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Russian Cuisine

Russian Cuisine.

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Russian Cuisine

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  1. Russian Cuisine

  2. Ingredients:• 1 kilogram of beef• 400 grams of ham• 1 celery• 1 leek• 2 carrots• Parsley• 2 onions• 2 - 3 pc. bay leaf• 10 - 20 grains of allspice• 1 small head cabbage• beetroot pickle• 400 grams of sugar beet• Salt• simple pepper• greensFirst you must wash the beef fat from the top in warm water, then dipped in a pot and boil twice, continuously removing the scum. When the meat is cooked, remove it from the dishes, wash in cold water, cut into pieces, put in a saucepan, cover with strained broth, place the roots and cabbage, cut into 8 pieces. Put on the fire of medium intensity. When cabbage Uvarov, pour into a saucepan beet brine (to taste), or bread kvass, add salt, then simmer until tender.This soup can be added to 400 grams of smoked ham, which had previously been necessary to wash in hot water, clean, boil twice, cut into chunks and put in the soup for a few minutes until cooked. Before serving to remove the fat, remove the cabbage and put it in a saucepan, add up to the same 400 grams of boiled or baked finely chopped beets, pour strained broth to boil, add (for color) juice of grated raw beetroot, salt and pepper. Борщ – a Soupcalled Borshch

  3. Ingredients:• 2 onions• 150 gr. ham• 150 gr. boneless venison• Simple and sweet pepper to taste• 2 - 3 pieces clovesFor the dough:• 3 cups flour• 2 eggsOn the sauce:• 1 tablespoon butter• 1 / 4 lemon or vinegar• 1 tablespoon flour• BrothFinely chop 2 onions, add the sliced raw pork fat and free of live fowl, chop it all together, put pepper, cloves.Get 3 cups flour, 2 eggs, salted water 7 tablespoons, which is almost 1 / 2 cup, salt 1 rounded teaspoon, knead dough, roll out thinly, but not to burst, cast series stuffing balls, cover edge of the dough tightly compressed circle so that the stuffing does not stepped outside, and then cut the shape of a pen or crescent-shaped cakes.Omit dumplings into boiling salted water (this proportion dumplings to put a full tablespoon of salt), 10 minutes to try, if you are ready, choose carefully durshlagovoy spoon into the dish.Feeding, throw red meat sauce with butter, lemon juice or vinegar. Serve Siberian dumplings in the same broth in which cooked. Пельмени(Pel'meni) -meat dumplings

  4. Ingredients: Cooked sausage (or boiled / fried fillet poultry) - 250g,Potatoes - 2-3pc,pickled cucumbers or pickled - 2 pcsEggs - 4 pieces,green peas - 0,5 glass,boiled carrots (optional component) - 1,mayonnaiseSalt to tastePreparationSausage or chicken boiled meat cut into cubes. Boiled potatoes, boiled carrots, boiled eggs, pickled or salted cucumbers cut into small cubes. Add green peas. Mix everything and season salad with mayonnaise Оливье (oleevye)

  5. Ingredients:* Rack of pork (porsloyka) or myasko for barbeque - 0,6 kg* Mineral water with gas - 100 ml.* Juice of half a lime* Salt, coriander, thyme, a mixture of pepper mills* For the sauce:* Root of horseradish, 3 cloves garlic 3 large tomatoes, salt* Vegetable oil* Oven and grill features Шашлык Shashlyk

  6. Ingredients:Flour - 1 - 1,2 kg eggs - 5 pieces Sugar - 1st butter - 70 g vegetable oil - 80 ml Salt - 1 hour liter of milk - 300ml dry yeast - 11g vanilla sugar - 1 packageSteps to prepare:1. Prepare food. Sift flour. Melt butter.2. Yeast pour a little warm water and put in a warm place. Prepare the sponge. When the yeast increase in the amount of shift them into a large bowl, add 200ml warm milk, flour, meals and stirring mix the batter. Bowl cover with a towel and leave the brew to be lifted in a warm place.3. Eggs mix well with milk, salt and sugar, add melted butter and vegetable oil. A lot of stir well.4. The mixture was poured into coming up sponge and mix well.5. Adding portions of flour kneaded the soft elastic dough. Stir well.6. Stir the dough should not stick to hands.7. Bowl that will fit the dough, sprinkle lightly with flour. Put in pastry and cover with a towel in a warm place. When dough increase in volume, obmyat it several times.8. Preheat oven to 180 degrees C. The dough is divided into 5 parts. Four parts divided in half and roll out of these strands, then twist them in a spiral and take the form of a circle. Of the remaining pieces of dough make flagella and girds their rolls.9. Baking grease and shift the loaves, leave for proofing for 20 minutes, covered with a towel. Beat the egg with the 1st liter of milk and oil coming up in rolls. Sprinkle with poppy seeds, baking in the oven and bake until tender (20 - 25 minutes).10. Baked cakes to pass on to the board that the dough is not tired of, and cover with a towel.11. Cooled cakes are ready for use. Калач (Kalach) Christmas bread

  7. Ingredients:Beef (meat) - 500 gPotatoes (tubers average) - 8.,Onions - 2-3 headButter or margarine - 50-80 g,Dry white wine - 200 mlSalt, pepper, dried dill, parsley, bay leaf,Smetana,(Food for 4 servings).Preparation:Meat and potatoes into cubes (of side 1.5 cm), onion - semirings.Fry the meat in butter or margarine 3-5 minutes, spread out in 4 portions pot.Fry the potatoes, stirring occasionally, too, about 5-7 minutes, spread over the meat.Sauté the onion rings until golden brown, lay on top of potatoes.Season with salt and pepper, put on half a bay leaf to the pot, sprinkle the dry herbs in every pot pour boiling water 50 ml and 50 ml of wine.If you want to be a little more sauce - pour plenty of water (80 - 100 ml).Place in hot oven (200 degrees) for 1 hour.When applying in each pot to put the sour cream to taste.If there are no pots, you can cook in any fireproof dish, for example, for microwave ovens. Картошка с мясом в горшкеPotatoes with the meat in the pot

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