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The key to living a long and disease-free life isn’t a great secret. You must keep your cells healthy. For more information download Dr. Mark Stengler’s Special Report.
SPECIAL REPORT:OZONE THERAPY Low energy? Chronic infection? Crippling pain? Your cells might need more oxygen… and here’s how you can deliver it directly to them The key to living a long and disease-free life isn’t a great secret—you have to keep your cells healthy. So how do you do it? Well, believe it or not, the largest determining factor in how healthy your cells are isn’t water…or vitamins…or protein… It’s oxygen! You can breathe in all the oxygen you want. But if it’s not getting to your cells—or they can’t use it properly—you can be a sitting duck for serious infections, low energy levels, and literally dozens of chronic illnesses. In fact, lots of diseases we develop over time can be traced back to our cells not getting all the oxygen they need. Fortunately, there’s a solution that’s becoming much more widely available to patients everywhere: medical ozone. Medical ozone treatments actually help your cells take in more oxygen, and stimulate the enzyme that transfers oxygen into your cells. And as I’ve seen in my own practice, regular ozone treatments can be the secret to conquering infectious diseases, eliminating fatigue, and even fighting everything from heart disease to cancer. End years of suffering with this energy-boosting, infection-fighting compound Before I get into all the science behind ozone, let me give you a quick example of what it can do. 2
SPECIAL REPORT:OZONE THERAPY Case in point: Adam, a 50-year-old patient of mine who’d been diagnosed with a chronic viral illness, came to me and said, “I have been fatigued for more than five years.” That’s right—FIVE YEARS! He’d received little to no help from the doctor who had been treating him—other than being told to “rest.” And, clearly, that wasn’t working. My treatment plan was a lot more tactical: I injected Adam with a series of infusions of his own blood mixed with medical grade ozone. This treatment, known as IV Major Auto-Hemotherapy (see sidebar), can greatly enhance immune function to eradicate infections AND stimulate the mitochondria to produce more energy. Sure enough, within just three treatments, Adam’s energy began to return—and after completing 10 treatments, he said he felt like he did in his 20s. For patients like Adam with chronic viral infections, the use of medical ozone can be outstanding. In a 2011 study, ozone therapy significantly improved the symptoms associated with chronic Hepatitis C. In fact, ozone therapy was even associated with the DISAPPEARANCE of the Hepatitis C virus in 25-45 percent of patients who had it.1 Recently, I had good results with a patient with a chronic bacterial infection who’d been receiving antibiotic injections for TWO YEARS. After a series of IV Major Auto- Hemotherapy (the same treatment that Adam received for his chronic viral infection), her lab values and symptoms dramatically improved. 5 Ways to Get Your O 5 Ways to Get Your O3 3 I should note that you should never inhale ozone, as it can be damaging the delicate mucous membranes of your respiratory tract. However, it doesn’t carry this type of risk when infused with blood and administered intravenously or used topically. Here are the five major ways that ozone therapy can be administered for the treatment of medical conditions: 3
SPECIAL REPORT:OZONE THERAPY 1.IV Major Auto-Hemotherapy: A patient’s blood is drawn into a sterile medical container and then mixed with medical-grade ozone and a blood thinner (heparin). The mixture is then dripped directly into the patient’s vein over a period of approximately 25 minutes. 2.Minor Auto-Hemotherapy: Blood is drawn from the patient, mixed with medical ozone, and then injected into the buttocks muscle. 3.Injections: The injection of medical grade ozone is becoming popular as a non- steroidal treatment of joint pain. There are also different injections available for dental infections and sinus infections. 4.Rectal insufflation: Medical ozone is literally blown into the rectum, where it is highly absorbed by the blood vessels. This can be used for digestive ailments or, due to the high absorption, for systemic treatment. 