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Explore the history and development of research and development (R&D) cooperation in the Barents/Euro-Arctic region. Learn about the key initiatives, partnerships, and projects that have shaped cross-border collaboration. Discover the importance of preserving the environment and fostering innovation in achieving a sustainable future.
Hierarchy of Priorities for Barents Cooperation: R&D DimensionИерархия приоритетов научно-технического сотрудничества в Баренц /Евро-Арктическом регионе V. Petrov Kola Science Centre, vice-president Кольский научный центр РАН
KSC played an active and important role in initiation and performing of the Barents Program during early 90`ies. Gorbachev’s “Murmansk Initiatives” in 1987 were grounded on new knowledge on regional resources and thechnological potential, revealed and proven by scientists Кольский научный центр РАН 1st October, 1987. M.Gorbachev and V.Kalinnikov in KSC Museum
From “iron fence” to “Murmansk corridor” 1987 was the turn point in development our cooperation with Norway: only two months after the Gorbachev’ Speech the Mission Team of Finnmark Fylkeskommune visited Murmansk and I met Thor Robertsen, full of energy and courage to work with us. And then many other strong and wisdom partners jointed to the Virtual Friends Team, focused on development of co-operation cross any barriers and borders. Кольский научный центр РАН
1992 – first contacts andpractical steps in cooperation The first unofficial visit in Apatity in summer 1992 the youngest member of Norwegian Parliament Jens Stoltenberg. We discussed with him environmental challenges and perspective for mutual projects, and during 90-es he was steadly promoting in arrangement and performance our primary common program – “Priroda Kola-Finnmark”. The first business visit in KSC from Finnmark, when Mr. Tarald Husaas, Managing Director of Sydvaranger, agreed to buy the KSC advanced separators for iron ore processing.
1991 – we arranged an exchange by life experience via first Ecological Magazine for North Europe – “ECONORD” ECONORD FATHERS-FOUNDATORS: Svein Sorensen of Svanik People School and Alexandr Baklanov of Kola Science Centre Lessons of Environment care were arranged in KSC kindergartens View on Kola from Norway in 1991
1992 – first direct links between Apatity and Oslo via NORSAT B That was first “gate” to INTERNET In the Murmansk Region, As well as the crucial tool of common systems for seismological and environmental Monitoring in BEAR
When the Barents Region and Barents Council were officially established in 1993, our cooperation extended rapidly. Acadimishen V. Kalinnikov was approved as the Head of Committee for Research and High Education for 1993-1997 and tried to improve cross-border links between KSC and Norwegian universities and R&D units. That was a prominent period of knowledge exchange between us, and I should to emphases especially a giant contribution in the process from Ms. Oddrun Pedersen, General Secretary of Barents Secretariat, She initiated annual Barents Symposiums in Kirkenes and so in 1993-1996 Finnmark has been transformed in a key distributor of advanced knowledge on Barents Region. And then the gate to Russia was opened widely, and in Apatity we was going along the way experienced in Kirkenes Кольский научный центр РАН
OUR MUTUAL GOAL – TO PRESERVE NORTHERN NATURE FOREVER What we have to do first of all ? To develop mutually Systems for Environment Control and Protection and we have to extent cooperation in SME focused on innovation Кольский научный центр РАН
To make an innovation shell around KSCas a main producer of new ideas and knowledgewe arranged the APATITY innovation cluster: Kola Science Centre
Cooperation KSC - NORWAY Many important mutual projects were developed and performed in a such style and we have to say a great gratitude to many high skilled Norwegian experts who share their experience how to live in a market society. As a sign of our acknowledgement of tutors Erling Fløtten, Atle Melkild, Thor Robertsen, and Kåre Storvik were appointed as the KSC Visiting Professors in 2004 Кольский научный центр РАН
Brain attacks or common thinking nowadays is used as an optimal approach in searching a right path to sustainable future Seminar in KSC under “Murmansk Corridor” umbrella Кольский научный центр РАН
TV STUDIO in APATITY was the best present from Barents Secretariat and Troms and Finnmark Provinces to the Kola Science Centre in regard of 75 Anniversary in 2005 для дистанционного обучения TV Studio in Apatity: so Professor Melkild of Tromsoe can see his students every weeks НИО КНЦ РАН; НП "Технопарк - Апатиты" 03.01.2020
Oil transport routes 1 13 2 12 11 6 5 4 3 7 10 9 8
Kovdor Vermiculite Deposit in the Murmansk Region is one of the world's principal sources of vermiculite.The deposit at Kovdor has one very great advantage in c compare with other sources: that it is asbestos-free.The proven resource of 23 million tonnes is enough to supply all future “Emergence Centers” for oil spill combating in the Western Arctic and Northern Atlantic
МЕЖДУНАРОДНОЕ НАУЧНО- ТЕХНИЧЕСКОЕ СОТРУДНИЧЕСТВОПроект CRDF: ANL-T2-0227-RU “Optimization and Validation of Bioremediation of Oilfield Contamination by an Integrated Microbial and Plant System” («Оптимизация биоремедиациинефтезагрязненных территорий интегриро-ванной микробной и растительной системой»)
Growing of grass-plots on vipon 1st day 7th day 21st day Кольский научный центр РАН
Remediation of tailings dump at Apatityby vipon - based grass-plots Remediation by conventional technology Primary “sand desert” REMEDIATION BY VIPON-BASEDGRASS-PLOTS Layering by vipon - based grass-pitches Lawn over tailings Кольский научный центр РАН
After 2 years: lawns instead of a desert НИО КНЦ РАН; НП "Технопарк - Апатиты" 03.01.2020
Нью-Йорк, июнь 2009: проект удостоен Золотой медали Международной программы «Golden Galaxy» Project for Remediation of Technogenic Deserts and Contaminated Areas in 2009 was awarded by the Gold Medal of the International Program “Golden Galaxy” in nomination «Innovations for investment to the future» НИО КНЦ РАН; НП "Технопарк - Апатиты" 03.01.2020
In 2010 the Project was presented to Troms Fylkeskommune and mutual work started due to remediate the old shooting ranges in Northern Norway
The Kola Peninsula is the worlds richest mineralogical province and the worlds largest source of new minerals (about 300). Alkaline and alkaline-ultrabasic massifs are leaders in mineral diversity. More than 700 mineral species have been found here, and more than 200 of them – for the first time in the world.
