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Nonpersonal Communications: Advertising, PR & Sales Promotion

Nonpersonal Communications: Advertising, PR & Sales Promotion. Dr. John Gaskins. Advertising Objectives. Advertising Generation. Message Appeal. Features vs . Benefits Effect vs . Affect Criteria Meaningful to the target market Distinctive - clutter

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Nonpersonal Communications: Advertising, PR & Sales Promotion

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  1. Nonpersonal Communications:Advertising, PR&Sales Promotion Dr. John Gaskins

  2. Advertising Objectives

  3. Advertising Generation

  4. Message Appeal • Features vs. Benefits • Effect vs. Affect • Criteria • Meaningful to the target market • Distinctive - clutter • Believable - credibility of spokesperson or source

  5. Message Execution • Tone • Style • Structure • Spokesperson

  6. Message Execution:Tone • Positive or negative (e.g. Fear) • Sex works with sexually oriented products, otherwise distracts • Humor • More general • Less likely to distract • Generates positive feelings • Don’t make the joke the message

  7. Message Execution:Style • Slice-of-life • Life style • Fantasy • Mood or image • Musical • Personality symbol • Technical expertise (of sponsor) • Scientific evidence • Testimonial

  8. Message Execution:Structure • One-sided vs. Two-sided • Draw Leave it a vs. to conclusion the receiver • Strongest argument first or last • Communicate a simple idea • Less danger of noise or misinterpretation

  9. Message Execution:Spokespeople • Criteria: “Q rating” • Expertise • Trustworthiness • Likability • Celebrities • Good if reason for celebrity is closely related to the product • Danger of fall in popularity • Professionals • “Folks like me”

  10. Choosing Ad Media(pg. 367)

  11. Media Issues • Key considerations • Coverage • Selectivity • Persistence • Quality of image/sound • Vehicle • Media outlet • Section or program within the outlet

  12. Media:Interactive Ads • Web • 2-way communication vs. intrusion • “Richness” vs. band width, access • Forms • Banners • Keyword ads • Advertorials • Interstitials • Pop-ups/-unders • Effectiveness • Impressions • Hits & Click-through • Conversion rate

  13. Media Cost/Effectiveness:How It’s Done • Cost per Gross ratingThousand = Cost ÷ points (CPM) (000’s) • Gross rating = Reach * Frequency points • Reach • TV: A.C. Nielsen • Radio: Arbitron • Print: Starch Roper • Within the target market • There are THREE target markets to consider! • Frequency: at least 3

  14. Measuring Ad Effectiveness • Message research • Pretest • Sales conviction test • Blind product test • Eye movement measurement • Galvanic skin response • Posttest • Survey: unaided & aided recall • Inquiry test • Split run/split cable

  15. “Zipping,” “Zapping” & “Wearout” • Vary executions within a campaign • Herding Cats • Running with the Squirrels • Building Airplanes in the Sky • Tell a story • Design visuals

  16. Advertising inOrganizational Markets • Create a favorable climate for salespeople • Stimulate derived demand • Project a favorable corporate image • Reach inaccessible buyers

  17. Publicity vs. Public Relations • Various “publics” can affect firm’s ability to reach its objectives • Nonmarketing public relations • Institutional • Marketing public relations (MPR) • Product • Public Service Announcements (PSA) • Sponsorships • Word of Mouth (WOM) • Net Promoter Score

  18. “Guerrilla Marketing” • “Buzz marketing” • Viral marketing • Undercover selling • Social media marketing

  19. Sales Promotions • Aim: induce immediate action • Gain attention • Induce trial • Move customers to next stage of purchase process • Hold current customers, build loyalty (Patronage rewards) • Selectively adjust effective purchase price • Forms • Retail sales promotion • Trade sales promotion • Keep the Attention on the Product

  20. Sales Promotion Methods

  21. Retail Sales Promotions

  22. Trade Sales Promotions • Sales meetings • Trade shows • Sales contests • Store demonstrations • Dealer contests & premiums • “Push” money

  23. Measuring Effectiveness:The Promotional “Bump” • During the promotion • Promotion “lift” • Primary demand • Increase consumption • One time purchase by traditional nonusers • Switch categories • Selective demand • Switch brands • Switch stores • After the promotion • Length, depth of post-promotion slump • Long term level

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