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Circulatory System

Circulatory System. SMA 1 Klaten Suripto,S.Pd. Circulatory System Functions. A. Transportation - Respiratory  Transport O2 to cells for aerobic respiration  Transport CO2 to lungs/gills for elimination - Nutritive  Transport of absorbed products of digestion to cells - Excretory

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Circulatory System

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  1. Circulatory System SMA 1 Klaten Suripto,S.Pd.

  2. Circulatory System Functions A. Transportation - Respiratory Transport O2 to cells for aerobic respiration Transport CO2 to lungs/gills for elimination - Nutritive Transport of absorbed products of digestion to cells - Excretory Metabolic wastes and excessive water are filtered in the kidney and excreted in urine

  3. Circulatory System Functions B. Regulation - Hormones are transported from endocrine glands to distant target organs - Help maintain a constant body temperature C. Protection - Blood clotting protects against blood loss - White blood cells provide immunity against many-disease causing agents

  4. Evolution of Circulatory Systems • Gastrovascular cavity Cnidarians and flatworms have a cavity that functions in both digestion and circulation. • Open circulatory system In mollusks and arthropods there is no distinction between circulating fluid (blood) and fluid of the body tissues (lymph) Hemolymph. • Closed circulatory system In annelids and vertebrates circulating fluid (blood) is always enclosed within vessels

  5. Circulatory Systems A. Blood Circulatory Systems : 1. Blood 2. Blood Circulatory organs : a. heart b. blood vessel B. Lymphatic Circulatory Systems cardiovascular

  6. Components of Whole Blood • Color varies from scarlet (oxygen-rich) to dark red (oxygen-poor) • The pH of blood is 7.35–7.45 • Temperature is 38°C, slightly higher than “normal” body temperature • Blood accounts for approximately 8% of body weight • Average volume of blood is 5–6 L for males, and 4–5 L for female

  7. Red Blood Cells (Erythrocytes)

  8. RBC (99%) • Biconcave discs, anucleate • Contains Hb (hemoglobin) , a protein that functions in to bind oxygen and gas transport I : happen in lungs II : happen in tissue • The primary function of red blood cell involves the transportation of respiratory gases.

  9. Red Blood Cells (Erythrocytes) • If blood lacking Hb anemia • If blood lacking O2  cyanosis • Each erythrocyte contains ± 200 millions Hb • Its concentration of normal man are ± 5 millions/ mm3, and woman are ± 4 millions/mm3. • Hematopoiesis RBC made in red marrow of bone: flat bone, short bone and epiphyses of pipe bone. • Hematocrit– the percentage of RBCs out of the total blood volume (in humans about 45%)

  10. Red Blood Cells (Erythrocytes) • The life span of an erythrocyte is 100–120 days • Old erythrocyte is demolished in hepar ( by histiocyte cells), Hb is demolished become Fe , globins and hemin:  Ferum gave back to bone marrow,  globins is used to protein metabolism or to make new Hb.  Hemin is changed become gall’s matter like bilirubin and biliverdin which will become urobilin as the colored of urine and fesses .

  11. White Blood Cells (leukocyte)) • Leukocytes Defend the Body • Less than 1% of the cells in human blood are leukocytes, or white blood cells; there are only 1 or 2 leukocytes for every 1000 erythrocytes.

  12. Ability of leucocyte • Amoeboid • fagocyte=> neutrophyl,monocyte, eosinophyl • diapedesis

  13. Leukocyte • Have nucleus. • They are larger than red blood cells • Each mm3, there are 6.000 – 9.000 grain leukocyte. • If more than normal called leukocytosis. • If it reach 20.000 grain each mm3, suffer leukemia. • If less than normal called leucopenia. • Many of them undergo a process of maturation and development in the thymus gland, lymph nodes and spleen.

  14. White Blood Cells (leukocyte) Agranular Granular

  15. White Blood Cells (leukocyte) there are many different types and all contain a big nucleus. the two main ones are the lymphocytes and the macrophages. macrophages ‘eat’ and digest micro-organisms. some lymphocytes fight disease by making antibodies to destroy invaders by dissolving them. other lymphocytes make antitoxins to break down poisons.

  16. Macrophages & lymphocytes swf

  17. Platelets (thrombocyte) Platelets are bits of cell broken off larger cells. Platelets produce tiny fibrinogenfibres to form a net. This net traps other blood cells to form a blood clot.

  18. Thrombocyte (0,6 - 1,0%) • Small cell, no regular form, easy to broken and have no nucleus. • Each mm3 human’s blood contain 200.000 – 400.000 grains of thrombocyte. • Made in megacariocyte of bone marrow and lymph. • In the patient of blood fever, the number of thrombocyte cell decrease.

