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10 sec. welcome. 10 sec. Teacher’s identity. Md. Jamal Matubber BA(Hon’s) MA in English Ass. Teacher (English) Shiruail High School Shibchar, Madaripur . Mobile No: 01688633977. 10 Sec. Class identity :. Class – IX Subject – English Unit – 01, Lesson – 02 Total Student – 30
10 sec. welcome
10 sec. Teacher’s identity Md. Jamal Matubber BA(Hon’s) MA in English Ass. Teacher (English) Shiruail High School Shibchar, Madaripur. Mobile No: 01688633977
10 Sec. Class identity : Class – IX Subject – English Unit – 01, Lesson – 02 Total Student – 30 Present Student – 03 Date : 17-05-20014
01 Minuet . Look at the pictures and think about it :
So, our lesson is--------------(?) 02 min Knowledge Skill Attitudes
02 Minuet. Objectives: Students will be able To describe the good citizen. To define unknown words To explain the Knowledge. To know how to acquire knowledge. To materialize the knowledge in practical life. To make themselves conscious about the good manners of behavior in the society with others.
Food Shelter Company Good man
Group work 02 minuets Discuss in groups the following question: What do you need in addition to food, shelter, company, etc. to become a good citizen?
04 Minuets Read the text silently and find out the unknown words: To be a good citizen, you have to prepare yourself to do good work in society. Well, then how can you prepare yourself? First, you need knowledge. Today’s society is knowledge – based. Without knowing modern sciences, including I C T and other necessary subjects, you will have difficulty living a good life. The other areas you, as a good citizen, should have knowledge about are: 1. Our country, its, geography and people Our state, its and powers Our judicial system Our government and its structures and functions Our , , traditions, literature, moral values, and religions Our socio- economic activities and educational system Second, you need skills to do things. Knowledge is not enough. You must be able to apply your knowledge to do things practically. Finally, knowing and doing things will bring about a change in your behavior towards others. This behavioral change will show your attitudes towards others, that is, it will show how you think and feel about a person or thing. technologies methods laws, code legislature parliamentary record constitution lifestyle executive legislative history cultures
Let’s take an example. Suppose you, as a student, need to know about ‘group work’ in the classroom. So you ask yourself or your teacher or anybody, “what is group work?” Or you may find about it in a book. In this way, you can know , or you may have the knowledge, about group work: To do group work, the class has to be divided into groups. Each group is to do some tasks given by the teacher or in the textbook. The group members will discuss and share ideas and points, and finally one member will write the answer. All this is knowledge about group work. Then you start working in groups. In each group you take turns discussing points answering question, etc. In this way you actually do the task. Your teacher may and help you to do the work. Lastly, through regular group work it is expected that there will be noticeable changes in your behavior. Possible changes are: You will develop the attitude of freely mixing and talking with your classmates and teacher. Your shyness will gradually disappear. You will develop the attitude of helping and with each other. You will learn to behave in a democratic way. Most importantly, these behavioral changes taking place in you inside the classroom will be carried over outside the classroom, in real- life situations. Collaborate Check monitor cooperating
Chain drill Unknown words : 03 min the methods, theory, and practices governing such application Technology laws, code, charter, canon, body of law constitution the natural features of a region Geography any administration Compare judiciary, legislature Executive parliament, house, congress, diet Legislature
chronicle, record, story History lifestyle, habit, way of life, Culture Work together sharing views opinions etc. Group work check, follow, record, watch, survey, Monitor work together, collaborate, coordinate Cooperate
Individual task 06 Minuets Read the text again silently: To be a good citizen, you have to prepare yourself to do good work in society. Well, then how can you prepare yourself? First, you need knowledge. Today’s society is knowledge – based. Without knowing modern sciences, technologies including I C T and other necessary subjects, you will have difficulty living a good life. The other areas you, as a good citizen, should have knowledge about are: 1. Our country, its constitution, geography and people Our state, its executive and legislative powers Our judicial system Our government and its structures and functions Our history, cultures, traditions, literature, moral values, and religions Our socio- economic activities and educational system Second, you need skills to do things. Knowledge is not enough. You must be able to apply your knowledge to do things practically. Finally, knowing and doing things will bring about a change in your behavior towards others. This behavioral change will show your attitudes towards others, that is, it will show how you think and feel about a person or thing.
