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Dengue Fever in the Philippines. Camille Sana MPH Student Walden University PUBH 6165-4 :Environmental Health Dr. Howard Rubin February 2012. Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention . Goals/Objectives. Audience Expected Learning outcome Objective of Presentation.
Dengue Fever in the Philippines Camille Sana MPH Student Walden University PUBH 6165-4 :Environmental Health Dr. Howard Rubin February 2012 Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Goals/Objectives • Audience • Expected Learning outcome • Objective of Presentation
What is Dengue Fever? • Mosquito: Aedes Aegypti • Common in tropical countries like Philippines • Symptoms : mild to high grade fever, headache, joint and muscle pain, rash • Complication: Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever --Lethal ! Source: Bepast.org
Clinical Manifestations Reference: WHO, 2009
Clinical Manifestations cont. Dengue Fever Symptoms: Fever headache muscle and joint aches Skin rash Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever: High fever, hemorrhage, has 4 grades: Petecchial rash Grade 1: Fever, non specific Source: Denquefever.co.in Grade 2: Grade 1 manifestation + spontaneous bleeding Grade 3: Signs of circulatory failure Grade 4: Profound shock,death Reference: WHO, 2009
Impact of Dengue in the Philippines 1996-2005 Dengue Incidence Manila, Philippines 1996 -2005 Source : Sia, S.(2008)AMBIO - A Journal of the Human Environment, Jun2008, Vol. 37 Issue 4, p292-294, 3p, 1 Chart, 2 Graphs, 1 Map Graph; found on p293
Impact of Dengue in the Philippines 2010-2011 Source: Department of Health Philippines Disease Surveillance Report Morbidity Week 36 ,figure 1 page 1
Impact of Dengue in the Philippines 2010-2011(cont.) Source: Department of Health Philippines Disease Surveillance Report Morbidity Week 36 ,Figure 2 page 2
Transmission of Dengue VECTOR: Transmitted to humans by bite of female aedes aegypti mosquito. Dengue mosquitos lay eggs in areas with water (see left) HOST: Humans become host of virus. Virus incubation is 4-10 days then produce dengue symptoms TRANSMISSION: Humans get infected from bite of infected aedes mosquito. Mosquitos get infected when they bite infected humans. Source: www.CDC.com Source: Everyday health.com Reference: CDC, n.d.
Prevention • Environmental Management • Biological Control • Chemical Control
Prevention (cont.) ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT • Modification • Manipulation • Changes in Human Behavior Source: CDC,n.d. Source: CDC,n.d. Source: CDC,n.d.) Source:travelpod)
Prevention (cont.) CHEMICAL CONTROL • Use of insecticides • Fogging • Use of mosquito coils • Repellents Source: mosquitoes and more.com
Prevention (cont.) BIOLOGICAL CONTROL • Fish (poeciliareticulata) • Predatory copepods (copepodacyclopoidea) • Lethal ovitraps Source: US Geological Survey Source: US Geological Survey Source: DOH
Anti-Dengue Programs in the Philippines • June 2011: Dengue Prevention Month • Massive anti-dengue campaign Source: www.ifmt.auf.org Source:www.tacloban.gov.ph Source:DOH
Anti-Dengue Programs in the Philippines • Distribution and training on use of mosquito OL trap (ovicidal-larvicidal trap) Source : DOH Source: DOH
Anti-Dengue Programs in the Philippines ( cont.) • Multi-sectoral mosquito “search and destroy” cleanup campaign Source: College of Nursing, University of Makati
Conclusion • Dengue is a health threat • Dengue is Preventable • Plan for action Source:ADRA
Additional Information/Resources WEBSITES: • World Health Organization http://www.who.int/topics/dengue/en/ • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention http://www.cdc.gov/dengue/ • WHO. Dengue Haemorrhagic fever ealy recognition diagnosis and hospital management. An audiovisual guide for healthcrae workers responding to outbreaks.http://www.who.int/csr/don/archive/disease/dengue_fever/dengue.pdf • WHO. Global Alert and response. http://www.who.int/csr/disease/dengue/en/ • World Heath Organization. Guidelines for treatment of demgue fever/dengue hemorrhagic fever in small hospitals. http://www.searo.who.int/LinkFiles/Dengue_Guideline-dengue.pdf • CDC, Clinicians Reference card.http://www.cdc.gov/Dengue/resources/Dengue%20Case%20Management_card_125085_12x6_Zcard_Dengue.pdf • CDC. Information for health care practitioners. http://www.cdc.gov/dengue/resources/Dengue&DHF%20Information%20for%20Health%20Care%20Practitioners_2009.pdf • CDC. Basic facts on Dengue http://www.cdc.gov/dengue/resources/CS_205910-A.Dengue%20patient%20Ed%20Eng.FINAL.pdf