In 1973, the first nanoporoustitanosilicate, zorite, was discovered in the Lovozero alkaline massif. In 1989, it was synthesized by Steven Kuznicki and patented by Engelhard Corporation as a molecular sieve ETS-4. Kuznicki, S.M. Large-pored crystalline titanium molecular sieve zeolites. U.S. Patent No. 4853202 (1989). Zorite ETS-4
Ключевые направления сотрудничества в целяхобеспечения устойчивого безопасного развития Баренц региона: - воспитание экологического менталитета и идентичности северян, особенно молодежи; - подготовка кадров, способных к реализации научных и технических инноваций, на основе интеграции науки и образования, расширения программ обмена студентами и молодыми учеными, специалистами; - кооперация усилий по разработке и реализации международных проектов по обеспечению экологической безопасности в Арктике; -повышение уровня координации научных исследований, содействие укреплению связей науки и бизнеса
We have common goals, and we have more free talk about our challenges TIETTA – modern KSC Seminar House at the Imandra Lake coast - a suitable place where scientists and entrepreneurs, politicians and experts, involved in innovation co-operation, might meet and exchange by knowledge and competence Thank you for attention ! Welcome in Khibiny ! Кольский научный центр РАН
Современные проблемы безопасности в Арктике Современные проблемы безопасности в Арктике связаны с перспективами резкой интенсификации освоения её природных ресурсов - биологических, минеральных энергетических, с реализацией крупных проектов по освоению новых месторождений, освоению Севморпути, развитию транспортных и логистических систем, социальной инфраструктуры. Особое значение придается, конечно, проблемам предотвращения угроз и рисков с приходом в Баренц регион мощной нефтегазовой индустрии. Несомненно, что именно нефтегазовая индустрия будет служить в ХХI веке важнейшим залогом конкурентоспособности и развития региона в условиях глобальной экономики.
ЦГП КНЦ РАН выполнен комплекс исследований, актуальных для региона: история академической науки в Баренцрегионе; этнология, социально-экономическое положение и процессы адаптации коренного саамского населения; проблем инвалидности детского и взрослого населения с анализом опыта работы в этой сфере скандинавских стран; состояние и проблемы этнокультурного взаимодействия с учетом специфики городских поселений Севера, которые возникали как моногорода, а также особенностей современных миграционных потоков.
К началу 21 века мировая цивилизация подошла в состоянии глубокого системного кризиса.Главный вызов, стоящий сегодня перед человечеством, состоит в формировании новой парадигмы устойчивого развития. В её основе должно быть формирование мировоззренческих идеалов, направленных на сохранение среды обитания и утверждение адекватных социальных ценностей, таких как толерантность, солидарность, нравственность, уважение, коллективизм и т.д. Основные региональные проблемные особенности: • Северная политика России реализуется в рамках централизованной модели, направленной на использование ресурсов северных регионов в интересах федерального центра, что приводит к росту уровня периферийности Севера, утрате местных культурных особенностей. • Население Европейского Севера России представлено главным образом мигрантами в 1-3 поколениях., В настоящее время наблюдается новая волна миграции на Север, которая характеризуется этнической спецификой – ростом числа мигрантов из южных регионов бывшего Советского Союза. • В контексте современного развития Севера актуализируются вопросы сохранения культуры коренных народов, реализации их прав, признанных в отношении данной группы населения мировым сообществом.
The Khibiny Mountains A lot of minerals discovered in our massifs attract a special attention as prototypes of new functional materials. Synthetic analogues of zorite, chuvruaiite, ivanyukite, sitinakite, strontiofluorite and other minerals are promising materials for a wide range of industrial applications, including gas separation, catalysis, radioactive waste management, pharmacology, optics, laser production etc.
During last five years scientists of the Kola Science Center discovered about 15 new minerals – prototypes of advanced materials (cation- and anion-exchangers, molecular sieves, catalysts, nanotubulents, etc.). Now we start technological experiments to synthesize them… Quintinite-1M – layered double hydroxide with anion-exchange properties; Strontiofluorite – well known compound for numerous industrial purposes including pharmacology, optics and lasers; Polezhaevaite-(Ce) – nanofibrous material, an analog of REE-doped SrF2 laser materials. Chivruaiite – Ca-analog of zorite and ETS-4, nanoporous cation-exchanger; Ivanyukite group minerals – nanoporous cation-exchangers and molecular sieves; Punkaruaivite and eliseevite – nanoporous titanosilicates of Li with catalytic perspectives;
Ivanyukite In 2009, four new minerals of the ivanyukite group with excellent cation-exchange properties (like IONSIV IE-911 or better)were discovered in the Khibiny alkaline massif. In 2010, it was synthesized by Lidia Gerasimova (Nanomaterials Research Center of the KSC RAN) using raw materials of the “Apatit” JSC. Synthetic ivanyukite