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Blessed Sacrament Mother’s Guild Newsletter. January 30th, 2012. From the Desk of Mrs. Magnusson. FEBRUARY FORTUNE !.
Blessed Sacrament Mother’s Guild Newsletter January 30th, 2012 From the Desk of Mrs. Magnusson FEBRUARY FORTUNE ! Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. I wish you many blessings in the New Year ahead. We are very busy these days preparing for the application process for our new students, which will be February 8th from 9 to 11 in the Parish Center. We had our annual asbestos inspection in December and we are in full compliance with H.E.R.A. We will be celebrating Catholic School’s Week from January 29th to February 3rd. This year’s theme is FAITH, ACADEMICS, SERVICE. Each class will be doing something special to commemorate this week. Mini fundraisers will be held to support the Seton Foundation. The results of our ITBS for the school as of Dec. 2011 indicate that every grade scored above equivalent. The results are as follows: Reading 79% proficient 23% of the proficient are advanced. ELA 79% proficient 32% of the proficient are advanced. Math 58% proficient 15% of the proficient are advanced. Congratulations to Kristen Tan who were the SI Spelling Bee and Amy LIghtbody who won the first place in the CYO Art contest. Our Alumni are invited back on Feb. 12th at the 12:30 Mass, refreshments and visit to the school to follow. Spread the word to all family and friends. “FAITH ACADEMICS LEADERSHIP” Dust off those Luau Shirts and Hula Skirts. February Fortune's Lucky Luau Sponsored by Titan League and Mothers' Guild Saturday February 25th 8:00 - 11:00 p.m. Blessed Sacrament Gym Only 300 tickets $100 gets you a chance to win $10,000 and 2 admitted to the Luau Party This year we are happy to announce if you sell 5 or more tickets you will be entered into a contest to win: A FREE RIDE (NO MONEY) FOR ONE CHILD'S TITAN LEAGUE ACTIVITIES FOR A YEAR0RA 42 INCH TELEVISION So get out there and sell... To purchase tickets or get some tickets to sell please call Marlene Boyd 917-903-8967 Terry Craven 917-783-5342 Joanne Rubano 718-938-1721 Tickets will be available at the Mothers' Guild Meeting January 30, 2012
Blessed Sacrament Mother’s Guild Newsletter JANUARY 30TH, 2012 Pg.2 $$$THIS MONTH- SHOP-OUT- FOR BSS$$$ Invite your friends and family and help us turn FUN into FUNDS! Mark your calendar for our upcoming fundraising events: Shop at Five Below Thursday, February 2nd through Saturday, February 4th with our flyer (ATTACHED TO LAST PAGE OF THIS NEWSLETTER) and 10% of the dollars your spend will be donated back to Blessed Sacrament! If you've never been to Five Below, now's the time! Everything in the store is $5.00 or less!! (AND THEY WILL HAVE VALENTINES STUFF FOR YOUR SWEETIES!!!! HERE ARE WHAT THESE EVENTS HAVE GROSSED THUS FAR THIS YEAR Eggers- $48.78 Manor House- 20% give back --gave us back $420.00 to our school! WOO-HOO!. CHILI’s- is chilin on giving us there amount for now- so we will let you know when we know. MEETING SET-UP & THEMES 5TH GRADE CLASS MOTHERS’ are asked to set up/clean up for the January 31st meeting. (Showing up is a requirement as to becoming a future class mother). Please arrive no later than 6:30. The Theme for the meeting is INSPIRATION and the themed cocktail for the meeting is CHAMPAGNE. ONGOING BSS FUNDRAISERS Supermarket Gift Card Program GIFT CARDS available Mon, Tues, Thurs and Fri 8-10 in the school. Please come through the main entrance. Also, twice a month after each mass. Campbell’s Soup Labels and Box Tops for Education Labels and box tops can be sent in through the school to the Mother’s Guild mailbox. Please mark envelope “Campbell’s Soup Labels” or “Box Tops”. You can also bring them to church as there are collection boxes in the back of the church. 2011-2012 Standing Committees Helping hands- Please contact Jeanne Helbock (718) 448-4014 or Laura Mahoney (718)494-6981 if you know a family in need. Wake Committee- If you become aware of a death in the family of one of our students please notify Laura DiSpirito 718-494-3505 for pre-k-3, and Dawn DiGeorge for grades 4-8 @ 718-876-5190 Attendance is Christine Miuccio & Denise Benson 50/50 Julie Aquafredda & Lisa Lofferno Campbell’s Soup Michelle Meagher S.I. Federation of Catholic Schools Judy Trimarchi & Karen Petersen DID YOU KNOW??? The Vendor Event held after the November MG meeting made $275.00?!?!...thanks to vendors and participants who stayed and bought some goodies for a good cause!!! $$$$$$ MOTHER’S GUILD DUES $$$$$$$ Mother’s Guild dues remain $10.00. Dues can be paid at the Meetings. Please see Genice Alvarado. You may also send it through school with your child. Please mark the envelope with your child’s/children’s names and grade with your payment so it can be properly recorded.
