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WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 11 2013 mercredi le 11 septembre 2013. Sept. 9-13 week (3 rd week of 1 st 6 weeks) McCage. Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri. F 3.
Sept. 9-13 week (3rd week of 1st 6 weeks) McCage Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri
F 3 • Warm UP: choisissez et conjugez le verbe! • Letters rough drafts due! Rest: get yours back! • Name Acrostics due (rough drafts) • Begin introduction game! No H/W! Tomorrow: project specs out.
F 3 warmup. Choisissez et conjugez le verbe! • Je ___ en retard. SUIS • Il ___ la vaiselle. FAIT • Nous ___ chercher du soda. ALLONS • Tu ___ envie de dormir? AS • Vous ___ de faire les devoirs? VENEZ ALLER ETRE FAIRE VENIR AVOIR ?????
F 2PreAP-Homecoming ballots • Borrowed Words “G” sentences-100% NOW! (or hand in a blank paper that has heading/#/title). • Warmup: Do next slide in your notebook! 2nd section: warmups • See:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7JQ-C3c9taM (weather) (time): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NBX1Tf7Pwpk&list=PL87B9C65AF2B6F14B 4. F 1 vocabulary-orange pages & also review R2 & R3 5. Notes: LA VIE SCOLAIRE (page 5)-in notebook! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MktWl0zvtU4 6. If time: Q & A papers back & practice aloud for oral points! H/W: pg. 5 & Handouts on school supplies/class & study for quiz (R2, R 3, orange packet-Friday!!!)
F 2 PreAPWarmup-Répondez aux questions: 1.Quel temps fait-ilaujourd’hui? Il fait chaud. (beau). 2. Quel temps fait-il en hiver? Il fait froid (frais). Il neige. 3. Quel jour est-ceaujourd’hui? Aujourd’huiest (c’est) mercredi. 4. Quelleest la date aujourd’hui? C’est le 11 septembre. 5. Quelleheureest-il? Il est 8h30. (Huitheurestrente/et demie).
F 2 R • Zero’s-owed work etc. • Notes: pg. 5 of textbook (school/subjects words) • Vocabulary F 1-Orange packet page 3 and R 2 R 3 vocabulary review. See:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7JQ-C3c9taM (weather) (time): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NBX1Tf7Pwpk&list=PL87B9C65AF2B6F14B Funny: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MktWl0zvtU4 If time? Je me présente-Q &A for oral points • YOUR QUIZ IS NOW FRIDAY! (TABLETS TUES!) H/W: study R2 & R3 & start School packet!
F 1 • Draw #’s for oral grade today, quick review. • Turn in Map of France/Flags page NOW or a blank sheet of paper with heading/#/title—ALL OF YOU! • Turn in Borrowed Words “A” definitions if you have them-due by end of class. 4. Rest of time: work on Borrowed Words “A” for 100 (due at end of class) or work on Cognates pages! H/W: Finish cognate pages for 100 tomorrow or finish borrowed words for 70%. Map/Flag for 50%. • Project specs out tomorrow! Pick countries tomorrow!
F 1-Oral grade • L’alphabet: A,B,C,D,E………Z. • Les nombres 0-20-comptez: 0, 1, 2,3…..20 • Les couleurs: Red, black, green, pink, brown, purple, yellow, white, blue Skit: SKIT: Bonjour! Bonjour madame! Comment t’appelles-tu? Je m’appelle Sophie (S-O-P-H-I-E) Quelâge as-tu? J’ai # ans.Tues de Texas? Oui, je suis de Texas. (Non, je suis de…..) Tuesaméricain(e)? Je suisaméricain(e). (Non, je suis..) Au revoir! Au revoirmadame!