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A Partnership Dedicated to Radiation Protection. Type of Organization. Established in 1968, the CRCPD is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, incorporated in the State of Kentucky, with its office located in Frankfort, Kentucky.. A Partnership Dedicated to Radiation Protection. Why Was CRCPD Formed?.
1. A Partnership Dedicated to Radiation Protection Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors, Inc. (CRCPD) The structure, working groups, activities and products of the Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors, Inc.
2. A Partnership Dedicated to Radiation Protection Type of Organization Established in 1968, the CRCPD is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, incorporated in the State of Kentucky, with its office located in Frankfort, Kentucky.
3. A Partnership Dedicated to Radiation Protection Why Was CRCPD Formed? What is the purpose of the CRCPD?
What is CRCPD’s mission?
What is the basic goal of CRCPD?
Who are CRCPD’s members?
How does CRCPD function?
4. A Partnership Dedicated to Radiation Protection Purpose To provide a common forum for the exchange of information among state and local radiation control programs.
To provide a mechanism for states to communicate with the federal government on radiation protection issues.
5. A Partnership Dedicated to Radiation Protection Mission To promote consistency in addressing and resolving radiation protection issues.
To encourage high standards of quality in radiation protection programs.
To provide leadership in radiation safety and education.
6. A Partnership Dedicated to Radiation Protection Goal To keep radiation exposure of the patient, worker, and general public to the lowest practical level, while not restricting the beneficial use of this valuable energy source.
7. A Partnership Dedicated to Radiation Protection Types of Membership Director Members
State & local radiation control program directors
Associate Members
Staff of radiation control programs in the U.S.
Affiliate Members
Anyone having an interest in CRCPD and radiation protection
8. A Partnership Dedicated to Radiation Protection Types of Membership (Cont) International Members
Staff of radiation programs outside U. S.
Emeritus Members
Former members as approved by Board of Directors
Honorary Members
Special contribution in radiation protection
9. A Partnership Dedicated to Radiation Protection Radiation and health physicists, radiologists, radiologic technologists, radiation safety officers, radiation control managers, radiation industry professionals, others interested in radiation protection, safety specialists and other public health managers.
10. A Partnership Dedicated to Radiation Protection CRCPD Organizational Chart
11. A Partnership Dedicated to Radiation Protection Responsibilities Membership
constitution, bylaws, positions, voting
policy, budget, committee structure, and direction to Executive Director
Advisory Committee
advice to Board of Directors
12. A Partnership Dedicated to Radiation Protection Responsibilities (Cont.) Office of Executive Director
Day-to-day operations, assistance to board
Healing Arts Council
Technical radiation protection issues in the healing arts
Environmental Nuclear Council
Technical issues relating to the protection of the environment
13. A Partnership Dedicated to Radiation Protection Responsibilities (Cont.) SSRCR Council
Develop and publish Suggested State Regulations for Control of Radiation
General Council
General issues in radiation protection
Homeland Security/Emergency Response Council
WMD issues and emergency response planning
14. A Partnership Dedicated to Radiation Protection Revenue Sources Federal Grants/Cooperative Agreements/Contracts
82% of total CRCPD budget
Other Sources
18% of total CRCPD budget
15. A Partnership Dedicated to Radiation Protection Other Sources Membership dues
Registration fees
Sale of publications
Annual meeting exhibits
Professional Societies
Brokerage of Texas IR examination
16. A Partnership Dedicated to Radiation Protection Federal Agency Relationships CRCPD, through cooperative agreements, purchase orders and various partnership programs, works very closely with the following federal agencies:
17. A Partnership Dedicated to Radiation Protection Food & Drug AdministrationCenter for Devices & Radiological Health Nationwide Evaluation of X-ray Trends (NEXT)
Diagnostic x-ray, with a special program for protection of the patient from fluoroscopes
Special activity in mammography
Non-ionizing sources (laser systems, microwave systems, sun tanning booths)
18. A Partnership Dedicated to Radiation Protection Environmental Protection AgencyOffice of Radiation & Indoor Air Decontamination & Decommissioning
Orphan sources
Low-level radioactive waste
19. A Partnership Dedicated to Radiation Protection Environmental Protection AgencyOffice of Radiation & Indoor Air (Cont.) Radiation standards
National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Conference (NELAC)
Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM)
20. A Partnership Dedicated to Radiation Protection Nuclear Regulatory CommissionOffice of State Programs Low-level radioactive waste
Code of Federal Regulations
Nuclear medicine
Transportation of radioactive material
Decontamination & decommissioning
21. A Partnership Dedicated to Radiation Protection Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of State Programs (Cont.) Orphan radioactive sources