Let’s take an example. Suppose you, as a student, need to know about ‘group work’ in the classroom. So you ask yourself or your teacher or anybody, “what is group work?” Or you may find about it in a book. In this way, you can know , or you may have the knowledge, about group work: To do group work, the class has to be divided into groups. Each group is to do some tasks given by the teacher or in the textbook. The group members will discuss and share ideas and points, and finally one member will write the answer. All this is knowledge about group work. Then you start working in groups. In each group you take turns discussing points answering question, etc. In this way you actually do the task. Your teacher may monitor and help you to do the work. Lastly, through regular group work it is expected that there will be noticeable changes in your behavior. Possible changes are: You will develop the attitude of freely mixing and talking with your classmates and teacher. Your shyness will gradually disappear. You will develop the attitude of helping and cooperating with each other. You will learn to behave in a democratic way. Most importantly, these behavioral changes taking place in you inside the classroom will be carried over outside the classroom, in real- life situations.
Individual task 03 Minuets. Write the answer of the following question individually: What do you need in addition to food, shelter, company, etc. to become a good citizen?
Solution to the question : Every citizen needs food, shelter, company etc. to live in a society but for a good citizen needs more. A good citizen could mean a bunch of things, being involved in the community, developing life skills, helping others in the society. To be a good citizen, a person needs to be involved in his/her community. A good citizen respects other people's property. Besides he/she needs to know what's happening in his/her community. If he/she becomes a good citizen, the community will be a better place to live.
Agood citizen will learn and develop good life skills. He or she have to be organized in his /her practical life. For example, students’ text book binder organized makes sure their text books are where they can get to them easily. Getting to their text books are important because they only have five minutes in-between classes. A student can also be a good citizen while still being a good friend. Like when a friend needs help with homework and when a teacher needs help with the classroom. He also be a good citizen by helping his/her neighbour whenever he faces hazards.
Individual task 03 Minuets Suppose you have learned at school how to make your drinking water safe and when and how much you should drink it in a day. Now write what changes the knowledge and skills from this lesson can bring about in your behavior. Drinking water. Making water safe.
Solution to the question : There are many essential elements for human beings to live in this world. Water is one of them. Safe water makes safe life. So, in order to make safe life water should be purified. Water can be purified in many way such as by boiling, using tablet, filtering etc. We should not drink water directly from pond, river etc. But this water can be drunk if it is purified properly. There are many places where safe water is available if there have deep tube-well. Everyone should drink sufficient water in a day. By drinking sufficient water one can refresh oneself. A man should drink five to six liter water in a day to be a healthy man.
Individual task 01 Minuets Colored kite Abraham Lincoln
Neat and tidy room. Messy room Constitution of Bangladesh
Practicing stretching exercise Mouli Dhaka Municipality
01 min Unknown words: rope, fibre, thread String fatiguedisable, weakenweary Exhaust yearningimpatientavid Anxious extendspreadunfold Stretch
04 minuets Read the text silently : Abraham Lincoln, a former president of the United States, advocates a “Government of the people, by the people, and for the people.” This means that the people have the right to control their government. Two students are making a kite with colored paper, sticks, glue, and string. Tisha’s room was always messy. She could not find things easily. Recently she has visited her cousin Ritu in Chittagong. She saw that Ritu’s room was very neat and tidy. Everything was exactly in its place. Ritu instantly finds what she wants. After getting back home, Tisha spent a whole weekend making her room well organized. “ It is the duty of every citizen to observe the constitution and laws to maintain discipline, to perform public duties and to protect public properties.” (The Constitution of The People’s Republic of Bangladesh) Students in pairs are acting out a dialogue in a class. Mouli is back from school. She is very hungry and looks exhausted. “What’s wrong, Mouli? asks her mother anxiously. “Don’t worry, Mom. I’ m OK. I just didn’t have my tiffin money to the widow.” The students of physical education class are practicing stretching exercise in the school yard. The affairs of Dhaka city were run by the Dhaka Municipality until 1978, when the city came under the Dhaka City Corporation.
Pair work. 02 min Discuss with your partner Two partner
Individual task 02 min Write K (if the text is knowledge based) or S (if the text is skill based) or A (if the text refers to attitude) against each text :
Group work 02 min Discuss in Groups how K S A can be shown in the following topics: Debate Email Or saline
03 min Individual task Write how K S A can be shown in the following topics: Debate E- mail Or saline
04 Minuets Elicitation: good citizen knowledge knowledge skill What do you mean by knowledge? How can we develop our skill? How will solve the problem facing in the group work? What is behavioral change? Which knowledge should we have in order to become a good citizen? Who is MOuli? Which example r is given in the text, section A? What are the benefits of group work? group efficiently Before doing anything we should have (a)---------------about it as it helps men to do something (b) -----------. That is why , firstly we should acquire (c) ----------- to develop our (d) ---------- to be a (e) ------------------- in a country like Bangladesh. Working in the (f)--------------- we can develop our knowledge.
03 Minuets Feed back All the problems from students will be solved.
01 minuet Home task Write a paragraph, reference to the text how can you be a good citizen in our country?