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Updates on AFMA Implementation (1999-2009)

Updates on AFMA Implementation (1999-2009). Background. The Landmark Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Act, or Republic Act 8435 (AFMA) was signed into law in December 1997.

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Updates on AFMA Implementation (1999-2009)

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  1. Updates on AFMA Implementation (1999-2009)

  2. Background • The Landmark Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Act, or Republic Act 8435 (AFMA) was signed into law in December 1997. • Its vision is to modernize agriculture and fisheries through a dynamic, smallholder, private sector-led and market-driven intervention • The goal of AFMA is focused on five major concerns: poverty alleviation, food security, rational use of resources, people empowerment, and global competitiveness. • The law was amended in 2004 through RA 9281 which includes Section 109 (duty free exemption from agriculture inputs) and Section 112 on appropriations.

  3. 1999-2010 GAA (Regular and AFMP) in PhP ‘000

  4. Status of Irrigation Development(as of December 2009)

  5. Status of Irrigation Development1999 vs 2009 * Estimated potential irrigable area is 3,126,340 hectares

  6. Post-harvest and Other Infrastructure Facilities • Distributed 18,638 postharvest machineries & equipment (dryers, shellers, threshers, etc.) • Constructed, rehabilitated/upgraded 20,890 postharvest facilities (MPDP, warehouse, cold chain, trading centers, etc.) • Constructed/repaired 8,325 km. of FMRs amounting to P13.18 billion (2001-2009 as of August 2010) • Established 50 mariculture parks nationwide while 10 are for launching

  7. Credit Facilitation From 2001-2009, total agricultural production loans amounted to P465 B* Of this, P96 B was through LBP, benefitting 2,067,185 million beneficiaries Provided P10.7 billion insurance This benefitted 11.32 million farmers and fisherfolk * Loans granted under different credit programs of various institutions (DA, ACPC, LBP, DBP, PNB, BAI, RBs, NTA, DENR, CRBs, PCA, CDA, Quedancor, TLRC, NAFC, DAPCOPO, NLSF)

  8. Marketing Assistance Assisted around 461,000 individuals and 4,100 farmer organizations through the conduct of 11,156 trade fairs, exhibits, trade missions, congresses, market matching, and other marketing activities Participated in the development and operationalization of the RO-RO Transport System (RRTS) Established the Agribusiness Exports Showroom (AES)

  9. Research and Development Completed 942 research projects and commercialized 70 technologies Developed the Research, Development and Extension Agenda and Programs (RDEAP) 2006-2010 that served as basis for prioritization of R&D programs/projects On-going program on capability enhancement to establish the National Extension System for Agriculture and Fisheries (NESAF)

  10. Extension Support, Education and Training Services (ESETS) Conducted 28,059 training courses from 1999-2009 benefitting 1.3 million farmers and fisherfolk nationwide Issued the Agriculture and Fishery Participatory Planning Manual for LGUs and other information materials for agri & fishery development planning Continued the granting of development communication support through tri-media for nationwide extension system

  11. Salary Supplement for LGU Extension Workers Continued the provision of support to the LGU agricultural technologists Pushed for the allocation of salary augmentation for those AEWs that were affected by the devolution in the DA budget proposals Not complied but instead AEWs were provided incentives through the commodity programs

  12. National Information Network Operationalized around 1,100 info/data systems, e.g.: Plant Variety Registry System of BPI SPS Information System Computerized Information Tracking Organizer Agri & Fisheries Marketing Information System Inward Foreign Manifest Information Retrieval System ATI-ITCPH Online Training on Pig Husbandry Established and operationalized the DA local area network and wide area network Start-up activities for the Unified and Enterprise Geospatial Information System (UEGIS) Project

  13. National Agriculture & Fisheries Education System (NAFES) Assist in the development of the NAFES Plan that included: Preparation of curricula that tackles agri & fisheries Network Centers of Excellence (NCE) Formulation and implementation of the National Integrated Human Resource Development Plan (NIHRDP) On-going Expanded Human Resource Development Program (local & foreign) Creation of the Board of Agriculture and Board of Fisheries under the PRC

  14. Rural Non-farm Employment (RNFE) Training Helped in the organization of the RNFE-Basic Needs Program (BNP) core group to develop pilot programs in selected localities Set-up the Farmers Information Technology Service (FITS)/Techno Pinoy one-stop shop in collaboration with PCARRD-assisted consortia

  15. SAFDZ • Completed the initial NPAAAD and SAFDZ  maps for the whole country and are available to the public in hard copy or digital format • Completed the pilot-testing of the National Farmers Registry System (NFRS) and the Inventory System of Agriculture & Fisheries Investments (ISAFI) under the UEGIS project


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