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Definitions Chapter 3 Lesson 1

Definitions Chapter 3 Lesson 1. 1 . Pony Express- Service begun in 1860 that used a relay of riders on horses to deliver mail from Missouri to California in 10 days. 2.Telegraph – A Device that sends messages through wire using electricity.

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Definitions Chapter 3 Lesson 1

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  1. Definitions Chapter 3 Lesson 1 • 1. Pony Express- Service begun in 1860 that used a relay of riders on horses to deliver mail from Missouri to California in 10 days. • 2.Telegraph – A Device that sends messages through wire using electricity. • 3. Transcontinental Railroad- A railroad that crosses a continent .

  2. Chapter 3-1(Page 133) • 1860: The Pony Express begins delivering mail across the West. *10 days to move mail from the East to the West. • 1861: The first telegraph (information) line across the US is completed. *Quicker (few minutes) *Safer

  3. Chapter 3-1(Page 133) • 1862: Building begins on the transcontinental railroad. *1861-1865 Civil War- not enough workers. • 1867: The Central Pacific finishes building track through rugged mountains. *80% of Central Pacific workers were Chinese (language barrier). • The Union Pacific had to build across the plains (face Plains Indians) • 1869: The Transcontinental railroad is completed. *Promontory Point, Utah.

  4. Standardize Gauges are the same size and shape 1869 Steps that had to happen to make the transcontinental railroad work.

  5. Standardize Gauges are the same size and shape Network Link the tracks together Time zones Keep Schedules 1869 Steps that had to happen to make the transcontinental railroad work.

  6. Open Notes Quiz Chapter 3:1 1. What year did the Pony Express begin to deliver mail? 2. What year was the Transcontinental Railroad completed? 3. What invention sent messages along wires using electricity? 4. What was the business called that delivered mail from Missouri to California in just 10 days? 5. 80% of Central Railroad workers were____ immigrants.

  7. Railroad Video

  8. Definitions Chapter 3 Lesson 2 1.Pioneer- Early settlers 2.Homestead Act- A law signed in 1862 offering free land to people willing to start new farms on the Great Plains. 3.Homesteaders- Settlers who claimed land on the Great Plains under the Homestead Act. 4.Exoduster – A name for African American pioneers who moved on the Great Plains after the Civil War. 5.Technology –The use of new ideas to make tools that improve people’s lives.

  9. Pioneers moved to the Great Plains (Mid-West) to be Homesteaders. Pioneers on the Great PlainsChapter 3-2 ADD TO YOUR TERMS UNDER HOMESTEAD ACT: Qualifications: 1) Male over 21 OR the female head of the home. 2) Pay a small fee- usually about $10. 3) Live on and work the land for 5yrs.

  10. www.scripophily.net/ceofholawuns.html

  11. http://www.archives.gov/education/lessons/homestead-act/

  12. http://www.archives.gov/education/lessons/homestead-act/

  13. http://www.archives.gov/education/lessons/homestead-act/

  14. Homesteaders Going Out West

  15. http://historyforkids.utah.gov/fun_and_games/photos/picturestocolor.htmlhttp://historyforkids.utah.gov/fun_and_games/photos/picturestocolor.html

  16. They faced land with few trees and harsh weather. Difficulties faced by settlersChapter 3-2 Pioneers became known as sodbusters because they had to rip up the tough sod to get to the soil. They used the sod to build homes (because there were few trees).

  17. http://edsitement.neh.gov/view_lesson_plan.asp?id=296

  18. Sod House

  19. http://edsitement.neh.gov/

  20. They faced land with few trees and harsh weather. Difficulties faced by settlersChapter 3-2 Pioneers became known as sodbusters because they had to rip up the tough sod to get to the soil. They used the sod to build homes (because there were few trees). Sod houses were home to bugs, rats, and snakes. The house leaked during rain, but it was warm in winter and cool in summer, and fire resistant. Pioneers faced deadly prairie fires due to dry weather. Grass hoppers would also eat their crops.

