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NATIONAL TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF ATHENS SCHOOL OF MINING AND METALLURGICAL ENGINEERING SECTION OF METALLURGY AND MATERIALS TECHNOLOGY LABORATORY OF METALLURGY Development of an Operational Plan for Environmental Protection from Industrial Dusts in Russia and other NIS Contract Number: PL 518693 Starting Date: 01.09.2006 Ending Date: 31.08.2008
The main Project Objective Target related with the sustainable development of metals industry Pure Scientific Target Strategic Target Development of an Operational Plan aiming to: 1. Propose appropriate and viable technologies for the confrontation of Environmental problems related with the dusts generated in Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan 2. Compose a framework for the development of new and innovative technologies for the environmental management of the metallurgical dusts 3. Enable the EC Authorities to define the future RTD strategic objectives and policies in the field of metallurgical activities in this geographical area
How will we achieve the Project Objective? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Data for dust emissions from different metallurgical plants including origin, quantities, chemical composition, classification and disposal sites, Data for the production technologies currently used in the studied metallurgical plants, Data for the dusts management technologies currently used, Air, water and soil contamination related to dusts from the studied metallurgical plants, Data for the environmental strategies currently used in the studied metallurgical plants for the management of the generated problems We have chosen a methodology consisting of three main levels: Level 1. Collection and Management of Information WP 1. Data Collection and Environmental Problem Assessment Data Collection means the collection of all the available information concerning the generated metallurgical dusts and their effect in the ecosystem in Russia , Ukraine and Kazakhstan. • Output of WP1: • Inventory including all the mentioned information per metal industry. • Qualitative Risk Assessment study
How will we achieve the Project Objective? Level 1. Collection and Management of Information WP 2. Technology Assessment • Technology Assessment means: • The comparison of Best Available Technologies (for metal production and management of dusts) with the currently used technologies in the studied metallurgical plants in Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan. • The review and critical examination of novel approaches concerning the management of metallurgical dusts (recycling, utilization etc) that have been developed in Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan. Output of WP2: Designation of a frame for potential and feasible technological improvements in the target countries (Ukraine, Russia and Kazakhstan)
How will we achieve the Project Objective? Level 2. Development of an Operational Plan WP 3. Operational Plan Development • The Operational Plan will include: • proposals for management technologies of the metallurgical dusts that have to be adopted by the regional metallurgical industries in order to significantly decrease the resulted environmental impacts • proposals for production technologies that have to be adopted by the regional metallurgical industries in order to decrease substantially the dusts production • guidelines for the European Commission’s future strategic plan and policy related to research and technological development in the field of metallurgy in this geographic area
How will we achieve the Project Objective? Level 3. Dissemination of Knowledge WP 4. Dissemination of Knowledge • The Plan for the Knowledge Dissemination include: • Construction of a Specific Website • Organization of three local Workshops (one in Ukraine, one in Russia and one in Kazakhstan)
How will we do the work in WP1? • Important Metal Industry: • Alumina/aluminum • Copper/Nickel/PGMs • Gold • Tin • Tungsten • Iron/Steel/Ferroalloys • Lead • Zinc • Cu • Iron/Steel/Ferroalloys • Alumina Important Metal Industry: -Alumina/aluminum -Iron/Steel/Ferroalloys Identification of metallurgical plants of interest in Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan It is absolutely sure that we are not able to take into account the whole of the metallurgical activities in Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan So, it is necessary for us to develop an adequate strategy Different options: 1st. Each Partner to be concentrated on specific type of metallurgical plants 2nd. The Partners to be concentrated on the most important metallurgical plants in every country independently on the type of the metallurgical plants
How will we do the work in WP1? Collection of Data for dust emissions from each metallurgical plant under consideration • Origin (where is dust produced?) • Quantity (How many tonnes of dust are produced per year?) • Chemical Composition • Classification (hazardous, non-hazardous, toxic, etc.) • Management Strategy (what’s the management strategy for produced dust? Disposal, recycling, reuse etc)
How will we do the work in WP1? Give a typical flow diagram Collection of Data for the production technologies currently used in each metallurgical plant under consideration For Example in case of pyrometallurgical treatment of mixed sulphide ores (Pb, Zn): Sintering / Smelting in Blast Furnace Or Sintering / Smelting in Imperial Smelting Furnace Or Direct Smelting (Ausmelt Process? QSL Process? Kivcet Process? Other?)