5.Topical ozone treatments: Ozone can be applied topically to the skin with carriers such as water and oils. Commercially-available ozone oils (often olive oil) are available. Ozone gives your immune system a boost Ozone gives your immune system a boost Now that I’ve shown you what ozone can do, let’s talk a little about why it works so well. I’m sure you know all about the “ozone layer” in the Earth’s stratosphere that blocks UV light. And, in fact, when we talk about medical ozone, it’s actually the same molecule! Ozone is formed in nature when electricity (such as lightning) or ultraviolet light acts on a molecule of O2 (oxygen). This causes the two oxygen atoms to briefly separate into single oxygen atoms. Most of these oxygen atoms will quickly reunite to again form O2 (oxygen)…but a few of them will come together in three’s to form O3 (ozone). This happens in nature all the time. But doctors and scientists can also use special ozone generators to artificially form ozone for medical purposes. Medical ozone won’t damage your body’s cells. Normal cells were designed to interact with oxygen and have protections for when they come into contact with too much of it. In fact, your body’s own immune system actually generates ozone! 4
SPECIAL REPORT:OZONE THERAPY But most bacteria and viruses don’t have built-in safeguards against an oxygen overload. This makes ozone therapy an excellent treatment for acute and chronic infections. Ozone can be used for all types of infections including viral, bacterial, fungal, and parasitic. Once given, ozone doesn’t stay in your blood for very long, but it leaves behind short- and long-acting reactive oxygen species that attack disease-causing pathogens. It kills bacteria by damaging the bacteria cell wall, and it can disrupt the bonds of the virus membrane, causing the virus to die.2 Ozone also stimulates your immune system response, increasing white blood cell activity and stimulating chemicals that enhance the immune system response. Sometimes, certain immune chemicals may fight an infection too hard and cause too much inflammation, which can result in cell damage and even cell death. Ozone has been shown to reduce excess levels of those chemicals, giving you a much better chance of surviving what would’ve otherwise been a lethal infection. I’ve started using ozone therapy for patients with acute infections such as the flu or upper respiratory tract infections with good results. It can also be used topically for a variety of skin infections, and it can be effective for dental infections—including gingivitis, periodontitis, and root canal infections—when administered by injection or with topical treatments. In fact, an increasing number of holistic dentists are offering this type of therapy. A 2012 review study published on the use of ozone in periodontics concluded, “In comparison with classical medicine modalities such as antibiotics and disinfectants, ozone therapy is quite inexpensive, predictable and conservative. The ozone therapy has been more beneficial than present conventional therapeutic modalities.” Ozone: 150 years of safe, effective use Ozone: 150 years of safe, effective use10 1857: First ozone generator developed in Germany. 1880: Dr. John Kellogg used ozone steam saunas in Michigan. 1885: Dr. Charles Kenworthy published Ozone. 5
SPECIAL REPORT:OZONE THERAPY 1898: Institute for Oxygen Therapy Healing founded by Thauerkauf and Luth, who began injecting ozone experimentally in animals. 1904: Charles March published his book The Medical uses of Hydrozone (ozonated water) and Glycozone (ozonated olive oil) with the U.S. Surgeon General’s stamp of approval on it. 1914-1918: During World War I, ozone was used to treat wounds, trench foot, and gangrene and to counteract the effects from poisonous gas. 1915: Dr. Albert Wolff of Berlin used ozone to treat colon cancer, cervical cancer, and decubitus ulcers. 1938: Dr. Aubourg of France administered 8,000 applications of ozone with no harmful side effects and wrote Medical Ozone: Production, Dosage and Methods of Clinical Application. 1970s-1980s: Successful uses in AIDS patients and AIDS-related cases of cancer 1982: A German study called “Adverse Effects in Ozone-Oxygen Therapy” was published in which 1,000 therapists found ozone to be effective for 90 percent of 5,000,000 patients who were treated.11 1983: The first International Ozone Association medical ozone conference held in Washington, D.C. 1987: Dr. Siegfried Rilling and Dr. Renate Viebahn published what’s now considered the standard medical text on ozone application, The Use of Ozone in Medicine. 1990: Cubans reported success in treating glaucoma, conjunctivitis, and retinitis pigmentosa (a.k.a. rod cone dystrophy) with ozone. 2002: International recognized authority Dr. Velio Bocci from Italy published Oxygen- Ozone Therapy: A Critical Evaluation.12 2005: Dr. Bocci published his follow-up book, Ozone: A New Medical Drug.13 2011: Dr. Frank Shallenberger, considered the leading expert in oxidative medicine in the U.S., published Principles and Applications of Ozone Therapy: A Practical Guideline for Physicians. 14 6
