen dari spesies lain dengan fenotipe yang diinginkan • atau memodifikasi gen yang ada (membuat alel baru) Introduksi gen • Menyisipkan gen baru pada organisme • melalui teknik transformasi • Organisme baru disebut Organisme transgenik Dibedakan 2 pendekatan teknik rekayasa genetik
The Golden Rice Story • Vitamin A deficiency is a major health problem • Causes blindness • Influences severity of diarrhea, measles • >100 million children suffer from the problem • For many countries, the infrastructure doesn’t exist • to deliver vitamin pills • Improved vitamin A content in widely consumed crops • an attractive alternative
IPP Geranylgeranyl diphosphate Phytoene synthase Phytoene Vitamin A Pathway is complete and functional Phytoene desaturase ξ-carotene desaturase Lycopene Lycopene-beta-cyclase -carotene (vitamin A precursor) Golden Rice The Golden Rice Solution -Carotene Pathway Genes Added Daffodil gene Single bacterial gene; performs both functions Daffodil gene
Plant Tissue Culture A Requirement for Transgenic Development Callus grows A plant part Is cultured Shoots develop Shoots are rooted; plant grows to maturity
Overview of creating transgenic plants using Agrobacterium tumefaciens.
Kontroversi Bioteknologi • Should we develop transgenics? • Should we release transgenics? • Are transgenics safe? • Are transgenics a threat to non-transgenic • production systems? • Are transgenics a threat to natural • eco-systems?