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How to keep our students energized and returning to fcs classrooms. By LaQuanna Sparkman . Making Excellent a Habit! . 99.9% is not good enough!!!!
How to keep our students energized and returning to fcs classrooms By LaQuanna Sparkman
Making Excellent a Habit! • 99.9% is not good enough!!!! • Discuss with students that whatever expectation they would have of any other individual/professional, they too should be expected to have a standard of EXCELLENCE for their actions, behavior, and life goals. • ***DO Class Activity -Which of these .01% would be okay if it affected you?
What if .01% did not matter! • Everyday 12 newborns would be given to the wrong parent. 4,380 yearly! • Daily…7 people would be buried in the wrong grave site or cremated incorrectly. 2,555 yearly! • 400 entries in the Webster’s dictionary would be mis-spelled. • 7,900 drug prescriptions would be given to the wrong patient. • 1,200,000 credit card would be given or mailed to the wrong person.
Engaged • Help Students understand the key to success is understanding the difference between external motivation vs. internal motivation. • External Motivation – External Forces or people causing you to do something i.e.. Parents, friends, employer, teachers. • Internal Motivation – The energy inside of them, their own desire to do something, to attain, to attain a goal, to solve a problem • Learned Helplessness - letting your past or other peoples failures dictate your future. Not knowing how to solve their own problems, need someone else to fix their situations. • ***Do class activity – Overcoming Your Doubts and Fears.
Connect • Help them connect their education to their employment. • Discuss how their education helps them accept change and grow more easily because they won’t feel incapable of adapting in our ever changing global society. • Education is a tw0-way street – you give, in order to get. • Fact: with education they will earn more money and experience less unemployment. • ***Do Activity -Education and Employment–The Partnership of a Lifetime.
Thrive • Discuss with students whether they are playing the role of the victim or the winner. • The victim: • Blames others • Procrastinates • Sees adversity as permanent obstacle • Constantly complains • Does just enough to get by • Always late, tardy, or absent • Always has an excuse • Hangs out with people who are trouble makers, negative, poor work ethic, or low ambition • The winner: • Accepts responsibility • Thinks ahead and plans • Sees adversity as a way to get stronger • Works hard to raise level of achievement • Has a plan and goals written down • On-timeand prepared • Surrounds themselves with people who are working hard to make something of themselves • Encouraging and motivating and pleasant to be around. ***Do Victim vs. Winner Worksheet Activity
Learn • Discuss with students the Eight Multiple Intelligences. • Help them determine which is their dominant learning Intelligence style. • If they understand their style they can put together a plan for their future based on how they learn and receive information. • Discuss the possible dominant learning intelligences of the following people: Einstein, Beethoven, Dr. Ben Carson, Jackie Robinson, Amelia Earhart, Maya Angelou, JK Rowling, Wilma Rudolph, Michael Angelo. • ***Do Activity – Take the Multiple Intelligence Survey • Visual/Spatial Picture Smart • Verbal/ Linguistic Word smart • Musical/Rhythm Music Smart • Logical/ Mathematical – Number Smart • Bodily/ Kinesthetic Body Smart/ Athletic Ability • Interpersonal People Smart • Intrapersonal Self Smart • Naturalistic Environmental Smart
Plan • CTE Courses – WE can help them plan to be employable TODAY!!!! • OUR Students can leave our classes and get a job immediately! • Every semester our students should create a basic resume in our classes. • Teach them about references and the importance of not “burning bridges.” • Do Mock Interviews in class, ask students to participate when put on the spot for extra credit points. • Provide the forms for students to get 3 teacher references as an assignment. • Planning is about PRACTICING!!! • Give students the time and skills to practice writing resumes, getting references, doing interviews, etc. because this helps them PLAN for their success! • ***DO Class Activity – Questions Every Student Can Be Prepared to Answer in an Interview.
Prioritize • Time Management • TIME - It is fair, it does not discriminate, it treats everyone the same, and it does not discriminate! • Procrastination – IS NOT FREE ! IT IS Borrowed TIME! Stress Management • OUR Students are stress! They deal with depression, anxiety, real life pressures. Medical Research on the Brain • suggests that stress effects your memory and learning! • We DO NOT HELP by feeling sorry for our students! • Instead we build relationships so that they trust us with the correct information to go seek help by recommended professionals. • Have students take test to determine their own level of need. Most students just need a “tool” to help them overcome, not a handout or sympathy! ***Do Class Activity – “Test Your Stress”
Class Activity Worksheets are located at www.QuannaGourmet.com Materials in this session was Referenced using Pearson Learning Solutions – “Student Success and Career Development” by Robert Sherfield and Patricia G. Moody, 2013