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This article discusses the role of inter-regional transport corridors in serving territorial coverage and improving connections in Central Europe. It explores the importance of the Trans-European Network, Pan-European Corridors, and the South-North Axes in facilitating efficient transportation.
ABOUT THE ROLE OF THE INTER-REGIONAL TRANSPORT CORRIDORS Tamás Fleischer Institute for World Economics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences http://www.vki.hu/~tfleisch/ tfleisch@vki.hu SoNorA – South North Axis University Think Tank Start-Up Conference, Prague, 12th of February, 2009
TEN (Trans-European Network), PEC (Pan-European Corridors), TINA network – and the SoNorA (South North Axes) • European scale – Central-European scale – local scale • The function of the multimodal inter-regional transport corridors is: to serve the territorial coverage • The importance of the internal connections • The TEN of EU-15’s, its enlargement (PEC) and a more dense one (TINA) • Hungarian plans and debates and the CETC/SoNorA process • Summary, consequences
Summary • The inter-regional/international corridor is an indirect, higher-level connection, its task is not directly serving the destinations, rather supplying a wider (80-100 km) area (with relatively few corridors), by improving the external connections of the local networks. • The main aim is the good interconnection of the whole Central-European area. A proper TEN backbone network structure has to serve that aim, and the necessity of single corridors must be followed from that. • There are 9-10 countries along the belt of the CETC /SoNorA-corridor, and it is not likely that a 200-300 km wide area could be served by one single north-south corridor. It is not the title that should be fight for, but rather a strategic level survey of the whole Central European network, and to bring decisions based on that.
Automobile ways: spatial coverage Proximity corridors along the TEN-T road network in 2002 in the European Union supposing a provision of 40-40 km distance • Gutiérrez, J. – Urbano. P. (1996) Accessibility in the European Union: the impact of the trans-European road network. Journal of Transport Geography Vol. 4. No. 1. pp. 1-12.
Automobile ways: spatial coverage Those Hungarian belts covered by 15-15 and 30-30 minutes access from the future road corridors by the year 2015 • Országos Fejlesztéspolitikai Koncepcióról szóló 96/2005. (XII. 25.) OGY határozat http://net.jogtar.hu/jr/gen/hjegy_doc.cgi?docid=A05H0096.OGY Lack of feedback on planning!
Automobile ways: spatial coverage • Corridors: do not offer direct service for neighbouring plots • Supply spatial coverage in an indirect way – through other road categories • During the planning process it is not only the direct occupied area that is important, but also the indirectly served area. => • For an overlapped region the corridor has any effect only if there exist an internal provision network, that can transmit the services of the corridor • It is not useful to overlap closely parallel coverage zones, or built the corridor close along a river, lake – as in such cases the corridor can supply but one side.
SoNorA: spatial coverage Whether this is ONE single corridor, where we have to find one single optimal trace?Or these are TWO corridors, a Rostock-Berlin-Prague-Adria (D-CZ-A-I) – and a Gdansk-Katovicze-Bratislava-Szombathely-Zagreb-Rijeka (PL-SK-H-SN/CR) • Source: Agárdy, G.(Bratislava Region) Presentation CETC National Support Group Szombathely 2008.05.09.
SoNorA: spatial coverage Whether this is ONE single corridor, where we have to find one single optimal trace?Or these are TWO corridors, a Rostock-Berlin-Prague-Adria (D-CZ-A-I) – and a Gdansk-Katovicze-Bratislava-Szombathely-Zagreb-Rijeka (PL-SK-H-SN/CR)or possible THREE corridors – 200-300 km! –Katowicze-Gönyű-Székesfehérvár-Sisek-”V/C” And where are the east-west links? • Source: Agárdy, G.(Bratislava Region) Presentation CETC National Support Group Szombathely 2008.05.09.+ added
SoNorA: spatial coverage Whether this is ONE single corridor, where we have to find one single optimal trace?Or these are TWO corridors, a Rostock-Berlin-Prague-Adria (D-CZ-A-I) – and a Gdansk-Katovicze-Bratislava-Szombathely-Zagreb-Rijeka (PL-SK-H-SN/CR)or possible THREE corridors – 200-300 km!) –Katowicze-Gönyű-Székesfehérvár-Sisek-”V/C” And where are the east-west links? • Source: Agárdy, G.(Bratislava Region) Presentation CETC National Support Group Szombathely 2008.05.09.+ added
SoNorA: spatial coverage Whether this is ONE single corridor, where we have to find one single optimal trace?Or these are TWO corridors, a Rostock-Berlin-Prague-Adria (D-CZ-A-I) – and a Gdansk-Katovicze-Bratislava-Szombathely-Zagreb-Rijeka (PL-SK-H-SN/CR)or possible THREE corridors – 200-300 km!) –Katowicze-Gönyű-Székesfehérvár-Sisek-”V/C” And where are the east-west links? • Source: Agárdy, G.(Bratislava Region) Presentation CETC National Support Group Szombathely 2008.05.09.+ added
European perspective Source: Az országos közúthálózat 1991-2000 évekre szóló-fejlesztési programja 1991, KHVM. Road numbering since 1975 – the first signal of corridors
European perspective • What does the eastern extension of the grid of the TEN means?