Standards for radiation protection
Radioactive material licensing and inspection
Pre-decisional release of information
22. A Partnership Dedicated to Radiation Protection Department of Energy Source Collection and Threat Reduction of Radioactive Materials
Low-level radioactive waste sites
Hazardous waste sites
Orphan radioactive sources
23. A Partnership Dedicated to Radiation Protection Department of Energy Committee on Naval Nuclear Propulsion
DOE facility regulation
24. A Partnership Dedicated to Radiation Protection Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Off site reactor emergency planning
Off site reactor emergency response
Thyroid protection using Potassium Iodide
Emergency guides
Pathway analysis and recommendations
25. A Partnership Dedicated to Radiation Protection Other Federal Agencies Working with CRCPD Department of Transportation
Centers for Disease Control & Prevention
Department of Homeland Security
National Institute of Occupational Safety & Health
26. A Partnership Dedicated to Radiation Protection Other Federal Agencies Working with CRCPD (Cont.) National Institute of Standards and Technology
Department of State
National Academy of Sciences
27. A Partnership Dedicated to Radiation Protection Related Organizations International Atomic Energy Agency
Council of State Governments
American Petroleum Institute
American Nuclear Society
American Society of Non-Destructive Testing
28. A Partnership Dedicated to Radiation Protection Related Organizations (Cont.) Association of State & Territorial Health Officers
Interstate Oil & Gas Compact Commission
American Lung Association
Steel Manufactures Association
American College of Nuclear Physicians
29. A Partnership Dedicated to Radiation Protection Examples of Working Groups Committee on Radioactive Waste
Committee on Emergency Response Planning
Committee on Resource Recovery & Radioactivity
Committee on Decontamination & Decommissioning
30. A Partnership Dedicated to Radiation Protection Examples of Working Groups (Cont.) Committee on Radon
Coordinator for Radioactive Material Transportation
Committee on Radioactive Waste Management
Committee on Unwanted Radioactive Materials
Committee on MARSSIM and MARSAME
Committee on Ionizing Measurements
31. A Partnership Dedicated to Radiation Protection Examples of Working Groups (Cont.) Committee on Industrial Radiography
Committee on Nationwide Evaluation of X-ray Trends (NEXT)
Committee on Quality Assurance in Diagnostic X-ray
32. A Partnership Dedicated to Radiation Protection Examples of Working Groups (Cont.) Committee on Naval Nuclear Propulsion
Committee on Mammography
Task Force to Monitoring Patient Dose During Fluoroscopy
Task Force for Computed Tomography (CT)/Positron Emission Tomography (PET)
Task Force for Computed Tomography (CT)
Training Committee
33. A Partnership Dedicated to Radiation Protection Examples of Working Groups (Cont.) Twenty-five separate groups developing
Suggested State Regulations for
Control of Radiation
34. A Partnership Dedicated to Radiation Protection Formalized Liaisons Association of State Drinking Water Administration and American Water Works Association
Association of Radon Scientists & Technologists
Association of State & Territorial Solid Waste Management Officials
35. A Partnership Dedicated to Radiation Protection Formalized Liaisons (Cont.) Health Physics Society
National Council on Radiation Protection
American Academy of Health Physics
American Association of Physicists in Medicine
36. A Partnership Dedicated to Radiation Protection Formalized Liaisons (Cont.)
37. A Partnership Dedicated to Radiation Protection
38. A Partnership Dedicated to Radiation Protection Radioactive Waste Management(Environmental Nuclear Council) Develops guidance and recommendations for states in regulating the management of low-level radioactive waste.
This guidance includes both technical and administrative recommendations for waste generated under the Atomic Energy Act and NARM.
39. A Partnership Dedicated to Radiation Protection Emergency Response Planning (Environmental Nuclear Council) Develops guidance for states in planning and responding to off site radiological emergencies around nuclear power plants, and transportation accidents.
This guidance includes "first responders," protective drugs, decontamination, environmental and plume analysis.
40. A Partnership Dedicated to Radiation Protection Resource Recovery & Radioactivity (Environmental Nuclear Council) Develops recommended response and event notification protocol when radioactivity is detected in metal and scrap, and recommends a system for reporting such incidents.
Develops guidance for the disposition of contaminated scrap and guidance on the use of detectors at landfills.
41. A Partnership Dedicated to Radiation Protection Decontamination & Decommissioning (Environmental Nuclear Council) Develops recommendations for residual radiation level and exposure standards for decommissioned facilities, including guidance for adequate disposal of the waste produced by decontamination activities.
42. A Partnership Dedicated to Radiation Protection Radon (Environmental Nuclear Council) Provides recommendations on various public awareness activities relative to radon; assists in the establishment of model national construction radon standards; and recommends standards and policy on radon in water.
