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Mother Frances Xavier Cabrini: Saint to Immigrants. A Presentation for the Blessed Edmund Rice School by Natalia Juzyn. Mother Cabrini’s Discernment Prayer.
Mother Frances Xavier Cabrini:Saint to Immigrants A Presentation for the Blessed Edmund Rice School by Natalia Juzyn
Mother Cabrini’s Discernment Prayer My Jesus,I have not always recognizedyour loving plans for me.Every day,with the help of your light,I learn more of your loving care.Continue to increase my awareness of the gentleness ofyour loving plans.I want to follow the purposefor which I was created.See, I am in your hands.I need you to help me choosethe best way to serve you.Walk with me, Jesus.Stay by my side and guide me!
Parents were Agostino and Stella Cabrini • Youngest of 13 children • Raised by sister Rosa, 15 years older • Nicknamed Cecchina,good-natured girl • Frail and weak • Susceptible to illness
Baptized day of birth • Confirmed at 7 years • First Communion at 9 years
“How my mamma loved me!” “Because I was so small and weak…she always excused me and defended me when my sister was too strict with me.”
Named for: • St. Francis of Assisi (devotion) • St. Francis Xavier and (missionary zeal) • St. Francis de Sales (gentleness) • August 21 1567-December 28, 1622 • Bishop of Geneva • Doctor of the Church and co-founder of the Order of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Visitandines) • 1181 or 1182-October 3, 1226 • Founder of Franciscans • Received the Stigmata • April 7, 1506-December 2, 1552 • Helped St. Ignatius of Loyola found Jesuits • Missionary to India and China
At Confirmation, August 1, 1858, had an extraordinary experience: “At the moment when I was touched with the holy chrism on my forehead, I felt something I could never explain…I felt as though I were no longer in this world; my heart was filled with the purest joy. I cannot say how I experienced it, but I know that it was the Holy Spirit.”
Would go to Church in secret • Self-sacrificial and self-disciplined • Had a desire to be a missionary, but Rosa discouraged her: • “You, so small and so ignorant, you dare to think of becoming a missionary?” • Remark had lasting affect, and being humble by nature, began to believe she was “a base species of ignoramus, unworthy of so consummate a vocation.”
11 years makes private vow of virginity • At 13 sent to study at private school run by Daughters of the Sacred Heart • Also took private vow of virginity • Studied for 5 years then sought to enter the order • Physical health was an impediment
Lost both parents in 1870 • Helped the sick during smallpox epidemic • Contracted smallpox but recovered unscathed
Asked to substitute teach near home by advisor Father(later Monsignor) Antonio Serrati • Won over the children “not by force, but with the love and fear of God.” • Applied to Daughters of the Sacred Heart again • Msgr. Serrati contacted the superior and told her not to accept Frances
Msgr. Serrati asked Frances to put House of Providence orphanage in order • Hostile situation which required delicacy and tact • Stayed from 1874 to 1880 • Created educational, religious and recreational programs • Spiritual advisor to the aspirants to the newly formed order
Frances suffered much in Codogno • 1874 took vows as a Sister of Providence and named Superior • Foundress angered, spread gossip and slander, sued Bishop Gelmini, excommunicated • Bishop moved Sr. Frances Xavier Cabrini and other novices out and dissolved the house • Asked Sr. Cabrini if she would like to form her own order
Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus officially founded November 14, 1880
Established a school and orphanage • Many vocations came • Within 2 years, house and convent were full
Contemplative, obedient • Independent, discerning • Assertive and persevering • Motherly and loving • Timid traveler!
1880 – Codogno, School & Orphanage • 1882 – Grumello Cremonese, School • 1884 – Milan, School & Residence Hall • 1885 – Borghetto, School
Established 7 foundations in 7 years throughout Lombardy • Wanted to spread the Missionaries’ work • Looked to Rome
Arch. Luigi Giuseppe Nazari di Calabiana Msgr. Antonio Serrati • Archbishop of Milan told her to “give up her absurd notion.” • Msgr. Serrati said: “These are matters that should be left to the saints. You want to go to Rome to become a laughing stock? You will come back disappointed and you will be ridiculed by everyone in Codogno.”
