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Evolution and Classification Study Guide. Explain homologous structure . A structure that may have a different function, but very similar in structure. (bat wing, dolphin flipper) Explain vestigial structure .
Explain homologous structure. • A structure that may have a different function, but very similar in structure. (bat wing, dolphin flipper) • Explain vestigial structure. • A structure the organism has but does not need or use, which shows ancestors needed it. • What type of evolution happens when two species evolve from one species that are separated by a physical boundary? • Divergent evolution • Darwin stated evolution happens through what process? • Natural selection
What is an adaptation? • A trait that helps and organism survive in its environment • Explain survival of the fittest. • Those who are best fitted for the environment will survive • Explain natural selection. • Those who are best fitted for the environment will survive, reproduce, pass on their “good” traits • How did Lamarck think organisms acquired their traits? • Through the use or disuse of the structure. (Giraffes stretched until they had a long neck.
Explain adaptive radiation. • A single species evolved into several different species (such as finches) • Explain Gene pool. • All genetic information for the whole population • What do you call a change in DNA? • mutation • Explain geographic isolation. • Separation by barriers (water, moutains)
Explain convergent evolution and give an example. • A types of evolution where different types of organism develop the same types of characteristics (dolphin and fish, fins) • What is a species? • A group of organisms that can reproduce and have fertile offspring • Explain structural adaptation and give 2 examples. • Change in the body (camo, mimicry, claws) • Explain behavioral adaptation and give 2 examples. • A response to the environment (action)- hibernation, migration • Explain physiological adaptation and give 2 examples. • Chemical change (venom, ink, bioluminescence)
If you are looking at layers of fossils, which layer would be oldest? • Bottom layer is oldest • Explain Binomial Nomenclature. • Two part, Latin naming system (genus, species) • A mountain lion’s scientific name is FELIS CONCOLOR. Write it the correct way. Where did felis come from? Where did concolor come from? • FelisconcolorFelis- genus, concolor- species • If two organisms have common or close classification (K,P,C,O,F,G), they have a close _________________ history. • Evolutionary
Which taxon (classification level) is most inclusive? • Kingdom • Which taxon (classification level) is most specific? • Species • Explain directional selection and draw the graph. • Move from one trait to another • Explain disruptive selection and draw the graph. • Both extremes are favored • Explain stabilizing selection and draw the graph. • Middle trait stays in favor
List the levels of classification in order from broadest to most specific. • Kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species • Explain taxonomy. • The study of organizing organisms. • What is classification? • Grouping items based on similarities • The more taxa organisms have in common the more ____________________ related they are. • closely
Which kingdoms are prokaryotic? • Archaebacteria and eubacteria • Which kingdoms are eukaryotic? • Protista, fungi, Plantae, Animalia • Which kingdoms are autotrophs and heterotrophs? • Archaebacteria and Eubacteria, Protista • Which kingdoms are only autotrophs? • Plantae • Which kingdoms are heterotrophs? • Fungi, Animalia
Which kingdoms are only unicellular? • Archaebacteria and eubacteria • Which kingdoms are only multicellular? • Plantae and Animalia • Which kingdoms are unicellular and multicellular? • Protist and fungi • Which kingdom lives in MOST environments? • Eubacteria • Which ORGANISMS was most likely the first organism on Earth? • bacteria
What classification groups do all organisms in the table have in common, except corn? • Kingdom and Phylum • Which of the organisms in the table is least similar to the others? Explain. • Corn, it’s in a different kingdom • Which of the organisms in the table is (are) most similar to a black panther (Pantheraonca)? Explain. • Lion, share genus • Based on the information in the table, which two organisms would you say have the most similar evolutionary history? Explain. • Humpback whale and lion, share the most taxons
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