43. A Partnership Dedicated to Radiation Protection Radon (Cont.) (Environmental Nuclear Council) Assists in implementation of the SDWAA standard, and in the development of guidance for states in the use of the standard.
Plans and coordinates the National Radon Conference.
44. A Partnership Dedicated to Radiation Protection Unwanted Radioactive Materials (Environmental Nuclear Council) Develops a national system for the identification, characterization, packaging, management and disposition of unwanted or orphan radioactive sources.
45. A Partnership Dedicated to Radiation Protection Medical Practice(Healing Arts Council) Recommends programs and activities for state implementation to reduce administratively applied X-rays; and provides guidance for consumer/patient education in X-rays.
46. A Partnership Dedicated to Radiation Protection Nationwide Evaluation of X-ray Trends (NEXT) (Healing Arts Council) Develops guidance for states in the collection of data for evaluating the trends in X-ray exposure throughout the U.S.; assist in the design and implementation of training courses for state NEXT inspectors.
47. A Partnership Dedicated to Radiation Protection Quality Assurance in Diagnostic X-ray (Healing Arts Council) Determine the elements of diagnostic X-ray technique that impact image quality and patient exposure to aid facilities in maintaining minimal patient exposure and consistent high quality diagnostic images.
48. A Partnership Dedicated to Radiation Protection Mammography (Healing Arts Council) Provide a clearinghouse for issues relating to mammography; provide comments on activities under MQSA; solicit and synthesize states’ comments on the MQSA Inspection Program, and provide States’ recommendations in the development of a national inspection program.
49. A Partnership Dedicated to Radiation Protection Suggested State RegulationsWorking Groups(Suggested State Regulations for Control of Radiation Council) Develop suggested state regulations for the control of radiation in the areas of radiation producing machines registration, use and inspection, and radioactive materials licensing, use and inspection.
50. A Partnership Dedicated to Radiation Protection Ionizing Measurements(General Council) Develop and maintain the document, “Ionizing Radiation Measurement Criteria for Regulatory Purposes,” a document used for accurately measuring ionizing radiation.
Also, reviews and certifies regional ionizing calibration laboratories.
51. A Partnership Dedicated to Radiation Protection Industrial Radiography (General Council) Develops guidance for state certification of industrial radiographers, providing various options that can be used by the states in certifying industrial radiographers.
52. A Partnership Dedicated to Radiation Protection Non-ionizing (General Council) Provides guidance to states in the registration, regulation and inspection of non-ionizing sources of radiation. Sources include lasers, microwave systems, high voltage transmission, cellular phones, sun tanning booths and other sources.
53. A Partnership Dedicated to Radiation Protection Homeland Security Emerging Issues Committee (Homeland Security/Emergency Response Council) Identifies new HS radiation issues.
Recommends creation of working groups/task forces to address issues
Current topics include:
National Monitoring System
Review of federal guidance for recovery from an RDD/IND
54. A Partnership Dedicated to Radiation Protection Special Services of CRCPD Accreditation of regional calibration laboratories
Recognition of states that license NARM
Administer a U.S. DOT Exemption for moving contaminated scrap and trash
Comprehensive program review for state agencies.
55. A Partnership Dedicated to Radiation Protection Special Services of CRCPD (Cont.) Coordinates and brokers the Texas Industrial Radiography Examination to states
Coordinates and conducts an annual National Conference on Radiation Control
Coordinates and conducts an annual National Radon Conference
56. A Partnership Dedicated to Radiation Protection Special Services of CRCPD (Cont.) Assist states with orphan radioactive source disposition by direct broker funding for characterizing, packaging, and disposal or transfer to a licensed recipient
Assist in disposition of unused/disused sealed sources that do not meet other disposal options
57. A Partnership Dedicated to Radiation Protection Special Services of CRCPD (Cont.) Provide a website to keep interested parties informed on CRCPD activities, including two limited access sections, “Regulatory Forum” for Director Members and Associate Members to discuss regulatory matters, and “Members Only” for Members to have access to financial matters of the CRCPD.
Many CRCPD documents are now on the website: www.crcpd.org
58. A Partnership Dedicated to Radiation Protection Major Publications Bimonthly Newsbrief
Directory of Personnel Responsible for Radiological Health
Proceedings of annual national conferences
Radon Bulletin
Directory of State and Federal Agencies Involved with Transportation of Radioactive Material
59. A Partnership Dedicated to Radiation Protection Major Publications (Cont.) Profile of State Radiation Control Programs
Various technical reports relating to radiation protection
60. A Partnership Dedicated to Radiation Protection In-House Documents Glossary of terms used in SSRCR’s
Directories of commercial services, such as
Decontamination firms,
Radioassay labs,
Portal radiation monitors for vehicles
61. A Partnership Dedicated to Radiation Protection A Partnership