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WebInq electronic data collection service INE Portugal

Explore Electronic Data Reporting (EDR) methods and the impact on data collection figures at INE Portugal, including WebInq, user authentication, and survey management. Learn about WebInq concepts, monthly active enterprises, intrastat webforms, and subscriber areas. Gain insights into managing electronic questionnaires and secure file uploads through WebInq.

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WebInq electronic data collection service INE Portugal

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  1. Topic (ii) Electronic reporting of census data and other national experiences WebInqelectronic data collection service INE Portugal Electronic Raw Data Reporting UNECE / Eurostat (Geneva, 6 – 8 November 2006)Paulo Saraiva dos Santos

  2. Background ofData Collection and EDRat INE Portugal

  3. Data Collection figures • Resources  250 workers + 400 local interviewers  12 M € • 100 surveys and 570 occurrences • 90 by self-completed  (20 with 86% of enterprises); • 15 by interview • 110,000 enterprises (99% small or medium-sized enterprises). Average annual indicators • Electronic Data Reporting (EDR) • 46% of surveys • 56% of responses  WebInq and e-mail • 26,000 enterprises and 282,000 responses 2005

  4. Data Collection impact It demands for a flexible solution Multi enterprise, surveys and respondents 

  5. … some initiatives (XLS worksheets) 1997: Intrastat and IDEP  e-mail (EDIFACT, ASCII) 1998: e-mail management (automatic acknowledgment) 2003: WebInq public access  XLS and e-mail July.05: WebInq subscriber area  Intrastat webform 2006Q4: 20 surveys EDR timeline

  6. WebInq concepts

  7. INE’s website data collection channel; Webforms and uploads (XML and XLS) It provides information about surveys; It aims to be a single point of access to manage electronic questionnaires; Users: Individuals, enterprises and other institutions, third declarants Does not cover local units and establishments Does not cover all of our electronic reporting What is WebInq?

  8. Only internal resources Microsoft .NET Framework Version 1.1 Microsoft Visual Studio ASPX and JavaScripts SQL*Server and Oracle thawte SSL certificates WebInq development

  9. 9,000 enterprises 8,000 users (7% third declarants) 20 e-questionnaires Intrastat webforms: 2,600 declarants 20,000 returns (2006) WebInq figures (2006 October)

  10. WebInq monthly active enterprises

  11. WebInq: Intrastat active declarants

  12. WebInq entities and components Subscriber ID AAA000001 Fiscal number 01 123456789 Entities Designation Acronym • Web channel; • Management tool (BOW); • Intranet indicators report; • Intranet e-questionnaire edit tool (WebReg). Components

  13. WebInq http://webinq.ine.pt/

  14. WebInq management tool (intranet)

  15. WebInq indicators report (intranet)

  16. WebReg: Intranet webform edit tool

  17. PUBLIC area General information and help about WebInq; Statistical terms and concepts; Download of files related with each survey; Specific survey information; SUBSCRIBER area User authentication; Update information about inquired units; User association with inquired units and surveys; Manage questionnaires and users; Secured upload of XML files. WebInq: two different areas

  18. Public area menu options Service presentation Access to subscriber area File downloads Surveys area Help Statistical terms and concepts WebInq contacts

  19. Surveys: IEH: annual business survey IMPI, IAPI: industrial production (monthly and annual) ICCOP: conjuncture (construction) PTRE: quarterly business survey IVN (5): business short term indicators Intrastat: monthly EU trade of goods RIAP: properties of the public administration SPE: business services IEGPA: environment business UCDR: large commercial surfaces … Surveys area

  20. Intrastat Objectives Legal framework Type of survey Data collection methods Questionnaire How to respond IDEP CD request Users manual Dissemination products Help Contacts Intrastat specific information

  21. Main user Master key Update inquired unity attributes Generate survey access codes to secondary users Follow-up the activity of secondary users Report data Secondary user Activate surveys with access codes Report data Two types of users

  22. A subscriber can: be a user of one or more inquired units; manage one or more surveys from an inquired unit; become a main or a secondary user of a unit; become a main user of an unit and a secondary user of another different unit. Very flexible solution. Subscribers and users

  23. Subscribers, enterprises and surveys C2 C3 C1 U1 S1 S1 S2 S2 U2 S2 S3 S1 U3 S3

  24. Authentication process @ 

  25. Go to subscriber area Choose new subscriber option Accept terms and conditions Provide personal information WebInq generates ID and password WebInq send an e-mail with the password Become a WebInq subscriber

  26. Subscriber area menu options Exit Help • First access • Identify the unit • Activate master key • Activate survey List of units Update user information Change password

  27. Subscribe and login WebInq; Apply to an unit master key; Receive and activate the master key; Manage questionnaires; Manage secondary users. Main user access

  28. Subscribe and login WebInq; Identify the inquired unit (enterprise); INE send a letter to the inquired unit with the master key, informing the name of the user applicant; The inquired unit send the master key to the user applicant; The user activate the master key and become the main user of the inquired unit. Become a main user for a unit

  29. Subscribe and login WebInq; Receive the survey activation code from a main user (one for unit and survey); Activate the survey (one unit); Manage the questionnaires. Secondary user access

  30. Activity: Choose an inquired unit

  31. Activity: Manage the inquired unity

  32. Activity: Survey management

  33. Intrastat webform. Returns report

  34. Intrastat webform. Insert a line

  35. Intrastat. Lines list and validation

  36. PTRE: XML upload example

  37. IMPI. Industrial production (monthly)

  38. IEGPA. Business environment

  39. IVNEC. Commerce short-term indicator

  40. Foreseen developments • Other types of unities (establishments); • XBRL upload; • Optimize response view; • Adapt survey management; • English version; • Management tool for all surveys.

  41. Topic (ii) Electronic reporting of census data and other national experiences WebInqelectronic data collection service INE Portugal Electronic Raw Data Reporting UNECE / Eurostat (Geneva, 6 – 8 November 2006)Paulo Saraiva dos Santos

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