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A Proud Canadian Organization Connecting students to higher education and helping with immigration. Established in Canada for 10+ years. South Asia Tour 2017.
Canadian Educational Services We connect you! A Proud Canadian Organization Connecting students to higher education and helping for immigration. Establishments in Canada for 10+ years. South Asia Tour 2017
Who or what is Canadian Educational Services? Canadian Educational Services was founded in 2010. Since then we have helped over 3000 people both International and local Canadians. Paul Marshall has over 25 years experience in the adult education field. He founded Princeton College of Business, Technology and Healthcare in Toronto. He was the campus manager for one of Toronto's most prestigious career colleges specializing in business and health programs. Paul Marshall: Co-Founder, Managing Director, VP CES- Canada Canada encourages students to come to Canada to study and to work and live! Canada has many opportunites for great jobs/careers!
Who or what is Canadian Educational Services? Canadian Educational Services has established relationships with leading universities and colleges in Canada. Our domestic operations (CES-Domestic) operate within Ontario helping local Canadian residents to get career oriented education and to find jobs/careers in their desired field. Our sister organization,(CANSEES) Canadian Settlement, Education and Employment Services helps new immigrants to settle in Canada and helps many people find successful employment. Our international division (CES-International) helps international students find the best College and University in Canada. CES Makes it easy for young students to study in Canada. It gives peace of mind to parents. Canada has many opportunites for great jobs/careers!
Canadian Educational Services CES Career Consultants Education Experts Universities Students Colleges We connect you! Connecting International Students to Canadian Universities and Colleges
Canadian Educational Services Mission Statement We connect you! CES- is here to help international students get Canadian education and qualified professionals in order to achieve permanent residency in Canada We have relationships with many Canadian universities and colleges across Canada. We have years of expertise in helping graduating students to achieve citizenship in Canada. Let CES-International help you to get the best education in Canada and to get Canadian residency. South Asia Tour 2017
Canadian Educational Services 10 Most Respected Countries 10 Happiest Countries Denmark Finland Norway Netherlands 6. Canada Switzerland Sweden New Zealand Australia Ireland USA: #23 10 Best Countries for Entrepreneurs United Kingdom Netherlands Sweden Italy Slovenia 6. Canada South Korea Denmark Australia Ireland Iceland Denmark New Zealand 4. Canada Japan Australia Ireland Slovenia Finland Switzerland 10 Most Peaceful Countries 1. Canada New Zealnd Hong Kong Ireland Denmark Singapore Sweden Norway United Kingdom United States 10 Best Countries for Business
Canadian Educational Services Permanent Stay in Canada • Complete Education – Success! • Work Permit • Job in Field of expertise • Requisite number of hours worked • Apply for Permanent Resident Status • Become a Canadian Resident South Asia Tour 2017
The Ontario Student Opportunity Grant (OSOG) is available to help students reduce their Canada-Ontario Integrated Student Loan (COISL) debt. If you are eligible for OSOG, your grant will be applied directly to your outstanding COISL debt. Your actual grant is not awarded until at least 60 days after your latest study period end date for the 2016-17 academic year.
Who Can Get This Aid? • You must meet the eligibility requirements and qualify for funding through the 2018-2019 OSAP Application for Full-Time Students in order to be considered for this grant. In addition, you must also meet the following requirements for the 2016-2017 academic year: • You received a Canada-Ontario Integrated Student Loan (COISL); • You were enrolled in a full-time program for a total of two or more terms (21 to 52 weeks in total); and • You completed the study period(s) included in your OSAP full-time funding assessment and did not drop below a full-time course load. • You are entitled to and received COISL(s) that exceeded: • $7,500 if your total study period was two terms for the academic year, or • $11,250 if your total study period was three terms for the academic year.
How to Apply for OSOG? You are automatically considered when you submit a 2016-2017 OSAP Application for Full-Time Students.
When Your OSOG Entitlement is Calculated? An estimate of your OSOG entitlement is calculated when you submit your online OSAP Application for Full-Time Students. Your actual OSOG entitlement is not calculated until at least 60 days after your latest study period end date for the 2016-2017 academic year.
Income Verification Requirement All income reported on your OSAP Application for Full-Time Students, which includes your income as well as income reported by your parent(s) and/or spouse (as applicable) must be verified with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) before your actual OSOG entitlement can be calculated and issued. Results from the CRA income verification process may impact your eligibility for this grant if any of this income information is not accurately reported on your application or if the income verification process wasn’t completed (e.g. tax returns weren’t filed with the CRA, no match could be found to the CRA information). If any of the income listed was from foreign sources, additional documentation may be required.
How You Get Your Aid? OSOG is not paid directly to you. If you are eligible, your grant will be sent directly to the National Student Loans Service Centre to pay down your COISL.
How a Change to Your Situation Affects Your Eligibility You will be ineligible for OSOG if you: Reduce your course load to part-time (less than 60 percent of a full course load or less than 40 per cent if you are a student who self-identifies as having a permanent disability); Withdraw from your full-time program; Are enrolled in a one-term program (less than 21 weeks) or have completed only one term of your program; Have defaulted on a student loan(s); Have been reassessed and your loan entitlement has been reduced to less than $7,500 for a two-term academic year or $11,250 for a three-term academic year; and/or Become ineligible to receive further assistance through OSAP.
OSOG Review: Withdrawal Due to Medical Issues • You may be eligible for OSOG under a review if you withdrew from one or more academic terms because of a serious medical condition, medical emergency, or because you were hospitalized for an extended period and: • weren’t able to attend or carry out the activities required to fulfil the course requirements in that term, and • couldn’t reasonably have been expected to complete the term. • Medical conditions or medical emergencies relating to your child or another family member may also be considered if documentation is provided showing that you had to withdraw from studies to provide full-time care for the individual.