Additional Information/Resources ( cont.) JOURNALS/ARTICLES: • Bernardo, E. C. (2008). Solid-Waste Management Practices of Households in Manila, Philippines. Annals Of The New York Academy Of Sciences, 1140420-424. doi:10.1196/annals.1454.016 • Johansson, MA, F Dominici, & GE Glass. Local and global effects of climate on dengue transmission in Puerto Rico. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases. 3(2): e382 (2009). • Barrera R. 2009. Simplified Aedes aegypti’spupal-surveys for entomological surveillance and dengue control. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 81: 100-107. http://www.ajtmh.org/cgi/reprint/81/1/100 • Barrera R, Amador M, Díaz A. Joshua Smith, Muñoz-Jordán JL, Rosario Y. 2008. Unusual productivity of Aedes aegypti in septic tanks and its implications for dengue control. Medical and Veterinary Entomology 22:62-69. http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/cgi-bin/fulltext/119401311/PDFSTART • Group on Dengue Meeting 1-5 October 2006, Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases UNICEF/UNDP/World Bank and WHO.
References World Health Education ( 2009).Dengue guidelines for diagnosis treatment prevention and control. Retrieved from http://whqlibdoc.who.int/publications/2009/9789241547871_eng.pdf Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2009). Dengue frequently asked questions. Retrieved from http://www.cdc.gov/Dengue/faqFacts/index.html World Health Organization (2006). Dengue hemorrhagic fever early recognition diagnosis and hospital management an audiovisual guide for health care workers responding to outbreaks. retrieved from http://www.who.int/csr/don/archive/disease/dengue_fever/dengue.pdf Department of Health (2011) Disease surveillance report morbidity week 36. Retrieved from http://dev1.doh.gov.ph/sites/default/files/2011Den36WMR_draft.pdf Sia Su, G. L. (2008). Correlation of Climatic Factors and Dengue Incidence in Metro Manila, Philippines. AMBIO - A Journal Of The Human Environment, 37(4), 292-294. Retrieved from http://web.ebscohost.com.ezp.waldenulibrary.org/ehost/detail?vid=5&hid=12&sid=c81b1f84-903a-4856-81e3-d2a7b75da458%40sessionmgr14&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZSZzY29wZT1zaXRl#db=a9h&AN=33116717
References ( cont.) Centers for Disease and Control Prevention ( 2010) . Transmission of dengue virus retrieved from http://www.cdc.gov/Dengue/epidemiology/index.html#transmission Centers for Disease and Control Prevention ( n.d.) how to prevent the spread of mosquito that causes dengue. Retrieved from http://www.cdc.gov/dengue/resources/Vector%20control%20sheet%20dengue.pdf Centers for disease control and prevention (2010). Larval control and other vector control preventions. Retrieved from http://www.cdc.gov/malaria/malaria_worldwide/reduction/vector_control.html Elias, M. Islam, M. Kabir, M & Rahman,M. ( 1995, August). Biological control of mosquito larvae by guppy fish. Bangladesh medical research council bulletin.21(2):81-6. Department of medical entomology. Institute of preventative and social medicine Mohakhali, Dhaka.Retrieved from http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8815867 Department of health ( 2011). Dengue surge in Luzon. Retrieved from http://dev1.doh.gov.ph/content/dengue-surge-luzon
References ( cont.) Department of science and technology (n.d.).Mosquioto OL trap. Retrieved from www.science.ph/oltrap/ Department of Health (2011) . National dengue prevention and control program. Retrieved form http://www.doh.gov.ph.content/national-dengue-prevention-and-control-program World Health Organization (2012) Dengue epidemiology philippines. World health organization Western pacific region Retrieved from http://www.wpro.who.int/sites/mvp/epidemiology/dengue/phl_profile.htm