Steve Silo / BEFC Member – 04JUL09I had the good fortune to go for a ride in this over the 4th, albeit a short flight. Just getting into it was fun. Spring loaded foot holds on the flaps & fuselage; spring loaded hand holds on the wing & fuselage. You're sitting higher than the top of the wing on a 172. The acceleration on the ground roll pushes you back in the seat. The noise at full throttle was deafening, even with the head sets on.Only had a few minutes stick time. The instruments are all kind of archaic (from the 50's). The tach and altimeter were single needle for the hundreds, with an indicator window for the thousands, and all other instruments were not in the standard six pack arrangement, which made it seem like forever when you were looking for a particular instrument. The forces needed are amazingly light at 200kts IAS - only a couple of fingers needed to bank or climb. And a lot less force needed on the rudder pedals than I'm used to on a 172 - had a difficult time keeping the ball centered!
Steve on Short Final GUMPS Check Completed!