1. EU Regional Water Seminar Amman 21-24 March 2011
Water and Sanitation
in the Occupied Palestinian Territory
2. Brief History of EC Support to the Water Sector in the oPt.
3. Current Process of Programming
4. Assessment Factors for The National Sector Framework:
5. SECTOR POLICY & STRATEGY National Sector Strategy for Water and Wastewater in Palestine 2011-2013
Finalised in September 2010
6. Strategic Objectives:
Promote good governance and provide a legal and institutional environment, that guarantees equitable services, and sound management of the sector ensuring its sustainability
(b) Integrated water management ensuring equitable and continues services as well as resources sustainability
(c) Integrated wastewater management which ensures equitable and continuous services, contributes to preserving public health and safeguards the environment
(d) Efficient and effective water and wastewater institutions engaging all segments of society
7. Policies and programmes
10. Aid Coordination Structure in oPt - Local Level -
12. Water and Sanitation SWG Composition
Co-Chairs: Palestinian Water Authority (PWA) and Germany
Technical Advisor: World Bank
PA institutions: Environmental Quality Authority (EQA), Ministry of Local Government (MoLG), Ministry of Planning and Administrative Development (MoPAD), Ministry of Public Works and Housing (MoPWH), National Water Council (NWC)
Donors: Austria, Office of the European Union Representative (EUREP), Finland, France, Japan, Sweden, United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
Observer: Office of the Quartet Representative
Secretariat: Local Aid Coordination Secretariat (LACS)
14. On 26 April 1995, the Palestinian Authority established the Palestinian Water Authority (PWA).
Role of the Palestinian Water Authority:
The PWA was established by Decree 90/1995 and its powers and authorities according to Water Law No. 3 include the following:
To allocate water for beneficial uses.
To issue licenses and permits for the uses of water resources.
To charge set fees for issuance of licenses and permits as specified in the Water Law and regulations.
To assure optimal utilization of water resources for public use.
16. Donor Coordination Mechanism Donor coordination is carried out with the support of the Local Aid Coordination Secretariat in the form of Water and Sanitation Sector Working Group which gather all donors in the sector on average once every quarter.
18. Major Challenges Facing the Water Sector:
19. Major Challenges in the Provision of External Support to the Water Sector Political Situation and the conflict in the area;
Increase on water demand against limited resources;
Brain drain of water sector expertise to other sectors;
Contaminates that threaten basins and other water sources;
Lack of self initiative and dependency on outside financial assistance;
Jewish settlements obstructing the construction of wastewater treatment systems.
20. Areas of Uncertainty & Doubt in Programming:
21. Lessons learnt and avoidable errors: