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Sustainability Workshop

Sustainability Workshop. Welcome. FRC Sustainability Workshop Agenda. Introduction 5 min Resources 5 min Who does what 5 min Sustaining the Organization 5 min Q&A 35 min. What is FRC Team Sustainability?.

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Sustainability Workshop

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Sustainability Workshop Welcome

  2. FRC Sustainability Workshop Agenda • Introduction 5 min • Resources 5 min • Who does what 5 min • Sustaining the Organization 5 min • Q&A 35 min

  3. What is FRC Team Sustainability? It’s intended to be a challenge: “…a project too big, in a time too short, with a budget too small, and a team too large.” – Woody Flowers Challenge: keeping it fun? Solution: Acquire and maintain the necessary resources

  4. FRC Sustainability WorkshopWhat are resources? • People/ Volunteers • Parents, faculty, students, mentors • Sponsors • Money • Grants, awards • Donations, gift matching, • Fundraising - Outreach • Team fees • Facilities and Engineering Skills Peoples Volunteers Money Facilities & Engineering Skills • Rooms • Equipment • Expertise • Tools

  5. FRC Sustainability WorkshopHow to attract resources Use the force: Student Inspiralation Engage – “That looks fun” Inspire – “I want to do that too” Motivate – “I can do that” Confidence – “I know how to do it” Impact – “I can show others”

  6. FRC Sustainability WorkshopHow to attract resources Use the force: Student Inspiralation Peoples Volunteers • Motivate Team: • Other students • Parents • Faculty • Volunteers Money Facilities & Engineering Skills

  7. FRC Sustainability WorkshopWho provides what? Money Peoples Volunteers Facilities & Engineering Skills Organization/ Authority Parent/ Volunteers Faculty Grants Fundraisers Non Profit Status Fab Space Machining Tools Students Mentors School/Church/ Business/ Lodge/ Homeowner Training: OJT/ Workshops/ Industry Meeting Space Industry Sponsorships Fees Materials Skilled Participants: Mentors/Students

  8. FRC Sustainability WorkshopWhat is the key to sustainability? • Parents and Volunteers are the key • Parents • Parents influence schools, PTSA • Have industry contacts • Most creditable • Volunteers • Usually parents, also can be faculty, students or mentors • Have industry contacts Peoples Volunteers

  9. FRC Sustainability WorkshopStudents vs. Mentors What students can do Mentors / Volunteers help overcome obstacles Funding, treasury, grant applications, non-profit status Design calculations, finalize design/troubleshooting Leadership/focus • Design by similarity, be creative • Bring excitement, demonstrate student involvement • Define team objectives, represent sub-teams • Learn, experience, build, perform

  10. FRC Sustainability WorkshopWhat is the key to Volunteerism? • Five Basics: Make your volunteers feel welcome: • 1. Be accessible/approachable • 2. Have a structure they understand & can see themselves in it • 3. Open dialogue, decisions are transparent • 4. Show appreciation for their time • 5. Trust to help each other • show the value and create opportunities for them to be engaged and inspired

  11. FRC Sustainability WorkshopWhat is the key to Volunteerism? A Basic Leadership Team Structure COACH LEAD MENTOR • TOGETHER THEY • Provide Focus and Direction • Direct policies and actions • Efficient decision process • Effective communications • Address feedback LEAD ENGINEER PARENT COORDINATOR

  12. FRC Sustainability WorkshopWhat is the key to Volunteerism? • The basics: Parent meetings • Leadership briefs on status • - Demonstrate actions are taken and accomplishments are realized • - Openly discuss policies • - Emphasize parent involvement • Leaders must openly show appreciation to volunteers • Forum for feedback • - Encourage parent/volunteer engagement • Difficult issues: resolve off-line and report  back in parent meeting • Parents feel engaged • - They network with others breaking down barriers to volunteerism • Their concerns are addressed COACH PARENT COORDINATOR LEAD MENTOR

  13. FRC Sustainability WorkshopWhat is the key to Volunteerism? • The basics: Parent meetings • “Inspiralation” of the parents • Provide volunteer opportunities • =CONFIDENCE AND IMPACT • Student briefings • = HIGH VALUE (WHY WE ARE HERE) • Treasurer Briefings • = TRANSPARENCY, IMPACT MEASURES Peoples Volunteers Money Facilities & Engineering Skills

