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Objectives. To identify and prioritize through country-driven participatory processes, technologies that can contribute to mitigation and adaptation goals of the participant countries, while meeting their national sustainable development goals and priorities (TNA).To identify barriers hindering the
1. Technology Needs Assessments UNFCCC workshop on Technology Needs Assessments
Bonn, Germany
1 - 2 June 2011
Lawrence Agbemabiese, UNEP- DTIE, Paris
Jyoti Prasad Painuly, UNEP Risoe Centre, Denmark
2. Objectives To identify and prioritize through country-driven participatory processes, technologies that can contribute to mitigation and adaptation goals of the participant countries, while meeting their national sustainable development goals and priorities (TNA).
To identify barriers hindering the acquisition, deployment, and diffusion of prioritized technologies.
To develop Technology Action Plans (TAP) specifying activities and enabling frameworks to overcome the barriers and facilitate the transfer, adoption, and diffusion of selected technologies in the participant countries.
3. National consensus on priority technologies and agreement on a national action plan, and readiness to implement the action
Methodologies which complement the revised TNA Handbook and facilitate technology information available to countries.
Capacity developed through workshops and guidebooks and easy access to technology information.
Regional networks ensure that support to the countries available in the region for technology information, methodology, preparation of action plan, and a cooperation mechanism to share TNA experiences.
Increased national and interregional cooperation on technology transfer as a mean to facilitate preparation of TNAs and implementation of TAPs.
4. Participating Countries
6. Lessons from Previous TNAs
8. Role of in-Country Institutional Elements
10. Prioritized set of actions to enhance market penetration
Political process ensuring buy in by politicians
Elements of enabling environments considered
Responsible actors/institutions
Timetable and milestones for implementation
Resource requirements
Financing needs (external, national)
Specific concepts for programme funding through future technology transfer funding mechanisms can be included in the plan
TAP is not just another report! Technology Action PlanPrioritized Policy Options It is message to stakeholders of government’s commitment to take the process further to its logical conclusion- Technology Transfer, increase investment...It is message to stakeholders of government’s commitment to take the process further to its logical conclusion- Technology Transfer, increase investment...
Workshop 1 Objectives; Build capacity of country teams on:
Prioritization of technologies
Stakeholders involvement process
Tools for prioritization
Net-working; meeting with Regional Centres, Country teams, URC and other stakeholders (UNEP, GEF)
12. Workshop 2 Objectives; Build capacity of country teams on:
Barriers analysis and enabling framework development
Tools (market mapping)
Preparation and contents of TNA and TAP (Template given)
IPR issues- Overview with special reference to mitigation and adaptation technologies
Preliminary results on prioritization were presented by countries.
13. Basic institutional structures for national consensus building set up and operating in all 1st round countries.
Capacity building programme has been launched:
Regional capacity building workshops implemented in all three regions for first round countries
Prioritization of sectors and technologies completed/underway in most 1st round countries. Technology Prioritization draft reports received from six countries. Review and feedback in progress.
Country consultation and MoU discussions completed in all the second round countries. MoU signed with most of the second round countries also.
Technology action plans (TAPs) expected starting third quarter 2011.
14. Pace of implementation has picked up in 2nd Round countries due primarily to:
Feedback of lessons from 1st Round experiences leading to ensure:
Better elaborated and more user-friendly documents covering pre-implementation requirements.
More focused stakeholder engagement.
Stronger government commitment.
Better efficiency of teams in the countries.
16. Partnership / arrangements for access to technology data- Ongoing
Tech-wiki, Regional Centres, Guidebooks, IEA
Website and Intranet operational
Dissemination of project knowledge: side events, CLEAN group, Tech-wiki, TNA Newsletter (June 2011)
Knowledge sharing : Technology Perspectives- first issue for sharing best practices and country experiences on mitigation technologies - June, 2011
18. Thank You
19. Mitigation technologies Adaptation technologies From TNAs to TAPs
20. Approach
21. Sector SelectionExamples
22. Enhanced capacity building resources and services
Technology Actions Plans -- all 1st Round Countries [October]
Technology Needs Assessment reports -- all 2nd round countries [December]
24. Web address : http://www.climatetechwiki.org/