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Down Syndrome

Down Syndrome. Stefani Holt Period 5 Honors Biology 2002. Signs and Symptoms of the Disease. Decreased muscle tone at birth Odd-shaped skull~~round head with flat area at the back of the head~~small skull Slanting eyes~~unusual for ethnic group Small mouth with protruding tongue

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Down Syndrome

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Down Syndrome Stefani Holt Period 5 Honors Biology 2002

  2. Signs and Symptoms of the Disease • Decreased muscle tone at birth • Odd-shaped skull~~round head with flat area at the back of the head~~small skull • Slanting eyes~~unusual for ethnic group • Small mouth with protruding tongue • Broad short hands • Single crease on the palm • Retarded growth and development • Delayed mental and social skills • Abnormality of the colored part of the eye

  3. Signs and Symptoms Continued • Heart murmur may be revealed • Inability at birth to pass tube from the nose into the stomach~~obstruction of the esophagus • Massive vomiting

  4. Inheritance and Incidence • The incidence of Down syndrome is sporadic but there is a small risk of reoccurrence in further pregnancies. • It is also related to maternal age. • Though the majority of children with Down syndrome are born to young mothers the risk is higher the older the mother is. • 3-4% of the time the mother may have a translocation of chromosome 21.

  5. Testing and Screening • There is no specific treatment for Down Syndrome. • Special education is available in most places for mentally handicapped. • Surgical correction may be required. • Screening is required for some visual problems and hearing loss.

  6. Therapies for the disease • There are no therapies for Down syndrome right now but they are trying to find some.

  7. Ethical Consideration • The screening and testing for Down syndrome is not a bad thing. There isn’t much testing and what they do have is nothing bad that may harm the person in any way.

  8. Webliography • Htpp://content.health.msn.com • www.cafamily.org • www.yahoo.com

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