European perspective • Eastern extension of the grid of the TEN
European perspective • Eastern extension
European perspective ? • Eastern extension of the east-west corridors
European perspective ? • Eastern extension of the east-west corridors
European perspective ? • Eastern extension of the east-west corridors
European perspective ? Source: http://www.khvm.hu/EU-integracio/A_magyarorszagi_TINA_halozat/Image11.gif The Helsinki, or Pan-European transport corridors
European perspective ? • Statements relating the CETC/SoNorA corridor: • There is a need for north-south corridor • There are more north-south corridors that are needed • The TEN-T is the internal network of the EU-15 – it was promoted in order to serve the external competitiveness of the EU • There wasn’t a similar internal overlay network planned based on the needs of the EU-27 (+X) area
European perspective ? • In domestic transport policy not the principle was adopted (the importance of the internal networks) but project elements (priority of the Trans-European corridors) • By that way we causelessly emphasised the single level of the inter-regional connections from a multi-level domestic transport network, (the supplier of the external relations) at the expense of the inter-city and inter-village connections (that was the background of the internal domestic relations). • (1) a mistaken pattern of the corridors (east-west dominance); (2) an exaggerated weight of the corridors within the levels of the transport; (3) + a mistaken domestic structure, an enhancement of the uni-centrality
A possible inter-regional corridor network structure in Hungary
A possible inter-regional corridor network structure in Hungary
A possible inter-regional corridor network structure in Hungary
A possible inter-regional corridor network structure in Hungary Source: Fleischer Tamás – Magyar Emőke – Tombácz Endre – Zsikla György (2001): A Széchenyi Terv autópálya-fejlesztési programjának stratégiai környezeti hatásvizsgálata. 109 p. A Budapesti Közgazdaságtudományi és Államigazgatási Egyetem Környezettudományi Intézetének tanulmányai, 6. szám. Editors Kerekes Sándor and Kiss Károly. Budapest, 2001 December
Source: Molnár László Aurél (2007) Gyorsforgalmi úthálózatunk szerkezete és számozása. Közúti és Mélyépítési Szemle Vol. 57. No. 8.
The officially planned Hungarian automobile road network of 2030 (1999)
European perspective ! Source: Molnár László Aurél (2007) Kelet-KözépEurópa úthálózata, mint a felzárkózás eszköze. Közúti és Mélyépítési Szemle Vol.57. No.11.
A possible inter-regional corridor network structure in Hungary ? Forrás: A 8. sz. főút fejlesztési feladatai... UKIG Hálózatfejlesztési Főosztálya 2000. szept. 13 A helsinki folyosók és a TINA-hálózat kiegészítő elemei
And the official motorway network development plan „Sztrada express” GKM 2003
„Regional development poles and axes” OTK 2005(National Spatial Development Concept )
And the actual motorway network in Hungary by 2010 Forrás: KHEM honlap Gyorsforgalmi úthálózat 1963-2010. http://www.khem.gov.hu/data/cms1558708/gyorsforg_k.jpg
West-Pannon perspective A scheme of the main inter-regional relations of the West-Trans-Danubian Region
Summary • The inter-regional/international corridor is an indirect, higher-level connection, its task is not directly serving the destinations, rather supplying a wider (80-100 km) area (with relatively few corridors), by improving the external connections of the local networks. • The main aim is the good interconnection of the whole Central-European area. A proper TEN backbone network structure has to serve that aim, and the necessity of single corridors must be followed from that. • There are 9-10 countries along the belt of the CETC /SoNorA-corridor, and it is not likely that a 200-300 km wide area could be served by one single north-south corridor. It is not the title that should be fight for, but rather a strategic level survey of the whole Central European network, and to bring decisions based on that.
ABOUT THE ROLE OF THE INTER-REGIONAL TRANSPORT CORRIDORS THANKS FOR YOUR KIND ATTENTION ! Tamás Fleischer Institute for World Economics of HAS http://www.vki.hu/~tfleisch/tfleisch@vki.hu SoNorA – South North Axis University Think Tank Start-Up Conference Prague, 12th of February, 2009