Blessed Sacrament Mother’s Guild Newsletter JANUARY 30TH 2012 Pg.3 UPCOMING CALENDAR EVENTS BSS BOOSTERS! For Two dollars a booster you can have something special/a name in “lights”, printed in the upcoming newsletters. Here are your January Booster’s: *HAPPY 9TH BIRTHDAY ANTONIO ANTONAROS FEB.24th (3-1)- LOVE MOM AND DAD! *AND THE ACADEMY AWARD GOES TO….THE CAST OF THE MOTHER’S GUILD CHRISTMAS PLAY!!!! BRAVO, BRAVO! *GOOOO GIANTS!!!!! And let Beyar’s Market do your catering orders for Superbowl! Use your gift cards that you buy from BSS and receive %5 off your total order!!! 1/30 MOTHER’S GUILD MTG 7:30 1/31 TEACHER APPRECIATION DAY 2/2-2/3 BOOK FAIR 2/3 FIRST FRIDAY LITURGY 2/5 MOTHER DAUGHTER BREAKFAST 2/8 REGISTRATION FOR NEW STUDENTS 9-11 @PCMR 2/10 PIZZA DAY & VALENTINE’S DANCE GR. 6,7,8 2/12 ALUMNI MASS 2/13 REPORT CARDS 2/16 FIRST EUCHARIST MTG GR.2 PCMR 7:30 2/17 PIZZA DAY 2/20-2/24 WINTER RECESS 2/25 FEBRUARY FORTUNE 2/27 MOTHER’S GUILD MTG PCMR 7:30 2/28 TITAN LEAGUE MTG PCMR 8PM BSS WEBSITE The school website is www.blessedsacramentschoolsi.com Please check site often for updates, as well as this newsletter will be posted on it also. You can print the newsletter at your convenience. If you have newsletter entries, please contact Kerry Falcone. You can also friend us on Facebook. Feel free to contact Patricia Hughes at HAPPYHUGHES511@AOL.COM if you have any questions or suggestions.
Blessed Sacrament Mother’s Guild Newsletter JANUARY 30TH, 2012 Miscellaneous Items Highlights and Thank You’s We Hope everyone is enjoying The Gil Coupon Book, that we handed out in Dec. Great news they are donating another set with new coupons in May. Happy Shopping and Saving! March 4, St. Patrick's Day Parade on Forest AvenueGet out your green and show your support for Blessed Sacrament and march with us. We will be meeting at Hart Blvd. Time to be announced. Many thanks on behalf of the Mother’s Guild to Lisa Grigas and Sue Nolan for getting together the great MG CHRISTMAS PARTY!! We are happy to announce on your behalf as Mothers' Guild the Board will be sending the teachers lunch on January 31 for Teachers Appreciation Day. SCHEDULED MASSES FOR BSS FAMILY MEMBERS Alan Pierre Collorec father of Diane Toomey 1/17/12 7AM Robert T. Crowe Sr. Father-in-law to Ketty Crowe 1/19/12 @7AM Christopher Minogue Father in law to Dawn Minogue 2/1/12 7AM Christopher M. Petricevich Feb. 8, 2012 @7AM Father in law to Gina Petricevich Helen Bavaro Feb. 6, 2012 @7AMThe Blessed Sacrament Mothers Guild functions under the patronage of the Holy Family. Under their guidance, we look forward to working with you to make this a successful and rewarding year for our children. Mother/Daughter Breakfast. Mass will be celebrated @ 8:00 A.M.on February 5th with breakfast to follow from 9:30-12:30 at the Hilton. Pictures will be available for purchase, 50/50 and birthday board. 3rd and 4th grades will be hosting a school wide bake sale TUESDAY 1/31-with all proceeds going the “Stephen Siller Tunnel to Towers Foundation Let us do good” charity. _______________________________________Pastor Monsignor Peter G. Finn Parish House 442-1581 Principal Mrs. Linda Magnusson School 442-3090 Ass’t Principal Mrs. Beverly D’Angelo School 442-3090 President Joanne Rubano 442-3818 Vice President Patricia Hughes happyhughes511@aol.com Recording Sec. Kerry Falcone KERRYFAL@GMAIL.COM Corresponding Sec. Kathy Manuelian kmanuelian2003@yahoo.com Treasurer Genice Alvarado gen211963@aol.com **All 3rd and 4th grade parents are asked to bake or purchase goods to be sold at the sale. We are also accepting Peanut and Gluten free baked goods, which should be labeled. Thank you! Save the date & Get Your Fashions on Ladies!! Blessed Sacrament's Annual Fashion Show (BEACH PARTYTHEME) will be taking place March 22, 2012 at The Vanderbilt.! More details will follow soon.