  19. fibrin

  20. Clotting of blood

  21. GOLONGANDARAH Samakahjenis-jenis darahpadamanusia? Apaperlunyakita mengetahuigoldarah ?

  22. Nampaknya semua darah berwarna merah, tapi tahukah kamu ternyata tidak semua darah merah itu “sama”. Setiap darah manusia itu ternyata berbeda-beda. Apa perbedaannya? Kenapa bisa berbeda? dan apa kegunaan dari mengetahui perbedaan itu? • Darah merah manusia itu memiliki kandungan karbohidrat dan protein yang berbeda-beda, baik dalam Sel darah merah maupun pada Plasma (darah merah terdiri dari sel darah merah dan plasma tempatnya "mengambang")

  23. GOLONGAN DARAH • Sistem ABO • Dr. Karl Landsteiner • Penggolonganberdasarkankomposisi Protein dalamSeldarahygdisebutaglutinogen, dan protein dalam plasma ygdisebutaglutinin . swf1 swf2

  24. Aglutinogen dipandangsbg antigen (protein asing) MemilikiduajenisyaituAdanB, ygterdapatpadaseldarah Aglutinin  dipandangsbgzat anti (antibodi) • Jugamemilikiduajenisyaituαdanβ, ygterdapatpada plasma darah

  25. Tabel 1. Antigen and Antibody Perbedaaninilah yang kemudiandikelompokkanmenjadipenggolongandarah ABO

  26. Tdkterjadiaglutinasi Terjadiaglutinasi

  27. JUMLAH PEMILIK GOL DARAH Di seluruhdunia, rata-rata populasiterbanyak : golongan O, disusul A, B, dan AB

  28. Blood transfuse A A O O B B AB AB

  29. Table 2. Blood Transfusion

  30. B. Sistem Rhesus (Rh)Landsteiner & Weiner (1940) membedakangol A :a. Ygberfaktor rhesus  (Rh+)b. Ygtdkberfaktor rhesus  (Rh-)- GolRh+  memilikifaktorRhdlmeritrositnya, bilamendapattransfusidariRh- , tidakdapatmembentuk anti Rh- GolRh-  tdkmemilikifaktorRhdlmeritrositnyanamunGolRh- dapatmembentukantibodi anti RhdalamplasmanyajikamendapattransfusidarahygbergolRh+Gol A jgdapatdiberikan pd kerajenisMacacusrhesus

  31. PenentuangolRh :Jikadarahdiberi serum anti Rh, menggumpal (aglutinasi = hemolisa), makagolRh+ tidakmenggumpal, berartiRh-KetidakcocokangolRhantarasuamidanisteridapatmengakibatkankematianpadabayidalamkandungan. swf

  32. Perkawinan yang beresiko..!! • JikasuamiRh+, ibuRh-  bayiyglahirmungkinRh+ atauRh-jikabayinyaRh+ , akanmembentukantigenRhdlmdarahnya  menyebabkandarahibuakanmembentukantibodi anti Rh yang akanmenggumpalkandarah sang bayi. • Untukkelahiranpertama, bayidapatselamat, untukkelahiran yang kedua ,bayiselamattapidptmenderitasakitkuning, • Kelahiranbayiberikutnyadpatmengakibatkankematianbayiygdsbterytroblastosisfoetalis.

  33. Pd kulitberwarnaumumnyaRh+  Indonesia hampir 100% • Pd kulitputihsptAmerikasekitar 85% Rh-


  35. Summary Circulatory System Components • CIRCULATORY SYSTEM • Cardiovascular system • Lymphatic system • Cardio (heart) Vasculair (vessels) Lymph Lymph vessels Lymph nodes • Pulmonary (Lungs) • Systemic (body)

  36. Capillary bed- arteries and veins connected here • Where diffusion of materials take place across walls of small vessels

  37. www.biosbcc.net/doohan/ sample/htm/heart.htm

  38. Arteries: Highways from the Heart • Blood comes from the heart in • large pulses • Thus the artery must be able to expand • Arterial walls are made up of three • layers • Arterioles are smaller in diameter • than arteries • Their surrounding muscle layer can be • relaxed to enlarge diameter

  39. Veins: Returning Blood to the Heart Walls have thinner layers of muscle and elastic fiber than arteries Vein Artery When empty, walls collapse

  40. Veins: Returning Blood to the Heart Blood flow back to the heart is aided by 1. Low pressure in veins 2. Skeletal muscles 3. Unidirectional valves

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