SPECIAL REPORT:OZONE THERAPY Saving lives…and limbs…around the world Saving lives…and limbs…around the world So how powerful is medical ozone? During the Ebola virus outbreak in West Africa, Dr. Robert Rowen led a team to Sierra Leone to provide medical ozone therapy for those afflicted with this deadly disease. Four symptomatic patients who’d been exposed to Ebola started getting better immediately after beginning ozone treatment. Although the patients recovered within two to four days, they were treated for 10 days…with NO complications.4 How’s that for compelling evidence? But I’ve actually heard from Dr. Rowen that American health authorities have expressed no interest in learning more about his medical ozone approach for Ebola nor in conducting further studies. Sadly, the medical establishment does not want to investigate non-toxic, inexpensive, and effective treatments, since they can’t be patented and sold for exorbitant prices, like with prescription pills. Dr. Silvia Menendez Cepero has also presented very interesting research on how Cuban doctors use medical ozone to successfully treat diabetic skin ulcers that would normally lead to amputation. After successive treatments—both intravenously and topically—many of these patients’ lesions completely healed, and their limbs were saved.5 I was fortunate to have the chance to see her speak at a medical conference, where she noted that Cuba has numerous ozone clinics. Since treatments are relatively inexpensive, they’re actually subsidized by the Cuban government. In fact, Cuban, Russian, and German doctors routinely prescribe medical ozone treatments to help patients treat a variety of diseases that range from infections…to cancer…to chronic fatigue. Based on the strong scientific findings in the literature, medical ozone should also be strongly considered for: Age-related macular degeneration: The “dry” form of macular degeneration (see my patient Marty’s story on page 8) can be helped with ozone therapy, which slows the progression of the disease and improves visual acuity. A study published in the International Journal of Ophthalmology found that those treated with IV Major Auto- Hemotherapy had no loss of visual acuity at their six-month and 12-month follow- ups—compared to the control group, which showed 40 percent loss of visual acuity at the 12-month mark.6 Autoimmune diseases: Emerging evidence shows a link between chronic infections and a dysregulated immune system and auto-immune diseases. As I mentioned earlier, ozone therapy works to modulate and balance the immune system, and it reduces inflammation. 7
SPECIAL REPORT:OZONE THERAPY Cancer: Medical ozone is gaining popularity for the integrative treatment of cancer. While not a cure by itself, medical ozone can be an important part of a comprehensive treatment plan, especially since cancer cells do not do well in an oxygen-rich environment. As I mentioned earlier, ozone improves immune system function—and that’s something that’s absolutely critical in the treatment of cancer. Cardiovascular disease: Ozone therapy can be a valuable treatment for those with cardiovascular disease where circulation is impaired. This includes coronary artery disease, angina, intermittent claudication (leg cramping), and diabetes. I have had many patients tell me they notice improvement in circulation to their lower legs and a reduction in swelling from ozone treatments. Dr. Shallenberger has written that he’s found the combination of IV Major Auto-Hemotherapy and chelation to be highly effective for those with chronic coronary artery disease. Fibromyalgia: Patients with fibromyalgia often have reduced mitochondrial energy production. Ozone directly supports the function of mitochondria and keeps inflammation in check. A small trial showed excellent improvement in 35 percent of patients