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ICT, Learning and Creativity and Innovation Lieve Van den Brande, European Commission, DG Education and Culture Contact: godelieve.van-den-brande@ec.europa.eu. Policy context. Lisbon Objectives – Education and Training 2010 – ICT cluster
ICT, Learning and Creativity and Innovation Lieve Van den Brande, European Commission, DG Education and Culture Contact: godelieve.van-den-brande@ec.europa.eu
Policy context • Lisbon Objectives – Education and Training 2010 – ICT cluster • Commission Staff Working Paper: « The use of ICT for innovation and lifelong learning for all. A report on progress » (November 2008) • 2009 - The European Year on Creativity and Innovation Innovative learning through the use of ICT • Lifelong Learning Programme – various ongoing projects on ICT for learning • eLearning programme and Minerva projects are completing their projects (success stories) • Ongoing STUDIES providing evidence as well as foresight
Updated Strategy for Education and Training 2010 and beyond – emerging prorities Lifelong learning and mobility • Efficiency and quality • Equity • Creativity and Innovation “ICT for learning” is transversal and plays a role at all levels of LLL.... and thus in each emerging priority
COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT The use of ICT to support innovation and lifelong learning for all A report on progresshttp://ec.europa.eu/education/lifelong-learning-programme/doc/sec2629.pdf
Asia Asia UNESCO study of ICT use in education in nearly 30 countries: “The integration of ICT in the teaching of subjects has beenweak.” UNESCO report of the South-East ICT Advocacy & Planning Workshop, Dec. 2003 Europe “Most schools in most countries, however, are in the early phase of ICT adoption, characterised by patchy uncoordinated provision and use, some enhancement of the learning process, some development of e-learning, but no profound improvements in learning and teaching.” The ICT Impact Report: A Review of Studies of ICT Impact on Schools in Europe, Dec. 2006
Nordic Countries ICT has a positive impact on the schools’ overall target – improving the pupils’ learning. But the study also indicates that the potential of ICT is not being fully realised in all schools. The use of ICT as a tool for pedagogical development is not in focus and the impact of ICT on knowledge-sharing, communication and home/school cooperation is only moderate. E-learning Nordic 2006 http://www.skolutveckling.se/digitalAssets/106585_English_eLearning_Nordic_Print.pdf
United Kingdom Four-year study by Becta concludes: • Personalized learning through technology is key route to educational improvement • Having a high level of technology will dramatically improve performance, so long as there is the right support and enthusiasm to embrace it • http://www.evaluation.icttestbed.org.uk/reports-- June 2007
United StatesHALF FULL? Teachers • 63% of teachers say their technology skills are “somewhat advanced” or “advanced” • Yet most using technology for e-mail & Internet research, not to change teaching HALF EMPTY? Students • Find the typical classroom doesn’t reflect the rich technology they enjoy outside of school • Express growing frustration that schools are “irrelevant” http://www.tomorrow.org/speakup/speakup_reports.html • CDW-G Teachers Talk Tech Survey 2006
United States • Keith R. Krueger, CEO of CoSN • In most classrooms, technology/ICT is not integral to the overall educational mission • It has been used at the margins to improve education rather than do something profoundly different/better BUT • Competitiveness is a global concern. Developing 21st century skills is essential. We need to focus on how ICT enables critical thinking, creativity, collaboration • Vision by leaders matters. ICT in education can be powerful tool…but it not an end in and of itself. • Rethinking pedagogy is essential. Focus on what ICT uniquely enables us to do around learning.
