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Chapter 4 Section 2 Voc/Notes Index Page 38. 1. Dissent – Differing or opposing ideas. 2 . Missionary – People sent on a religious mission. 3. Golden Age – A period of great cultural achievement 4. Decimal System – Concept of numbers based on 10.
Chapter 4 Section 2 Voc/Notes Index Page 38 • 1. Dissent – Differing or opposing ideas. • 2. Missionary – People sent on a religious mission. • 3. Golden Age – A period of great cultural achievement • 4. Decimal System – Concept of numbers based on 10. • 5. Stupa – Large dome-shaped shrines that housed the sacred remains of Buddha or other holy people. • 6. Mural – Wall paintings.
Chapter 4 Section 2 Voc/Notes • 1. 326 BC, the MAURYASconquered and united north & south India. • 2. They established a strong government. • 3. Officials collected taxes and managed road building. • 4. Maurya rule was harsh. (Secret Police) • 5. After 150 years the empire declined. • 6. By 100 BC India became a center of world trade. • 7. Traded cloth, jewels, and spices with China & Egypt. • 8. Around 200AD the Gupta dynasty again united India.
Chapter4Section 2 Voc/Notes • 9. The GUPTA also had a strong government. • 10. They had a Golden Age of prosperity. • 11. Building, literature, and sciences flourished. • 12. The number system we use today was invented as well as the decimal system. • 13. The Gupta developed medical advances; plastic surgery, vaccination against smallpox. • 14. The Gupta empire lasted 200 years and then went into decline. • 15. The diverse peoples of India rarely united. Yet the Mauryas and the Guptas were able to unite much of the subcontinent.
Chapter 4 Section 2 “Guided Reading” Index page 39 • 1. Location/Capital: Ganges Valley and the Deccan; capital was Pataliputra, which had libraries, schools, palaces, temples, parks, all surrounded by a great wall. • Government: Well organized bureaucracy. • Emperors: Founded by Chandragupta Maurya, most honored emperor was Asoka who ruled by moral example and greatly improved life for his people. • Cause of Decline: When Asoka died, rival princes battled for power and the empire fell apart.
Chapter 4 Section 2 “Guided Reading” Index page 39 • 2. Location: The Deccan Plateau People: Dravidians; had different language and traditions from the Aryans in the North. • Tamil Kingdom: Often ruled by queens, left a rich literary history, trade important. • Religion: Hindu and Buddhist traditions blended with the local culture. Rulers were tolerant of all religions.
Chapter 4 Section 3 “Guided Reading” Index page 39 • 3. Location/Capital: Northern India. • Government: Strong, central government, some power left to individual villages and cities. • Trade & Farming: Exported cotton cloth, pottery, and metalware to East Africa, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia; harvested wheat, rice, and sugar cane. • Arts and Learning: Painting on temple walls, collected and recorded fables and folktales in Sanskrit; religious schools also taught medicine, literature, languages, physics, and mathmatics.
Chapter 4 Section 2 “Guided Reading” • 4. Founded the Mauyra dynasty and forged the first great Indian empire. • 5. Extended the holdings of the Mauyra dynasty, eventually rejected violence and vowed to lead by moral example; greatly improved the lives of his people. • 6. Chinese Buddhist monk who visited India and reported on Gupta rule. • 7. The greatest Gupta poet and playwright, he wrote the play Shakuntala.