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Revising Culture of Achievement, ELA-Style. Mississippi ELA Kick Off 2013. Meet Mr. Abend . (2010 ELA CM, Solomon Middle School, Greenville, MS). LUNCH PROCEDURE: Fifth period only: 1. Lunchtime is only when Mr. Abend indicates that it is lunch time.
Revising Culture of Achievement, ELA-Style Mississippi ELA Kick Off 2013
Meet Mr. Abend. (2010 ELA CM, Solomon Middle School, Greenville, MS) LUNCH PROCEDURE: Fifth period only: 1. Lunchtime is only when Mr. Abend indicates that it is lunch time. 2. Line up inside the classroom (in an orderly fashion). 3. After everyone is in the line, we will leave the classroom. 4. We are to line up in the hall and STOP at the corner by the bathroom. 5. We will walk QUICKLY, QUIETLY, and on the RIGHT side of the hall. 6. We will enter the lunchroom through the designated door only. 7. When we enter the lunchroom, we will report directly to line. 8. You may get up to get extra food only AFTER securing Mr. Abend’s permission which he can choose not to give you. 9. Mr. Abend will give us a two minute warning. 10.We will finish eating, throw away our trash, and line up at the door where Mr. Abend is waiting. 11.We will leave the lunchroom and line up by the water fountain with our hands to ourselves. 12.We will enter the bathroom when Mr. Abend indicates it is ok and go quickly. 13.When we are finished we will line up on the wall with our hands to ourselves and our voices quiet. 14.We will walk QUICKLY, QUIETLY, and on the RIGHT side of the hall back to class. 15.We will sit quickly and quietly, and get ready to resume class! 16. The consequence for not following the lunch procedure will be to copy the entire lunch procedure! His procedure didn’t look like this initially. What do you think happened in between August & October?
What’s a procedure from Institute that went well and a procedure that didn’t?Tell quick funny (now) and beautiful stories.
Agenda • Objectives: • We will consider how intentionalprocedures and planning for student participation create a culture that facilitates the learning we seek! • We will revise/ reconsider our plans for building culture.
LOOK FOR EVIDENCE OF THE FOLLOWING: #1: Culture should be born from our ELA-vision. #2: Habits, traits, and urgency are all built up through procedures. #3: Teachers have to show that they respect and care for students AUTHENTICALLY in order for students to care for each other. Maecenas faucibus mollis interdum. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermaentum. Maecenas faucibus mollis interdum. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor
Revising Your Expectations: Core Values, Procedures, Reinforcement, & Consequences • This is what we’re going to spend the rest of our time doing. • Note your handout with guidance. • I’m going to talk through a few examples for each of these. • WE DO ALL OF THIS TO MAKE SURE THAT OUR STUDENTS’ COMMUNITY IS ONE THAT IS MOST PRIMED TO ACHIEVE OUR VISION.
There are a boatload of procedural resources posted to the ELA Website! There Are Two Kinds of Procedures…. • LOGISTICAL • ELA • Why distinguish between the two? • ELA • Shout outs • Public Tracking (HW, IR, class averages for CFQs/ essays, number of Ss who have applied to be published) • IR King & Queen • Getting to read (the dirty) copy of the book • IR in the comfy place • Proving self to get to have the hard copy • Hanging essays and CFQs and PUBLISHED writing on the walls • Hanging book recommendations in the hall • Invite-only (with SNAZZY invites) school book club, current events discssion, debate (1x/ month) • Phone calls home about the brilliant comment in class about the Trayvon Martin article that we read today. • There Are Two Kinds of Reinforcement…. • LOGISTICAL: • Behavioral narration • Class points
Consequences: Tracking • Keeping track of consequences should: • Be simple • Not interrupt instruction • Be manageable and trackable • KEEP IT SIMPLE: • Get a clipboard. • Each day, put a list of student names on it, or create a weekly tracker. • Put a checkmark by their name with each infraction. • Paper Copy • & Class Dojo demonstration How could consequences and reinforcement inadvertently HURT your culture? What can we do to guard against this?
Let’s do it! • For the next 40 minutes you should begin drafting/revising your culture plan. You may choose to use the examples, handouts, and templates provided. • 3-5 rules OR core values • Logistical Procedures and Reinforcement & Celebration • ELA Procedures and Reinforcement & Celebration • Consequence hierarchy with Tracking Tool
Send your AMAZON WISH LIST! Tonight… • WHAT? ELA Office Hours! • WHY? • If you’re feeling less clarity about one or some portions of your vision (if you’re feeling paralyzed) & you’d like to talk it over with an LTL or a staff member. • HOW? • We will stick around here until ____. DEADLINE to send 1st draft of culture plan: 8 am Sunday. Deadline to send unit 1, including when you’ll collect your first CFQ & give your reading level test: NEXT FRIDAY.