OSOG Review: Successful Appeal of Academic Expulsion • You may be eligible for OSOG under a review if you were expelled from one or more academic terms during the academic year before completing the term and all of the following apply: • You appealed the expulsion and an authorized appeal board granted your appeal. • The length of your expulsion period did not reasonably allow you to attend or carry out the activities required to meet the program requirements of the term. • You could not have been reasonably expected to complete the term and, as a result, would have to repeat the term lost in the following academic year.
SECOND CAREER FUNDING If you have been laid off from your job through no fault of yours you may be eligible for Second career full funding from the government up to a maximum of 28,000.00 which can cover the cost of your Books Tuition up to 10,000.00 Living allowance for the duration of your study Day care in some cases etc. etc.
What is OSAP • The Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) is a financial aid program that can help you pay for college or university. • OSAP offers funding through: • grants: money you don’t have to pay back • a student loan: money you need to repay once you’re done school • When you apply for OSAP, we automatically consider you for both grants and loans. If you don’t want to take a loan, you can decline it after your application is approved. • There are also programs to help you repay your student loan once you’re done school.
What OSAP can help with! OSAP can help you pay for: tuition books, equipment and supplies compulsory student fees charged by a school living expenses (full-time students only) child care (for students with children)
Who can get OSAP? OSAP is open to Ontario residents of any age who are: Canadian citizens permanent residents, or protected persons
Protected person Protected persons are individuals who hold a valid Verification of Status document issued by Citizenship and Immigration Canada, or a valid Protected Persons Status Document issued prior to January 1, 2013. A decision letter (“Notice of Decision”) from the Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB) is also a valid form of identification. Protected Persons can include convention refugees, humanitarian-protected persons abroad, and persons in need of protection. A person in need of protection is a person in Canada whose removal to their country of nationality or former habitual residence will make them subject to the possibility of torture, risk of life, or risk of cruel and unusual treatment or punishment. A protected person is defined in subsection 95(2) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada).
Who is not eligible You may not be eligible for OSAP if you: don’t meet the academic progress requirements have enough financial resources, including other forms of government aid, to cover your expenses allowed by OSAP report income on your OSAP application that’s significantly different from what you reported to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) have defaulted on a student loan have grant or bursary overpayments or multiple outstanding loan overpayments failed a credit check declared bankruptcy or consumer proposal, or consolidation orders have reached your lifetime limit of student loan funding (340 weeks of funding, 400 weeks of funding for doctoral studies, 520 weeks of funding for students with disabilities) are an international student
How much you can get? The amount of money you can get depends on your: education expenses – the amount of money you need for tuition, books, child care, personal living expenses (full-time students), supplies and equipment course load – whether you’re a full-time or part-time student personal financial situation - based on you and your family’s income, family size, dependants and other factors If you use money from yourRegistered Education Savings Plan (RESP), it won’t affect how much OSAP you can get. Additional funding may be available if you are: Indigenous a current or former Crown ward a person with a disability
Students in special circumstances Indigenous students Current and former individuals in extended society care (previously known as Crown wards) First-generation students Students with disabilities Students who are deaf or hard of hearing Students on social assistance
Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) If you get financial support through the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP), you can also apply for OSAP. OSAP is meant to help cover your educational costs: tuition fees compulsory fees books supplies and equipment local transportation child care (if applicable) You can continue to get ODSP funding to help with living costs while receiving OSAP. ODSP provides a 100% exemption on any income earned while you are enrolled in full-time postsecondary studies.
Did you know: Starting September 2019, going to college and university in Ontario will be more affordable thanks to a 10% tuition reduction for Ontario students.
How do you get your money? The amount of time it takes to review your application depends on a number of factors, including the verification process and any documents that may be required. This can take anywhere from four to six weeks. If you’re a full-time student Normally, you get your money in two installments: the first, when you start your study period (usually in September) the rest, halfway through your studies (usually in January) You’ll only get your money after: you’ve completed your application and all required documents have been received and approved all your information has been verified your school has confirmed your enrolment (as early as two weeks before your study period starts and again before your second installment can be released) You’ll receive your money from the National Student Loans Service Centre, which deposits funds into your bank account and to your school. No money is issued within the last 14 days of your study period.
Keep your OSAP loans interest-free If you decide to take a loan, your OSAP loans will not accrue interest in some situations. If you’re a full-time student receiving OSAP, your loan will automatically be interest-free for your study period once your school confirms enrolment. If you’re not receiving full-time or part-time OSAP but you’re continuing in full-time or part-time studies, you can apply for your previous loans to be interest-free while you’re in school. If you’re a: full-time student, submit a Continuation of Interest-Free Status Application online or complete and mail the form part-time student, submit a Canada Student Loans Program Confirmation of Enrolment Schedule 2 form
Why your grant could become a loan Normally, OSAP grants are money you don’t need to pay back. However, all or part of your OSAP grants may be converted into a loan if: you withdraw from studies or stop taking the minimum course load within the first 30 days of starting school at the end of the study period, as a result of an OSAP reassessment, you’re not entitled to all or part of the grant that you received (e.g., dropped courses, unreported income) the income reported in connection to your application can’t be verified within one year from the start of your studies (Ontario Student Grant only) If your grant is converted into a loan, it’s: added to your loan balance and included in the calculation of your monthly loan payment you’ll make once you’ve left school For more information about the terms and conditions of your OSAP grants, check your OSAP application, consents, declarations and signatures pages, as well as your Master Student Financial Assistance Agreement.