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Viikki Teacher Training School, University of Helsinki. e-Mentoring - a practical tool for pre- and in-service mentoring. Ari Myllyviita MSc ( Chem.Ed .), BSc (Chem.), BEd ( soc.pedag .) Lecturer (Chemistry and mathematics), Teacher Educator
Viikki Teacher Training School, University of Helsinki e-Mentoring - a practical tool for pre- and in-service mentoring Ari Myllyviita MSc (Chem.Ed.), BSc (Chem.), BEd (soc.pedag.) Lecturer (Chemistry and mathematics), Teacher Educator Project Coordinator (Teacher’s in-service ICT-training projects) Käyttäytymistieteellinen tiedekunta / Henkilön nimi / Esityksen nimi
Finnish Teacher Training Schools, www.ftts.fi • Finnish teacher education has a strong connection to Finnish Teacher Training Schools. • A crucial part of it is the creation of pedagogical knowledge and the practical training in training school. • During the school practice student teachers has their own supervising teachers, mentor teachers. • During the teaching practice the relationship between student teacher and mentor teacher is relevant. • During teaching practice student teachers are forced to learn how to use ICT and social media in teaching and communication in the school environment. • e-Mentoring is new approach how to support student teachers after they have finalized their studies. Käyttäytymistieteellinen tiedekunta / Henkilön nimi / Esityksen nimi
Short explanation of mentoring – what I meanwiththisconsept SOUTH AFRICA: Mentoring in theschool, Mentorteacher FINLAND: Quidance Teachereducator FINLAND: Mentoring, Tutoring, Supervision, Employeeorientationprograms Käyttäytymistieteellinen tiedekunta / Henkilön nimi / Esityksen nimi
Building a theoreticalframework(s) Käyttäytymistieteellinen tiedekunta / Henkilön nimi / Esityksen nimi
TheFinnishteachereducationsystem – Pre-service and in-serviceteachertraining RevisedtheSchön’s idea of reflection in pre-serviceteachereducation Käyttäytymistieteellinen tiedekunta / Henkilön nimi / Esityksen nimi
Whatkind of knowledgeyoushare in e-mentoring? • Content (subject matter) knowledge • General pedagogicalknowledge(Gore & Gitlin, 2004) • Pedagogicalcontentknowledge (Shulman, 1987) • Contextual knowledge (Gess-Newsome and Lederman 1999) • Educational research-based knowledge (Jakku-Sihvonen & Niemi, 2006) Käyttäytymistieteellinen tiedekunta / Henkilön nimi / Esityksen nimi
New way to thinkmentoringduringteachingpractise and aftergraduation e-Mentorointi e-Mentorointi Käyttäytymistieteellinen tiedekunta / Henkilön nimi / Esityksen nimi
TheCommunity of PracticeTheory of Communities of Practices (Lave & Wenger, 1991) Käyttäytymistieteellinen tiedekunta / Henkilön nimi / Esityksen nimi
Anotherapproach to e-Mentoring:Formal – Nonformal - Informal This concept of formal learning being the socio-cultural accepted norm for learning was first challenged by Scribner and Colein 1973, who claimed most things in life are better learnt through informal processes. Käyttäytymistieteellinen tiedekunta / Henkilön nimi / Esityksen nimi
What is the addedvalue of the idea of e-mentoring (in inductionphase) • e-Mentoring is not (at the basis) a formalrelationship – IT IS MORE INFORMAL, BASED ON TRUST, INDIVIDUAL NEEDS AND SHARING • e-Mentoring is not a shorttermrelationship – IT IS LONG TERM, CONSISTENCE • e-Mentoring is not a courseor a period – IT IS CONTINUOUS, IT IS PROCESS • e-Mentoring is notpairmentoringorgroupmentoring – IT IS BOTH IN A VIRTUAL PLATFORM, IT IS ALSO PEER SUPPORT PLATFORM • e-Mentoring is not a part of furthereducation – IT IS PROCESS FROM TRAINER via MENTEE to MENTOR - fromteachertrainingthroug the noviceperiod to the experiencedteacher
What e-Mentoring is with Facebook? Käyttäytymistieteellinen tiedekunta / Henkilön nimi / Esityksen nimi
