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Tips for painting interiors and exteriors in a clear and simple to understand way:
Tips for painting interiors and exteriors in a clear and simple to understand way: House Painting is no longer as scary as it was a few years ago. Today, the quality of the paints available on the market and the amount of information available on this task make life easier for those who are willing to get their hands dirty. Check out some tips that are valid for both Interior House Painting and exterior painting. - For the job to be well-executed, it is necessary to have all the necessary materials. The product list includes anti-mold, plastic to cover, burlap, masking tape, protective mask, gloves, kerosene turpentine, polyester, wool roll (23 cm), brushes, spatula, sandpaper, primer bottom, cracker, paint tray, ladder, PVA or acrylic latex paint and sealer. - Before commercial painting a new masonry surface, a special sealer must be applied to waterproof it. When the surface is made of thick masonry, the appearance can be improved with the application of plaster (interior) or acrylic (for exterior house painting). Small holes can be fixed with hydrated lime mortar, fine sand, and 1: 1 water. - On a thin masonry surface, apply the putty with a wide spatula, in parallel and long movements, from top to bottom. - Use sandpaper number 80, protecting your nose and mouth during work. - On old masonry surfaces, remove dirt, grease, and dust with soap and water. - It will also be necessary to sand to completely remove the loose parts. Interior House Painting: - Specifically, in interior painting, before starting work, remove all furniture and protect it with canvas. Start painting from the encounters of walls and ceilings. After that, paint the ceiling and then the walls. - Start with the top left corner, top to bottom. - Then paint the consecutive strips until the wall is complete. Never start the second coat before finishing the first. Wash brushes and rollers when needed - paint build-up makes work more difficult and causes splashes. Exterior House Painting: - Outside, follow the movement of the sun around the house. In this way, the walls will always be dry and in the shade. - Start at the highest point in the house. As soon as you close an area, come back over it with uniform and quick movements to correct marks. - Clean up paint splatters as you paint - fresh paint is easier to remove. - Among the most common defects to be avoided (or corrected) during painting are bubbles and peeling. - To eliminate this type of problem, usually caused by excess humidity, you must eliminate the sources of possible future problems. - Before applying the paint, scrape, sand, and apply a water repellent.