receiving twice weekly IV Major Auto-Hemotherapy treatments with ozone, for a total of 16 treatments.7 My experience is that this treatment combined with the right dietary changes and specific nutritional supplements can reduce fibromyalgia symptoms by 80 percent or more. Inflammatory bowel disease: The use of ozone therapy can be effective on Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, particularly when administered with rectal insufflation (see sidebar). Osteoarthritis: In this most common form of arthritis, degeneration of the joint causes stiffness and pain. Injecting ozone into or near the joint works to reduce inflammation and pain, as well as stimulate tissue healing. At our clinic, we’ve seen many patients respond to this therapy, and multiple studies have proven that ozone is effective at reducing joint and back pain.8,9 Respiratory Illness: Using ozone to improve your cells’ oxygen uptake is especially valuable for patients with asthma, COPD, and emphysema. Ozone has been used for medical purposes for over a hundred years, yet few U.S. doctors are even aware of all of this published research demonstrating its potent effect in treating a number of illnesses. 8
SPECIAL REPORT:OZONE THERAPY But what does ozone actually But what does ozone actually do Ozone therapy can boost your body’s own natural mechanisms (directly or indirectly) to fight infection by destroying those pathogens, as well as:15 do in the body? in the body? stimulation of body’s own antioxidant production stimulation and balancing of immune system increased oxygenation of tissues stimulation of stem cell production activation of platelets and growth factors improved circulation So how much treatment will you So how much treatment will you need? need? Bottom line: Medical ozone therapy offers people a holistic approach to improve cellular oxygenation, which leads to better energy levels, less inflammation, less pain, and better immune function. People with chronic health conditions usually require a series of treatments that can range from one to two treatments weekly over the course of weeks, months, or more, depending on the severity of their condition. When performed by health professionals with proper training in medical ozone therapy, the treatments are very safe. Fortunately, a growing number of clinics in the United States (including my own) are treating patients with medical ozone. So, it shouldn’t be too hard to find treatment within a reasonable driving distance for you. 9
SPECIAL REPORT:OZONE THERAPY Article Citations: 1. Zaky S1, Kamel SE, Hassan MS, Sallam NA, Shahata MA, Helal SR, Mahmoud H. Preliminary results of ozone therapy as a possible treatment for patients with chronic hepatitis C. J Altern Complement Med. 2011 Mar;17(3):259-63 Robert Jay Rowen. American College for Advancement in Medicine Conference. November 5, 2014. G Gupta and B Mansi. Ozone therapy in periodontics. J Med Life. 2012 Feb 22; 5(1): 59–67. Ozone Cures Ebola http://www.docrowen.com/ozone-cures-ebola.html Latest Advances of Ozone Therapy in Cuba by Silvia Menendez Cepero, MD https://youtu.be/KiNXiQhmbEI Borrelli, E, et al. Effects of major ozonated autohemotherapy in the treatment of dry age related macular Degeneration: a randomized controlled clinical study. 2012.Int J. Ophthalmol. Brenden Cochran. Medical Applications of Ozone. California Association of Naturopathic Doctors Webinar November 15, 2015 Magalhaes FN1, Dotta L, Sasse A, Teixera MJ, Fonoff ET. Ozone therapy as a treatment for low back pain secondary to herniated disc: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Pain Physician. 2012 Mar- Apr;15(2). Al-Jaziri AA1, Mahmoodi SM. Painkilling effect of ozone-oxygen injection on spine and joint osteoarthritis. Saudi Med J. 2008 Apr;29(4):553-7. 10.Cochran, ibid. 11.Jacobs, M. T. (1982). Adverse effects and typical complications in ozone-oxygen therapy. Ozonachrichten, 1, 193-201. 12.books.google.com/books/about/Oxygen_Ozone_Therapy.html?id=OitucgAACAAJ&hl=en 13.books.google.com/books/about/OZONE_A_New_Medical_Drug.html?id=QjlzTf2gJB8C 14.Frank Shallenberger. Principles and Applications of Ozone Therapy. A Practical Guideline For Physicians. March 2016. www.books.google.com/books/about/Principles_and_Applications_of_Ozone_The.html?id=ecuhZwEACAAJ 15.Rowen, ibid 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Adapted from Dr. Stengler's Health Revelations Newsletter with permission. 10