Staff Working PaperOverall strong progress on access, use and quality of use of ICT • Efficiency / Impact • Equity - Adressing the digital divide • ICT enhancing innovation and change
Staff Working PaperBUT …Three main findings: • Transformation of business and public services through ICT has not yet reached teaching and learning processes • Embedding ICT in E&T systems require further changes • Further work is needed on the potential of ICT to develop a “learning continuum” supporting LLL
Staff Working PaperA Key Challenge: ICT for Innovation • Pedagogical innovation: • Technological innovation • Organisational innovation
A Key Challenge: ICT for Innovation 1. Pedagogical innovation: • Innovate the teaching & learning approaches • Improve competencies for innovation by e-learning • Bridge the distinction between learning, work and leisure via new LLL opportunities and models • Bring organised learning approaches closer to the everyday practices of future generations • Support personalisation / learners are also knowledge builders and creators
A Key Challenge: ICT for Innovation 2. Technological innovation: • New opportunities through emerging technologies with enhanced networking capabilities and personalization • Digital media will enable the use of pod-casts, digital TV and radio and interoperability across platforms for learning • New creative approaches, such as simulations, gaming,… offer learning tools • Sharing digital learning resources provide scope for new business models for E&T • Development of e-learning quality standards
A Key Challenge: ICT for Innovation • Organisational innovation: • Schools evolve towards open learning centres, universities towards learning service providers, companies towards learning organisations and cities and regions towards learning support environments • e-Assessment can help the management and the practical aspects • LLL requires updating and recognition of knowledge, skills and competences at all educational levels
Three emerging priorities: • Consolidate and generalise the use of ICT as a basic education and training tool • Facilitate the potential of ICT as a lifelong learning enabler • Enhance the potential of ICT asa key driver for innovation and creativity
1. Consolidation of ICT as a basic learning tool • Step up efforts to ensure general take-up and full pedagogical integration • Invest on proven value tools and resources:interactive whiteboards, game-based approaches, personalisation, e-quality, e-portfolios, e-assessment and social software are six promising areas • Focus on pedagogy, not on technology
2. Facilitate the use of ICT as a lifelong learning enabler • Focus on providing access and support across time, space and social barriers • Focus on areas less well covered so far, yet with the highest potential for efficiency and equity: • Special education needs • Continuing professional development • Access to learning resources anytime anywhere • Support to geographical, job-related and social mobility
3. Enhance ICT as a key driver for innovation and creativity • An increasing part of learning occurs informally and through ICT • User involvement has proven to be a factor for successful innovation (open innovation) • Communication and collaboration technologies support the development of personal competences such as creativity • The pervasion of ICT (Web 2.0, broadband and mobile) reveals a wide potential for fostering creativity and innovation in education and training
Staff Working paperA final conclusion Pedagogical, technological and organisational innovations demand a renewed and more comprehensive approach towards the role of ICT in E&T. XXX The Report feeds into the discussions on 'An updated strategic framework for European cooperation in education and training' and the MS' policies integrating ICT for LLL and innovation.
And next … • Efficiency / Impact • Equity - Adressing the digital divide • ICT enhancing innovation and change
And next … Efficiency / Impact Ongoing STUDIESrelated to : • Learning 2.0 (completed 2008) • New learning communities through ICT (June 2009) • Foresight study on ICT, learning and innovation (Dec.2009) • European-wide comparison of the impact of ICT on school education (STEPS) - analysis of surveys of teachers in 27 MS (June 2009) • Development of methodologies for ICT indicators (Dec. 2009)
New data on use and impact of ICT in primary schools (STEPS - 2008)* • Broad consensus about positive impact of ICT (87%) • However some countries more optimistic than others: Malta, Poland, Cyprus, UK, Pt (+) versus Iceland, Fr, Lux., Sweden and B (-) • Participative use of computers in class is widespread (75%) • Computers in the classromm is a reality in some countries (66%), others still rely on computer labs • Teaching computer science versus integrating ICT in all subjects? If computer science is taught as a seperate subject alos more embedding of ICT in all the subjects. • ICTis significant in teaching foreign languages (52%) and in basic skills/traditional subjects classes (80%) • Little to no correlation between impact optimism and level of school equipment or sophistication of use, and even teachers skills. • Why not use ICT? Lack of PCs; lack of skills; and ...unclear benefits * Sample of12379 teachers and 6449 head teachers interviews in 27 MS
And next … Equity • Close cooperation with the digital literacy work (DG INFSO) and the e-skills communication (DG ENTR) • Digital Literacy work based on the definition of Digital Competences as defined under the Key Competences for Education and Training • involves the confident and critical use of Information Society Technology (IST) for work, leisure and communication • underpinned by basic skills in ICT: the use of computers, exchange information (e-skills) • E&T2010 cluster on ICT provided feedback on Digital Literacy Review as well as to the e-skills conference
Extracts from the “e-inclusion" Ministerial conference conclusions by the Presidency by the Council of the EU -2.12.08 • Digital competences have become an essential element in the education of individuals, and this in a context of lifelong learning. The education systems must integrate ICT in pupils' courses, teachers' training and teaching methods. • It is equally important that digital competences are promoted through vocational and continuous training. Social intermediaries who are in regular contact with the target groups have an essential role to play in this regard, and have to be trained and supported by the public authorities. Community centers are an important instrument in the work of social intermediaries of the target groups, in particular those suffering from poverty, social isolation or who otherwise are at risk of social exclusion.
Extracts from the “e-inclusion" Ministerial conference conclusions by the Presidency by the Council of the EU -2.12.08 • Employers, both public and private, also must contribute to ICT training of their employees, and should be encouraged in this sense, including possibly through taxation incentives. • In addition, the new generation of digital literacy programmes should prevent the emergence of new digital divides in access to and use ofinformation by increasing trust and confidence and in new forms of participation through social networks.