  21. Technology helped settlers turn the Great Plains into productive farmland. • Steel Plow- used to cut through the tough sod. • *Windmills- used to pump water to the surface and a power source. • Barbed wire- kept animals in place and away from crops. • Dry Farming- used to keep moisture and prevent erosion.

  22. Exoduster

  23. Chapter 3 Lesson 3 - 4 Vocabulary • Cattle Drive- Method cowboys used to move large herds of cattle North from ranches in Texas to towns along the railroads in the late 1800’s. 2. Gold Rush –Sudden movement of many people to an area where gold has been found. 3. Reservation – Land set aside for Native Americans. 4. Entrepreneur –A person who starts a new business hoping to make a profit. 5. Battle of Little Big Horn – A Lakota victory over the United States soldiers on June 25,1876.

  24. Cowboys Long hard days in the saddle. Bad weather: hot and dry, flash floods, storms (grass fires), high winds. Sleep on the ground- saddle for a pillow. Rustlers/thieves- kill to get cattle. Stampede- 100+ cattle weighing 1200-2000 lbs each running wild Miners Long hard days with small chance of finding gold. Most gold was in the ground- difficult to get to. Thieves/ claim jumpers- kill to get gold. Lonely- usually mined in an isolated area. Difficulties faced by:Ch 3-3

  25. Cowboys at Camp

  26. Cowboys at the Chuck Wagon

  27. African American Cowboys

  28. Why did cattle drives end? • Conflict between the homesteaders and cowboys existed because homesteaders were fencing in their property. This made it hard for cowboys to drive their cattle across country to the nearest railroads. • and • Railroads expanded toTexas.Therefore, cattle drives were no longer needed

  29. Boom Town → Ghost Town 1. Gold/silver discovered 9. Merchants leave- no customers/Ghost Town 8. Miners leave to find gold/silver elsewhere 2. Miners come to get rich 7. Gold/silver gone 3. Merchants come to supply the miners 6. Companies buy out miners 4. Tent city is used by merchants (temporary) 5. Permanent stores are built

  30. What was the lasting effect of the search for gold?? • The search for gold lured many settlers to the West. • Thus the population grew!!! • Many territories to became states too!

  31. Open Notes/Book Quiz Chpt.3:3 1.What is an entrepreneur? 2. List a difficulty a cowboy faced. 3.List a difficulty a miner faced. 4.Why did ranchers drive their cattle from Texas to towns near railroads? Pg.149 5.Why did cattle drives end?

  32. Chapter 3 Lesson 4 War in the West

  33. Conflict on the Great PlainsPages 155 Native Americans saw their traditional way of life threatened by settlers, ranchers, miners, and railroads moving into the West. http://www.lowcostprints.com/prints/picture.asp?idProduct=205

  34. Conflict on the Great PlainsPages 155 • The government decided that Native Americans should move onto reservations. http://ushistoryimages.com/ images/chief-sitting-bull/fullsize/chief-sitting-bull-6.jpg

  35. The Battle of Little Bighorn also known as “Custer’s Last Stand” was the first military victory for theNative Americans.

  36. Nez Perce

  37. Wounded Knee was the last major battle between Native Americans and U.S soldiers.

  38. After the WarsPages 158-159 • Today Native Americans are educating their people. • They are teaching their native languages, sharing tribal stories and gaining more control over reservation land. • http://www.navajo-arts.com/navajo-pictures/navajo0006.jpg

  39. Chapter 3 Open Note Quiz • What year did the Pony Express being transporting mail to the West? • What invention replaced the Pony Express by shortening the time it took to send information in 1861? • What ethnic group helped the Central Pacific build the transcontinental railroad? • Why were these workers needed? • What three “things” had to happen BEFORE the transcontinental RR could work? • Name ONE difficulty faced by pioneers. • What were some pioneers called because of the building material they used? • What law offered pioneers “free land,” AND what was a requirement for the “free land”? • Name ONE technology the pioneers used on the Great Plains. • Name ONE difficulty faced by cowboys.

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