  14. FRC Sustainability WorkshopWhat is the key to Volunteerism? Peoples Volunteers • The basics: Parent meetings (cont’d) • Be brief! • Do not waste parents time! • Set agenda, touch core areas (all three) • Allow time to socialize at the start and end • Capture agreements and take actions for next meeting • Encourage parent feedback, if necessary differ to after the meeting • For major events create sub teams to manage and meet Money Facilities & Engineering Skills

  15. FRC Sustainability WorkshopWhat is the key to Volunteerism? • The basics: Treasurer • Assures sponsors that money is being handled properly • Efficient reimbursement process reduces barriers to volunteerism • Facilitate interface with 401.3(c) non-profit organization Money

  16. FRC Sustainability WorkshopOther Challenges? • School/Admin/Community Support • Parent understanding and support • - Impact on student future; • + Personal experience • + Understanding of STEM career options • + Improved scholarship opportunities • Leads to Principle/School board/Community support Facilities & Engineering Skills

  17. Business Outreach Presentation

  18. We are Skunk Works Robotics • FIRST Team Number 1983 For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology

  19. Mission of FIRST • Inspiring students to be science and technology leaders • Learning real-world skills • Building • Self Confidence • Leadership • Teamwork

  20. Who We Are Our Robot Our Team 84 Students • 25 Mentors • 4Robots • Year Round Operation 44 FRC + 40 FTC FTC + FRC + Practice Robots (2+)

  21. 2015 Competition Season • Winning Alliance at: • Auburn Mountainview District Event • Mount Vernon District Event • Philomath District Event • Won District Chairman’s Award at Philomath • Competing at Spokane Regional Event

  22. Competition Events 2015 District Events National Events Regional Events Auburn Mountainview St. Louis World Championships Spokane Regional Mount Vernon Philomath Scout • Build • Drive • Practice • Educate • Compete

  23. Year-Round Outreach Efforts Business Outreach & Engagement FRC Rookie Workshop Community & Industry Events Summer Workshops

  24. We use sponsors’ support in many ways • Robot Construction • Practice Field • Travel Expenses • Outreach Opportunities

  25. Getting Involved • Mentoring • Monetary Support • In-Kind Services • Internships

  26. FRC Sustainability WorkshopWhat Can School Administrators Do? • Make FIRST Robotics programs co-curricular. Students should get some education credit. • Coaches need to be paid. • Teams need tools, shop space and practice fields. • There should be as much media attention and publicity as any sports team get.

  27. TEAM MARKETING AND FUNDRAISING Marketing is the concept of aiming your organization directly towards it stakeholders

  28. GUERRILLA MARKETING Guerrilla Marketing is the process of relying on your time, energy and imagination rather than a big budget to get your word out and engage people.

  29. The Marketing Secrets of the Grateful Dead • Create a unique business model • Choose a Memorable Brand • Build a Diverse Team • Experiment, Experiment, Experiment • Embrace Technology

  30. The Marketing Secrets of the Grateful Dead • Encourage Eccentricity • Put Your Fans in the Front Row • Free Your Content • Be Spreadable • Give Back

  31. Fundraising in General • Stay away from the things that have low ROI • Stay away from the things that require too much work for low return • Involve the team members in the funding of their team • Create the BUZZ, the EXCITEMENT and the TEAMWORK

  32. Four Big Things That Work • Spaghetti Dinner & Dessert Auction • Letter Writing Campaign • Business Outreach Program • Industry matching/Grants

  33. Business Outreach Detail • Obtain Contact Information for Aerospace, Engineering, Tech and community involved businesses – parents, mentors, stakeholders • Develop Presentation Script and Format • Train All Team Members – Involve Parents • Assign Teams – Seniors with Freshmen, Juniors with Sophomores • Every Team Calls Businesses on the List and Schedules Presentation Times • Every Team Does a Minimum of One Presentations

  34. FRC Sustainability WorkshopContact Information • FIRST Website - www.USFIRST.org • FIRST Washington – www.firstwa.org • FIRST Wiki - www.firstwiki.net/index.php/main_page • FIRST forums – http://forms.usfirst.org/index.php • Events/Teams – www.usfirst.org/whatsgoingon • Chief Delphi – www.chiefdelphi.com/forums/portal.php • Non Engineer Mentor Organization – www.firstnemo.org • Skunkworks 1983 Team Website – skunkworks1983.com • Gary Miller, Skunkworks Robotics; Gary.P.Miller@Boeing.com • Steve Burke, Skunkworks Robotics; Steve.Burke@wsbdc.org • Steven Wright, Skunkworks Robotics; Steven@wrightmarks.com • Robert Steele, Coach Skunkworks Robotics; Robert.Steele@highlineschools.org

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