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CTMS Tennis Parent Meeting. 2018. Contact Information. Coach: Brooke Teeter-Stocz Email- brooke.teeterstocz@gcisd.net (Best way to contact me) School Phone- 817-251-5320 Tennis Website: http://www.gcisd-k12.org/Page/9100
Contact Information Coach: Brooke Teeter-Stocz • Email- brooke.teeterstocz@gcisd.net (Best way to contact me) • School Phone- 817-251-5320 • Tennis Website: http://www.gcisd-k12.org/Page/9100 • Please join the Tennis Remind 101 for updates and reminders:Text @ctmstennis to the number 81010 • Google Classroom: Have your child join Google Classroom for updates and tennis videos. Class code- bs2j7ib
Requirements Before Tryouts Go to the tennis website and make sure the following are completed: http://www.gcisd-k12.org/Page/42184 • Player Interest Form • Current physical on file with athletics coaches or turned into Coach Teeter (It must be for the 2017-2018 school year) • Rank One UIL information done online • Transportation form turned into Coach Teeter Players will not be able to try out unless the above forms are completed and turned in. If your child misses tryouts they will not be able to participate.
Tryouts Girls 1/29 and 1/30 from 3:45-5:00 Boys 1/31 and 2/2 from 3:45-5:00 *During tryouts players will be rated on the following areas: forehand, backhand, serve, footwork, pace, consistency, and attitude. *Cuts may be made due to the amount of players trying out or behavior issues.
Teams Competition Team: The top 7 boys and girls will play in the match for team points. Exhibition Team: If your child does not make the top 7 he/she, they will have the opportunity to play on the exhibition team against other schools and have the possibility to challenge higher ranking players. Challenge matches will occur weekly and can change the lineup.
Challenge Matches Challenge matches will occur on Thursdays and Fridays. Players can challenge any teammate up to two rankings above them. Based on those results weekly lineups are subject to change.
Practice Format 3:45-4:00 Warm-Up and Stretch 4:00-4:30 Hitting/Serving 4:30-4:50 Practice Play 4:50-5:00 Conditioning and Announcements *All practices will be at the GHS tennis courts. We will meet outside the CTMS gym at 3:35 and walk to GHS. Parents can pick their child up at GHS at the end of practice. If after 10 minutes your child is not picked up they will need to walk back with me to CTMS and wait for their ride.
Practice Schedule Practice schedules will be posted on the tennis website and Google classroom. Here is the tentative practice schedule for the season. Monday- Matches Tuesday- Girls Drills Wednesday- Boys Drills Thursday- Girls Challenges Friday- Boys Challenges
Attendance and Communication Since I do not see players everyday in the classroom or after school communication is very important! Players are expected to attend practice based on the schedule for that week. Since we only have two practices a week for boys and two practices a week for girls it is important that players attend their scheduled days. If your child has extra-curricular activities that conflict please talk to Coach Teeter in advance. If players do not attend practice and fail to communicate with Coach Teeter they may lose their ranking for that weeks match and be unable to play. Makeup practices are always available.
Equipment Practices- Players should wear athletic attire everyday to practice, wear tennis shoes, and bring their own racquet. Players should bring layers. We will have practice unless there is rain or it is below freezing so please make sure you dress according to the weather. Matches- Participants will wear the distributed CTMS jersey top. Players may wear school appropriate black athletic bottoms of their choosing.
Match Schedule Please check the website for any updates. This is the most current schedule as of December 11, 2017. Matches will start at 4:30 or as soon as possible. http://www.gcisd-k12.org/Page/49465
Match Format Competition Play: Singles- Top 6 Boys and Top 6 Girls Doubles- 3 Boys Doubles and 3 Girls Doubles Mixed Doubles- 1 Boy/Girl Pair Exhibition Play: Players will be notified Friday if they will be playing in an exhibition match the following Monday. *I encourage all players to come to the matches to support their teammates even if they are not playing.
Transportation We only have one away match. All players will ride the bus to the Carroll Senior High School. You must ride the bus home unless you have turned in the transportation form. Even if you are riding home with your parents you MUST sign out with Coach Teeter.
Player Behavior and Sportsmanship Players are students first! They must be passing all classes at report card and progress report time. If they are failing they will not get to play until the next grading period. Players behavior is monitored in and outside the classroom. Please represent CTMS Tennis even in the classroom. Any behavior issues may result in loss of participation for the weekly match. Players should always be respectful to their teammates and opponents during matches. Shake hands before and after matches and make sure lines are called fairly.
Guidelines to Ensure a Positive Tennis Experience for Your Child • All parents/spectators must stay off courts during matches (Only coaches may be on the court) • Parent/spectator coaching during a match is prohibited • All parents/spectators should be respectful during matches- • No cheering for opponents double faults or missed points • No cheering loudly to the point of distraction • Parent/spectator calling out scores or assisting line calls is prohibited • Parent/spectator should not confront an opposing coach/players before, during, or after a match
T-Shirts We will have tennis shirts for sale after tryouts have been completed. Players will wear their tennis shirts to school on match days to show team spirit!
Parent Donations I have attached a sign up genius on the tennis website to help provide practice tennis balls and match day snacks for the season. This is not mandatory but would help the team tremendously. www.SignUpGenius.com/go/4090E4EACA62DA2FE3-2018
Lessons/Drills/Tournaments These are a few local tennis drills and tournaments in the DFW area that help develop tennis skills outside of school: • Las Colinas Country Club Tournaments, Lessons, & Camps- http://www.clubcorp.com/Clubs/Las-Colinas-Country-Club/Amenities/Tennis • Southlake Lessons and Drills- http://southlaketennis.com/junior-program/ • USTA Tournaments- https://www.usta.com/en/home/play/programs-for-everyone/national/about-junior-team-tennis.html • Mid-Cities Tournaments- http://youthtennisfortworth.com/mid-cities/
Athletic Booster Club ABC is purchasing new tennis uniforms for the season and all our match tennis balls! If interested, please consider joining the CTMS ABC today!
Questions? Thank you so much for being here tonight and I am so excited for the season!