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Explore the godless culture's desire to practice sin without suffering consequences. Discover why society protects certain things while disregarding others. Understand the importance of moral authority and the consequences of immoral behavior. Learn why the so-called "new morality" is rooted in atheism and self-gratification.
PRACTICING SAFE SIN • The godless culture of our day is bent on practicing sin but without suffering temporal, unwanted consequences. This is so-called “safe sin.” • This is the meaning of the euphemism: “practicing safe sex” = fornicate all you want but avoid any unwanted consequences (of your sin). • The consequences of sexual promiscuity: unwanted pregnancies, venereal disease, aids, unwanted family responsibilities, broken marriages and homes. So, “sin but avoid these consequences”!
1. Why do we pass laws to protect the egg of the bald eagle, yet declare open season on pre-born, or partially-born babies? • 2. Why does our judicial system forbid a display representing the birth of Jesus while using taxpayer’s money to subsidize the vulgar, blasphemous and sacrilegious “art” that shows one urinating on a cross? • 3. Why does the media glorify homosexuality, perversion and other illicit relationships, and pass the traditional family situation off as obsolete?
4. Why do so many of our legislators see nothing wrong (sinful!) except what they determine is racism, sexism, or anti-Semitism? “Hate crimes” are wrong but murdering babies is not! • 5. Why do the media and political watchdogs scream so loudly about “censorship” in defense of pornography and blasphemy but remain strangely silent concerning the most censored book in America: the Bible?
WHY ALL THIS PREVAILS: • Rejection of a standard of moral authority! Moral chaos will continue and expand until society accepts the moral authority of God and his Word! (Judges 21:25) • As law without punishment for violation is meaningless, so moral concepts have no power without punishment for violation. • If there is an “ought not,” there has to be a reason for its not being committed!
COMMIT THE SIN, ESCAPE THE CONSEQUENCE • The liberal unbeliever does not speak of “sin,” and “wrong.” He doesn’t speak of “fornication” and “adultery.” • He uses euphemisms for sin, and then seeks ways to commit sin and escape the consequences! • 1. “Have a designated driver,” and get as drunk as you want to! Do your thing but try to escape the consequences.
COMMIT THE SIN, ESCAPE THE CONSEQUENCE • 2. “Practice safe-sex” but go ahead and yield to your passions, because you are “sexually active.” • Let the public (with their ever-climbing tax bill) pay for your “safe sin” (condoms in schools, abortion clinics, Family Planning programs/counseling, birth control pills). • The entire concept is: encourage sin but try to make it safe! It’s acceptable if you escape the consequences. Just don’t get caught!
3. “Give the drug addict clean needles;” make it safe. • 4. “Legalize prostitution” and control it and keep the girls healthy. • 5. “Legalize abortion” so women won’t have to go to the back alley abortionists. • 6. “Pass out free contraception in schools to kids” so they won’t produce kids. • 7. Legalize liquor so the alcoholic will not make his own dangerous home brew.
UNBELIEF IN GOD (Atheism) IS AT THE CORE OF THE SO-CALLED “NEW MORALITY” • Actually it is old immorality! • When one rejects God and denies any accountability to God, he has no consequences of immorality with which to be concerned, other thanthe immediate and the temporal! • A philosophy driven by rejection of God is concerned only with self (“self –esteem,” “comfort zone”) and with gratifying desires of self with the least unpleasant result. Sin safely and don’t get caught. (Hedonism; from the Greek word for “pleasure;” see it in Lk. 8:14; Tit. 3:3; Jas. 4:1,3; 2 Pet. 2:13).
THE BIBLE-BELIEVER KNOWS THAT THE CONSEQUENCES OF IMMORAL BEHAVIOR IS NOT MERELY TEMPORAL! • Consider Acts 24:24,25 • 1. Felix’s philosophy: “You go around only once, give it all the gusto you can!” • 2. He was a typical politician of his day — do whatever you can to get what you want. • 3. He pursued his desires and ambitions, letting nothing stand in his way.
Paul spoke to him about the value of God’s righteousness (plan of salvation in Christ Jesus), and about self-control (God holds man accountable), and the judgment to come. These virtues were completely foreign to Felix. • Felix trembled! He was terrified (Acts 24:25). The reality of a judgment after death before a God who is both good and severe (Rom. 11:22) would cause anyone unprepared for it to tremble! • There is a consequence of sin which cannot be escaped by the measures people take today to make sin “safe.”
Solomon lived life to its fullest. He had wealth, wine, works, and wives to satisfy every desire. Note Eccl. 2:1-11 • But he had the wisdom to conclude: [This is] the end of the matter; all hath been heard: fear God, and keep his commandments; for this is the whole [duty] of man. For God will bring every work into judgment, with every hidden thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil (Eccl. 12:13,14).
IT IS NOT ENOUGH TO TELL PEOPLE: “JUST SAY ‘NO’ TO DRUGS,” … “PRACTICE ABSTINENCE.” • Children must be trained to fear God so that their moral conviction is stronger than their fleshly passions (Gen. 39:9) • We must flee the sin itself and the lusts leading to it, not just the consequences (1 Cor. 6:18; 2 Tim. 2:22)
There is no such thing as “safe sin.” It doesn’t exist. It is a lie and deception of the Devil! Don’t believe it! • Sin = “Every one that doeth sin doeth also lawlessness; and sin is lawlessness” (1 Jn. 3:4). • Lawlessness = the condition of one without law. Greek, anomia = without law to authorize. • 1. Children must be taught to have authority for all that they do and for where they go. There must be permission: “May I?”
2. Parents: Demand respect from your children. Never lie to them; carry out your threats, making believers out of them! This is true love! Have respect for yourselves. Don’t get down on their level. Lead them; not let them! • 3. Children who EARLY learn to respect authority will grow up to respect their elders, their school teachers, the civil authorities, and above all, God!
4. If a child leads the parents “around by the nose,” and is thereby spoiled and pampered, there will be problems, conflicts, and sad and shameful consequences in this life, with the Judgment Day still ahead! • Prov. 29:15,The rod and reproof give wisdom; But a child left to himself causeth shame to his mother. • Parents, we must believe God’s word in the Bible rather than the human wisdom found in parent magazines, TV programs, etc.
Blessed, happy, is the child who is taught, not the so-called “safe sin,” but the fear of God that governs his life by God’s word. • He, if faithful until death, will enjoy eternal life in heaven, while the “safe sinner” will suffer eternal consequences in hell (1 Tim. 4:8)! • Is sin safe? Safe from temporal consequences only, but not safe from eternalconsequences? (Heb. 9:27). • There is no “safe” sin; there is only sin, and its wages are (eternal) death, Rom. 6:23!