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ART REINFORCEMENT. Juan Esteban Aranguren 7°B. What is Abstract ?. “Abstract art can be a painting or sculpture (including assemblage) that does not depict a person, place or thing in the natural world - even in an extremely distorted or exaggerated way.”

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  1. ART REINFORCEMENT Juan Esteban Aranguren 7°B

  2. WhatisAbstract? • “Abstract art can be a painting or sculpture (including assemblage) that does not depict a person, place or thing in the natural world - even in an extremely distorted or exaggerated way.” • “Abstract art uses a visual language of form, color and line to create a composition which may exist with a degree of independence from visual references in the world.”

  3. Whydid I chooseabstract? • I chooseabstractbecauseitisan art thatimpress me alotbecause de color shapesthatthepainters use tomake and awesome art and itisnot normal, you can seeitonthe real life and thatswhy I chooseabstract.

  4. EuropeanArtist • European: Joan Miró • Joan Miro painter, sculptor, engraver and ceramist Spanish, considered one of the leading representatives of surrealism and abstract. In his work reflected his interest in the subconscious, as "childish" and their country. • Date of birth: April 20, 1893, Barcelona • Date of death: December 25, 1983, Palma de Mallorca • Education: San Lluc Art Circle • Artwork:Thefarmhouse, Woman and Bird, More • Series:Constellations, Head of theCatalanpeasant, Paintingsonmasonite, Series Barcelona

  5. Whydid I choosehim? • I choose Joan becausethemodethat he painthisabstract and othersmovemnetsbutspeciallyabstractisitawesomefor me toseehow he do it and try toenter in thepaint and seewhat he istryingtoexpress.

  6. ColombianArtist • Pedro Cabrera: Colombian artist, born in the valley of laboyos (Pitalito Huila). • Been and Restless, artist researcher job, study in the Schools of Fine Arts of the University of Tolima and the National University of Bogotá. • A tireless worker, devoted much of his research to the mural. The plastic quality and strength of their creative vision make Pedro Cabrera delivered a professional in- • tensely art.

  7. Whydid I choosehim? • I choose Pedro becausehesabstract art impress me alotbecause he makesitseenthat he isstratchingthecolors and thepaint and alsoseenlikesomemonstersthatitisawesome.

  8. Whydid I choosethoosepaints? • Joan: I choosethatpaintbecause I wasattractedbythatpaintbecauseseenlikemonsters of somecartoonthatyou can seeon a TV and i likethat. • Pedro: Becauseit seen that he is stratching the colors and the paint and also seen like some monsters that it is awesome.

  9. Appropiation • Myappropiationisaboutedthebackground of thepaint of Joan and somelines of blackthen I startedputingalot of lineswiththe color of theflag of Colombia and aslo I letseensomeeyes (2) of the Joan art.

  10. Whymyappropiationisabstract? • Myappropiationisabstractbecauseitdoesnthaveanysenseitdontexpressnothingitjust shows colombianthings and parts of a paint of aneuropeanartist. • Content Area: Europe • Problemic Surrounding: Digital appropiation • Concept:Apropiation from European abstract pieces. • Visual Language Elements: Shapes and formes • Technique: Use the european paint of bakground and make my appropiation over that paint using colimbian things. • Artistic Reference: Joan Miró and Pedro Cabrera

  11. TIME LINE • Symbolism: 1880s • The practice of representing things by means of symbols or of attributing symbolic meanings or significance to objects, events, or relationships.

  12. Fauvism: 1889 • This painting begun by a group of French artists and marked by the use of bold, often distorted forms and vivid colors.

  13. Abstract: 1900s • An abstract genre of art; artistic content depends on internal form rather than pictorial representation.

  14. Expresionism: 1905 • A movement in the arts during the early part of the 20th century that emphasized subjective expression of the artist's inner experiences.

  15. Cubism: 1907-1914 • A nonobjective school of painting and sculpture developed in Paris in the early 20th century, characterized by the reduction and fragmentation of natural forms into abstract, often geometric structures usually rendered as a set of discrete planes.

  16. Dada: 1916 • A European artistic and literary movement (1916-1923) that flouted conventional aesthetic and cultural values by producing works marked by nonsense, travesty, and incongruity.

  17. Abstractexpressioanism: 1919 • A school of painting that flourished after World War II until the early 1960s, characterized by the view that art is nonrepresentational and chiefly improvisational.

  18. Surrealism: Middle of 1920-1930 • A 20th-century literary and artistic movement that attempts to express the workings of the subconscious and is characterized by fantastic imagery and incongruous juxtaposition of subject matter.

  19. Reflection • In thethirdcuarter I waswith a badbehavior I wasntpainingattentionaboutedanything and I waslazy. Beenhonest I waslikethatbecause i think «neeehhthisis art» butnow I knowthat art class and music etc. Isitliketheothersclassand I havetoimprovethat.

  20. Webgraphy • http://arthistory.about.com/od/glossary_a/a/a_abstract_art.htm • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abstract_art • http://www.thefreedictionary.com/

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