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OXYGEN. By : Marcell Fetter. Oxygen in the periodic table. Oxygen as an element. Atomic number : 8 Symbol : O Atomic mass : 15.99 # of Protons: 8 # of Electrons: 8 # of Neutrons: ~16 – 8 = 8. Oxygen in everyday life.
OXYGEN By: Marcell Fetter
Oxygenas an element Atomicnumber: 8 Symbol: O Atomicmass: 15.99 # of Protons: 8 # of Electrons: 8 # of Neutrons: ~16 – 8 = 8
Oxygenineveryday life OXYGEN IS ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT PARTICLES onearth. Peopleuseitformanydifferentthings, otherthanbreathing. • Industries use the gas for cutting, welding and melting metals. • Oxygen takes up one-fifth of air volume, two-thirds of the human body and 87% water. • Of all the uses foroxygen, sustaining life is the most important Wheredoesoxygencomefrom? • There are two naturalsources of oxygen.The main way is via photosynthesis which createsabout98% of the Earth's oxygen.The other way is breakingdown water molecules by ultraviolet radiation and thismakesupthe other 1-2%.
OxygenToxicity This condition takes place when someone breathes pure oxygen. The gas is essential for living, but only up to a point. Humans can only breathe 21 percent oxygen. The air thathumansbreathein is composed of nitrogen and other elements. When too much pureoxygen is inhaled, humans will experience difficulty breathing and tunnelvision. 21% *Toxic: poisonous
States of oxygen GAS SOLID LIQUID > > −183 °C (−297.3 °F) −218.79 °C (−361.82 °F)
Earlyexperiments, and thediscovery of oxygen The wordoxygencomesfromtwoGreekwords.”oxys”whichmeans sharp or acid, and ”genes” whichmeans bornor former. One of theearliestexperimentswithoxygenwasdoneby a Greek philosopher, Philo of Byzantiuminthe 2nd century (BCE). • byusinghismodel, Scientistsfigured out thatoxygen is essentialforfire Oxygen was discovered by a number of scientists. The firstdiscoverywas made by a Swedishscientist, Carl Wilhelm Scheelein1772. In the meantime, a British chemist Joseph Priestley, discovered oxygen independently in 1774.
BreathEin, BreathE outEnjoyoxygen! Thanksforwatching!