Practise and findings – creation of network for e-mentoring • The case study is made within chemistry teachers. Few years ago the Facebook-group for chemistry teachers were created. The purpose was the create a support group for new chemistry teachers, and the mentor teachers were acting like facilitators and mentors in this group. • The connection between mentor teacher and student teacher will continue after teaching practice (pre-service) • Created • a) network of chemistry teachers, • b) supporting group for new teachers, • c) archive (mental) for theoretical and practical issues of chemistry education, • d) group mentoring of common problems and themes and finally • e) possible way to have private conversations between mentors and new teachers. Käyttäytymistieteellinen tiedekunta / Henkilön nimi / Esityksen nimi
History of the FB-group for chemistryteachers(Building theCommunity) 15.5.2016 365 members RESEARCH QUESTIONS: How often a newtheme? Themes? How manydifferentactors? How makescomments? How fastyouget help (ifyouask for it)? Opened 29.1.2010 Whenthegroupbegins to roll byitself? Youneedabout80 members Käyttäytymistieteellinen tiedekunta / Henkilön nimi / Esityksen nimi
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Sowhatarethosethemesorquestiong on ourgroup? Examples • Subjectknowledgebased • Luminol-works, how is works, (firstanswer in16 minutes, 6 differentpersonsanswering) • Reactionenthalpy (53 min, 3 persons) • How to measurequantity of phosforous (14 min, 3 persons) • Carbonatework (15 min, 7 persons) • General pedagogicalknowledgebased • Abouttestingbeforecourses • Doyouletpupils to taste ammonium chloride (13 persons) • PCK • Sharingknowledge and experiences • Contextual knowledge • Where we teach (different physical and digital learning environments) • Who we teach (ethical, political, economic and social factors), • What we teach (curriculum, subject) • Educational research-based knowledge • Sharingknowledge (material), creatingknowledge (researchtargetgroup) • ICT-relatedquestions • Modelingprograms, howorwhat to use mallinnusohjelmien vertailu (32 minutes, 2 persons - expertst!) • Motivation, ”spirit of thechemistry • Sharingvideos, graphigs and so on • Gettingsubstituteteachers, practicalmatters (cheaplabglasses …) Käyttäytymistieteellinen tiedekunta / Henkilön nimi / Esityksen nimi
Questions for furtherstudies • Theaddressedtopic - induction of newlyqualifiedteaches – is one of thekeyquestions in teachers' professionaldevelopment shouldwemake nonformal mentoringformal? canwedo it? • Expectations from mentoring and peer support • How this kind of mentoring influences to learning (not just teaching) Käyttäytymistieteellinen tiedekunta / Henkilön nimi / Esityksen nimi
Future of theCommunity? Käyttäytymistieteellinen tiedekunta / Henkilön nimi / Esityksen nimi
More social media tools in action – practicalapproach • Tools for reflection, fromtheteacherpractiseperiod – how to useblogs in reflection, as a tools for invertedclassroompedagogy • Tools for sharingknowledge and creatingknowledge, thechange of paradigm: fromowning to sharing, fromindividual to collaboration – how to usewikis and editablelearningmaterials (learningobjects) • Tools for networking – Facebook-likecommunities Käyttäytymistieteellinen tiedekunta / Henkilön nimi / Esityksen nimi
Blogs for and withstudentteachers Blog for learningorsharingexperiences Käyttäytymistieteellinen tiedekunta / Henkilön nimi / Esityksen nimi
Wikis as a crucialpart of sharingknowledge and creatingknowledge Käyttäytymistieteellinen tiedekunta / Henkilön nimi / Esityksen nimi
Teachercommunity = novice and experiencedteachersmeet, sharingexperties, co-creatingknowledge e–Mentoringmodelbased on eMSS Networking, exploring, teamwork, developmentgroups Personal support / dialog / mentoroing Common area = FAQ and distribution, sharing 21 Wikis, blogs Facebook-communities VLE, VWE Facebook-groups Email, chat Discussionforum, Facebook, www Supporting Informative Guiding, developing Fasiliating
Exampleswhere it didnotwork Käyttäytymistieteellinen tiedekunta / Henkilön nimi / Esityksen nimi
Slack –niminen ympäristöKoodikummi (Koodikoulu), … Käyttäytymistieteellinen tiedekunta / Henkilön nimi / Esityksen nimi
Moreinformation www.myllyviita.fi ari.myllyviita@helsinki.fi
References • Scribner, S. and Cole, M. (1973). "Cognitive Consequences of Formal and Informal Education, Science". pp. 182, 553–559. Käyttäytymistieteellinen tiedekunta / Henkilön nimi / Esityksen nimi
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