CUSTOMER SERVICE The ability of knowledgeable, capable, and enthusiastic employees to deliver products and services to their internal and external customers in a manner which satisfies identified and unidentified needs and ultimately results in positive word-of-mouth publicity and return business.
CUSTOMER SERVICE Is this a change in thinking about customers? Yes!
Early Industrial Economy Emphasis was on creating products and developing techniques to lower production costs. “You can have any color car you want – as long as it’s black.”
CUSTOMER SERVICE Eventually you end up competing on what factor? Price!
SHIFT TO SERVICE Customer Focused Organizations • Focus is on determining and meeting customer needs • Products and services are based on what the customer wants. • Policies are in place to allow employee decision making. • Management and systems support and reward employees. • Reevaluation of strategies and systems is ongoing.
SOCIETAL FACTORS AFFECTING CUSTOMER SERVICE (1) • Shifts in the population profile • Increased efficiency in technology • Globalization of the economy • Deregulation of many industries • Geopolitical changes
SOCIETAL FACTORS AFFECTING CUSTOMER SERVICE (2) • Increase in white-collar workers • Socioeconomic programs • More women entering workforce • More diverse population in workforce • More older workers in workforce
SOCIETAL FACTORS AFFECTING CUSTOMER SERVICE (3) • Desire for better use of leisure time • Expectation of quality service • Better-educated customers • Increased number of small businesses • Growth of e-commerce
ADDRESSING THE CHANGES • Must provide service excellence • Anticipate customer needs • Train employees • Give employees authority to resolve issues • Must become “Learning Organizations”
Learning Organizations: • Use knowledge as a basis for competitiveness • Provide ongoing training and development for employees • Have reward systems in place • Learn from mistakes and adapt • Train employees to spot potential problems and to proactively make adjustments • Give employees authority to make decisions • Empowerment
CUSTOMER SERVICE ENVIRONMENT Organizational Culture Service CUSTOMER Human Resources Delivery Systems Products/Deliverables