How will we do the work in WP1? Fate of dust collected from off gases of EAF Collection of Data for the dusts management technologies currently used in each metallurgical plant under consideration The treatment of off gases from metallurgical plants normally has as a result the collection of several types of dust that have been produced previously within a specific pyrometallurgical process. How does each metallurgical plant under consideration manage the dusts? An Example Option 1: Dust is recycled (where?, How?) Option 2: Dust is stored in the plant (Under which conditions?) Option 3: Dust is landfilled (Is landfill equipped with a sealing system?, If yes, What sealing system is used?)
How will we do the work in WP1? Collection of existing Data concerning the Air, Water and Soil contamination from the dusts in each metallurgical plant under consideration. Collection of Data for the environmental strategies currently used in each metallurgical plant under consideration in order to face the problems of Air, Water and Soil Contamination • What’s the volumetric outflow of drainage water from the dust landfill? • What’s the chemical composition of the drainage water? • Is the drainage water treated? or is it discharged directly to natural receivers? • What’s the measures taken by the plant to face this problem? An Example • What’s the dust content of air around the landfill? • Is there any statistic for the respiratory diseases in the area? • Which are the measures taken by the plant to face this problem? • For how many kilometers dust is transported by winds • To which direction dust is transported? • Are there data for the extent of the soil contamination? • What’s the measures taken by the plant to face this problem? • If the dust is landfilled, then: • Dust will contaminate the air and will be transported to the neighboring area affecting the respiratory system of inhabitants and their health • Dust is transported by winds and disposed on soil where it could probably be leached by rain water. Therefore soil contamination is unavoidable. • The drainage from the landfill is polluted by the leachable ingredients of the dust.
How will we do the work in WP1? Each Partner from the Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan is responsible for the collection of information described previously. Then, they will: 1. create a database (that is called inventory) following the instructions given them by RWTH Aachen, 2. prepare a qualitative Risk Assessment Study based on collected data At the end of this workpackage, the Ukrainian Partner who acts as the WP1 leader will combine all the above data within the Deliverable D1.
How will we do the work in WP1? Qualitative Risk Assessment Study We will estimate the impact of specific metallurgical dusts on human health and the whole ecosystems The propose methodology for the impacts estimation is based on: In our case the source (hazard) is the specific dust Source of pollution Remark The Risk Assessment is qualitative. This means that the final conclusion will be as follows: - There is high (medium or low) risk for human beings (rivers, lakes etc) due to transportation of dust by winds to this village (or leaching of contaminated soil by rain water, etc) Pathway Is the route by which the source of pollution comes into contact with the target Target Is the entity that could be harmed through contact with the source of pollution
How will we do the work in WP2? In WP2 we will assess the technological data obtained in WP1 in relation to the specific BAT’s • RWTH Aachen is the WP2 leader and will be responsible for searching for the Best Available Dust Management Technologies for each Metallurgical Activity taken into consideration in this project • NTUA will be responsible for searching for the Best Available Metal Production Technologies for each Metallurgical Activity taken into consideration in this project • The Partners from Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan will be responsible for reviewing the Novel Approaches for the Dust Management in their Countries At the end of this workpackage, the German Partner who acts as the WP2 leader will combine all the above data within the Deliverable D2.
How will we do the work in WP4? Knowledge Dissemination • NTUA will Construct a Website in which everyone will can find everything concerning the ENPRODUS Project as well as the obtained results • Three (3) workshops will be organized: • One in Russia (organized by the MISA-TU) • One in Ukraine (organized by the URDIISPG) • One in Kazakhstan (organized by the KazNTU) • in order to disseminate the results of ENPRODUS Project to the local Communities My Proposal:We have almost two years till the organization of workshops. So, the partners from Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan must estimate the cost of each workshop and then during the next meeting, we will decide for what will finally do. [Three (3) separate national workshops or one (1) bigger international workshop]