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North Mason School District Highly Capable Programs. Explore Enrich Excel. Challenging and engaging every student every day!. Our Journey. Defined and articulated the identification process Articulated the programs offered at each school Created enrichment options
North Mason School DistrictHighly Capable Programs Explore Enrich Excel Challenging and engaging every student every day!
Our Journey Defined and articulated the identification process Articulated the programs offered at each school Created enrichment options Developed student acceleration model Built a sustainable program at all levels Highly Capable +
Selection and Placement • All second grade students with parent permission and students with parent requests in grades 2-8 take the Cognitive Abilities Test in February. • Students who scored in the 90th %tile or higher in two areas or in the 95th%tile or higher in quantitative or verbal are screened for highly capable designation. • A multi-disciplinary team looks at these CogAT scores as well as MAP scores, MSP (3rd grade or higher) and classroom assessments for placement in a cluster classroom. • Students who are identified as highly capable receive CogAT results and an acceptance letter that requires a parent signature to receive services. • Learning plans are developed at the start of the 2012-13 school year, sent to parents, and modified at conference time if needed.
Elementary • Cluster Classrooms at grades 3,4,5 • Learning Plans for 23 identified Highly Capable Students • Accelerated Math Options or Enrichments
Why a Cluster Classroom? • To allow highly capable students to interact with their intellectual peers. • To allow highly capable students interact with a mixed ability grouping. • To enable the teacher to create opportunities for differentiation for a highly capable learners. • Students who are not identified as highly capable, but who exhibit high ability will be grouped with H.C. students when appropriate.
Quick Review • In every classroom we want teachers to vary their instructions to meet the needs of individual learners (differentiation). • Some common differentiation/enrichment techniques for highly capable students. • Compacting (same content, less time) • Acceleration (moved to next grade level with support) • Flexible Grouping • Extension Activities • Tasks requiring higher order thinking skills • More student choice on topic and product
Clubs Available • Belfair Elementary • Drama , Destination Imagination , Environmental Science , Mallet Masters: Varsity and JV, Newspaper. • Sand Hill Elementary Drama , Destination Imagination, Environmental Science, Strategy Games, Math Olympiad, Choir, Music.
Honors Placement Students are reviewed based on 4 criterion Students are placed in rank order based on criterion score Notification of enrollment is sent out in June. New students are reviewed in the fall. Students not enrolled will be placed on a waiting list We have 27 identified highly capable students at the middle school. Their learning plans are reviewed frequently to ensure growth and correct placement.