Basic concepts – Creativity and Innovation • INNOVATION = A new or significantly improved product (good or service), or process, a new marketing method, or a new organizational method, business practice, workplace organization or external relations” (Oslo Manual, OECD 2006) • INVENTION=Occurrence of a new idea. • CREATIVITY= Imaginative activity fashioned so as to produce outcomes that are both original and of value (NACCCE, 1999)
a) Creativity is the infinite source of innovation • Creativity is about thinking and behaviour • Imaginative, original and purposeful work with value • Combined with knowledge, skills and attitude • All children have creative capacities • Creativity concerns all fields • Arts, Culture, Design, Science, Technology, Business... • Creativity requires open environment • Can be encouraged, supported and improved, but not imposed
b) Innovation is putting ideas to practice, to the market • Human competences - knowledge, skills and creativity - are the major source of innovation • All fields are concerned • High tech and Non-tech • Private and public • Open innovation is complementing R&D • Growing role of cities and regions • Economic growth and competitiveness • Human and social capital • Talent, Technology and Tolerance
The Knowledge Triangle: Innovation, Education and Research Innovation Knowledge triangle Education Research
Education and training for promoting creativity and innovation • Education provides knowledge, skills and competences for innovation • Education and research produce new knowledge • Education and training can foster creativity which is the ultimate source of innovation • Partnerships and networks support innovation in education and training
Human Capital and Innovation Skills • No one-size-fits-for-all in innovation • Skills needs vary and change • Soft skills important for all innovation • Learning to learn, problem solving, decision-taking, critical thinking • Communication skills, social skills, cultural competences • Entrepreneurial skills, sense of initiative, risk assessment, • Learning and knowledge-creation skills crucial • ‘Absorptive capacity’, a key to performance • Recognizing the value of new information, assimilating and to applying • Digital competence • Key to employment, social services and active citizenship
All levels of education can promote creativity and innovation • Learner-centred approaches respect different learners equity • Cultivation of all forms of intellect quality • Linguistic, mathematical, spatial, kinesthetic, interpersonal… • Soft skills support creativity and innovation • Exploitation of ICT for learning • Supportive learning environment • Partnerships and Networks
EU Recommendation on Key Competencies for Lifelong Learning • Communication in the mother tongue; • Communication in foreign languages; • Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology; • Digital competence; • Learning to learn; • Social and civic competences; • Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship; and • Cultural awareness and expression. Recommendation of the European Parliament and of the Council on Key competences for lifelong learning, 18 December 2006
The Education Triangle: Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes Attitudes Education triangle Knowledge Skills
Innovation and creativity for improving lifelong learning • Learning requires motivation and confidence • Learning as a cognitive process • motivating curiosity • utilising various learning approaches and methods • learning is social • Modern learning uses the ICT potential • Partnerships and networks as learning tools • Encouraging learning environment
Re-think education, curricula and learning methods • Curricula: clear objectives and flexible implementation • Teacher cooperation and continuing training • Student assessment • School as a learning organisation • Promoting learning culture • Wider school autonomy with accountability
ICT to support lifelong learning • ICT generally has a positive impact on learning • On quality and on equity • The digital divide risk has to be addressed • E-Learning has potential for more! • Innovative learning with new technologies • Collaborative learning • Learning communities • New contents, methods, tools and spaces • Time to take ICT into full use as an efficient learning tool
European Year of Creativity andInnovation • The overall objective is to promote creativity and innovation in society and economy • in particular in and through learning • Awareness raising • events, information and initiatives • Promote policy debate • At European, national, regional and local levels
European Year of Creativity andInnovation • Covers all creative and innovative sectors of society • Including arts and culture, design, fashion, science, business, enterprise, regions, industries, services, technologies, etc. • Decentralized structure and networking • At European, national, regional and local level • Invites all interested to participate, organize and act • Networking and partnerships • Excellent opportunities to associate with • No specific funding • But there are resources when there is will
Creativityconnects the education and knowledge trianglesto enhance innovation in society Innovation Knowledge triangle Skills Education triangle Creativity Research Attitudes
Minerva Socrates Taking stock of Minerva and eLearning The programmes: http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/static/en/elearning/index.htm http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/static/en/overview/minerva_overview.htm http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/static/Bots/docbots/TCP/Compendia/Compendia2006.htm http://ec.europa.eu/education/programmes/socrates/minerva/education_en.html Results of ICT in Lifelong Learning in Europe: http://elearningeuropa.info