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New Teacher Orientation. Long Creek Elementary August 13, 2013 9-11am. Agenda. Breakfast Ice Breaker Media Presentation - Ms. Heimstead Quick Look of School Improvement Plan PowerPoint – Long Creek Past, Present, and Future School Tour. Ice Breaker - The Puzzler. 1. Form pairs
New Teacher Orientation Long Creek Elementary August 13, 2013 9-11am
Agenda Breakfast Ice Breaker Media Presentation - Ms. Heimstead Quick Look of School Improvement Plan PowerPoint – Long Creek Past, Present, and Future School Tour
Ice Breaker - The Puzzler 1. Form pairs 2. Get one puzzle set 3. Without talking - put the puzzle together 4. First pair that completes the puzzle wins a prize.
School Improvement Plan - Big Ticket Items • Vision Statement - We are a caring and diverse community devoted to leading with integrity, innovation, and academic and social excellence, while preparing students to meet 21st Century challenges. • Mission Statement - We, the Long Creek Community, are committed to promoting social and academic excellence while developing leaders of tomorrow through: • Providing students with inquiry-based learning and service opportunities in the local and global community. • Teaching students to lead with character and integrity. • Providing a nurturing and challenging learning environment that is innovative and values diversity.
Long Creek - Past History of Long Creek • Long Creek was originally built in 1923. Our new state-of-the-art facility opened in August 2009. The Agriculture Education Building at Long Creek Elementary School
Long Creek - Present Long Creek in 2013-2014 • Long Creek is the home of approximately 700 Mighty Mustangs in pre-kindergarten through fifth grade for 2013 – 2014. • We have an active and supportive PTO consisting of the executive board and committee chairpersons. They serve collaboratively as a critical component in providing time, talent and treasure to help ensure that Long Creek is a great environment for teaching and learning. • Our School Leadership Team (SLT) and Leadership Cabinet are actively involved in all school-related issues and are comprised of both parents and staff. • Quality instruction in every classroom is certainly our main focus, yet character education and citizenship follow as a close second. Our Fred Lee Carr Citizenship Award Ceremony recognizes one student per class monthly as a culminating activity to celebrate and promote our character expectations. We also recognize A/B Honor Roll, Perfect Attendance, and Accelerated Reader (AR) Achievement. • We focus on keeping our families informed and involved by using our school and PTO websites, monthly calendars, “Hoofbeats” (monthly newsletter), classroom newsletters, Connect ED, etc.
Long Creek - Present Long Creek in 2013-2014 • o “Mighty Mustangs” – school-wide positive behavior support program • o School uniforms for students • o Clustered TD/Accelerated classes in grades 1 - 5 • o Inclusive Practices (students with disabilities) • o Innovation lab, Research lab, Interactive whiteboards, etc. • o K-3 Intensive Reading program • o Daily open check-out in the Media Center • o Math small group (MSG) • o Fred Lee Carr Citizenship Award (character education) • o Encore classes weekly – Art, Music, PE, Tech-Media, and Innovation
Long Creek - Present Instructional Program o Accelerated Reader (AR) – Renaissance Place online o Balanced Literacy Approach o Investigations (Math) o Lucy Calkins (Writing) o William & Mary (Literacy enrichment) o Problem Solver, Math Stars, Hands-on-Equations, etc. (Math Enrichment) o After school tutoring for grades 3 - 5 o Before and After School Enrichment Program (ASEP)
Long Creek - Present Student Organizations o Safety Patrol o Math Olympiad o Chess Club o Student Council o Broadcast Club o Fire Bowl Team o Honors Choir o Girls on the Run o Student Literacy Ambassadors o Yearbook Club
Long Creek - Present Policies and Procedures o All parents need to register as a CMS volunteer in order to serve in your child’s classroom, chaperone on field trips, eat lunch on a regular basis with your child, or interact with students in any way on campus. You must enroll and be approved through the CMS Volunteer Management Screening System:www.cmsvolunteers.com. o All transportation changes must be communicated in writing or by phone (emergencies only), and all must be approved by the Assistant Principal. o Students will not be called for early dismissal after 2:30 p.m. unless prior written notification was sent to the teacher. Calling into classrooms during the last 30 minutes of the day causes too much disruption and confusion. o For the safety of students and parents: If your child is a car rider, parents need to wait in the car line until students are called to your car. Students will not be dismissed to parents who park and request students from the car rider area or at the front office. o Students are not permitted in the building before 7:30 a.m. Students arriving before 7:40 a.m. will report to the cafeteria until 7:40 a.m. when all students begin going to classrooms. Students are tardy if they arrive after 8:00 a.m. and must have a parent sign them in at the office.
Long Creek - Present Policies and Procedures - continued o Tardy Policy (arriving after 8:00 a.m.): 5 tardies – Ineligible for Perfect Attendance award, 10 tardies – Mandatory parent conference, 15 or more tardies – Ineligible for select Mighty Mustang Surprises *Students with zero tardies will participate in a monthly personality day. o Our staff is excited to build lasting relationships with you and your child.We have an “open door” policy for parents to visit classrooms and/or eat lunch with your child. However, we do ask that you limit your visits to no more than 30 minutes unless you have a scheduled agreement with the teacher. We also ask that parents refrain from conference type discussions with the teacher during our instructional day. Conferences need to be set up in advance at a convenient time for both parties. If your child is having difficulties in his/her classroom, please address your concerns with the classroom teacher first. o Students must be picked up by 3:15 p.m. After-school care will be necessary for students who cannot be picked up until after this time. Note: Chronic late pick up will be handled through school law enforcement. o Students arriving after 11:30 a.m. or leaving before 11:30 a.m. are considered absent for the entire day. o Parents are only permitted to bring cupcakes for birthdays that will only take place in the cafeteria during assigned lunch times (balloons, pizza, ice cream, etc. are not permitted). Please inform the teacher in advance if this is going to occur. Classroom birthday parties are not permitted.
Long Creek - Future Your goals and expectations for yourself and your students. Take a couple of minutes to pair and share
School Tour Enjoy the rest of your day and add this to your contact information: Jamal Henry School Number - 980-343-6095 Email Address - jamal.henry@cms.k12.nc.us Wiki Site - http://jamalhenry.cmswiki.wikispaces.net/ Mobile - 980-806-9998