Traveled to Rome in 1887 • 2 purposes: • Approval of Rule • Foundation in Rome • Cardinal Vicar received her graciously but presented the obstacles to her desire to open a house in Rome • Mother Cabrini believed God would change his heart • Cardinal soon asked her to found not one but two houses in Rome Cardinal Lucido Maria Parocchi
In Rome, Mother Cabrini met Bishop Giovanni Battista Scalabrini • Asked to go to America; she refused because she wanted to go to China Bishop Giovanni Battista Scalabrini
1889 - Mother Cabrini met with Pope Leo XIII • “Not to the East but to the West” • Issued Encyclical Quam Aerumnosa(How Wretched) on Italian immigrants Dec. 10, 1888
March 23, 1889, Mother Cabrini and her sisters set sail for New York • Arrived on March 31st
Archbishop Michael Augustine Corrigan of NY, 1885 – 1902 • Reached out to Italian immigrants
FOUNDATIONS 1880 - CODOGNO 1882 - GRUMELLO CREM.SE 1884 - MILANO 1885 - CASALPUSTERLENGO 1886 - BORGHETTO 1887 - ROMA 1888 - CASTELSANGIOVANNI 1889 - MISSIONI ESTERE 1891 - WEST PARK 1891 - GRANADA 1892 - NEW ORLEANS 1892 - NEW YORK (orphanage) 1892 - BROOKLYN 1892 - MONTECOMPATRI (Roma) 1893 - GENOVA 1895 - PANAMA 1896 - BUENOS AIRES 1898 - PARIS 1899 - NEW YORK (hospital) 1899 - CHICAGO 1890 - SCRANTON 1899 - NEWARK 1899 - NEW YORK (school) 1899 - LONGBEACH 1899 - MADRID 1900 - TORINO 1900 - SAN RAFFAELE 1900 - CITTA’ DELLA PIEVE 1900 - ROMA (school) 1900 – BILBAO 1900 – CARILLAS 1900 – MARSCIANO 1901 - BUENOS AIRES (orphanage) 1901 - ROSARIO DI S. FE’ 1901 - MERCEDES DE S. LUIS 1902 – LONDON 1902 - DENVER (school) 1902 - S. PAOLO 1903 - CHICAGO (hospital) 1904 - SEATTLE (orphanage) 1904 - NEW ORLEANS (school) 1904 - DENVER (orphanage) 1904 - LOS ANGELES 1904 – BURBANK 1908 - RIO DE JANEIRO 1909 - NEW ORLEANS (orphanage) 1909 - CHICAGO (hospital) 1910 – LONDON 1912 - NEW YORK (hospital) 1914 – PHILADELPHIA 1916 - DOBBS FERRY 1916 - NOISY LE GRAND 1917 - SEATTLE (sanatorium) 1917 - CHICAGO
Mother Cabrini died on December 22, 1917, in Columbus Hospital, in Chicago, at 67 • Beatified November 13, 1938, by Pope Pius XI • Canonized July 7, 1946, by Pope Pius XII
Italy (Italian Province)CodognoGenoaLetojanniMilanRagusaRietiRomeSan Angelo LodigianoTorino (Turin) Nicaragua (Central America Region)DiriambaManaguaParaguay (Argentina Region)San LorenzoAsuncion Portugal (Western Europe Province)Evora Philippines (Stella Maris Province)Baguio City Russia (Italian Province)Altaiski – Krai Spain (Western Europe Province) Herrera del Duque - BadajozBilbaoMadrid Southern Africa (Stella Maris Province)Swaziland Switzerland (Italian Province)Rancate United States (Stella Maris Province)Colorado – GoldenIllinois – ChicagoIllinois – Des PlainesLouisiana – New OrleansNew York – Dobbs FerryNew York – New York CityNew York – West ParkPennsylvania – RadnorWashington - Seattle Sisters Ministering in non-MSC Missions(Stella Maris Province)Colorado – SedaliaIllinois – ChicagoNew Jersey – LodiNew York – New York CityNew York – Spring ValleyPennsylvania – LanghorneWashington - Seattle Argentina (Argentina Region)Buenos AiresMar del PlataRosarioVilla Mercedes Australia (Stella Maris Province)Malvern Brazil (Province of Brazil)FortalezaGoiatubaGovernador Eugenio Borros ItumbiaraItaguacu da Bahia Paulino NevesRio de JanieroRio PombaSao PauloTeresina Ethiopia (Italian Province)Wolayta Soddo Great Britain (Western Europe Province)London Guatemala (Central America Region)Barcenas Villa NuevaCuidad de Guatemala TODAY
What did the Italian immigrants face at the end of the 19th century?
Discrimination – cultural and religious • Alienation and isolation • Miserable living situations • Deplorable labor conditions
Discrimination – cultural and religious • Alienation and isolation • Miserable living situations • Deplorable labor conditions
What does the Church say? • “Without condoning undocumented migration, the Church supports the human rights of all people and offers them pastoral care, education, and social services, no matter what the circumstances of entry into this country, and it works for the respect of the human dignity of all – especially those who find themselves in desperate circumstances. We recognize that nations have the right to control their borders. We also recognize and strongly assert that all human persons, created as they are in the image of God, possess a fundamental dignity that gives rise to a more compelling claim to the conditions worthy of human life.” • Welcoming the Stranger Among Us: Unity in Diversity, NCCB/USCC
What does the Church say? • “…all peoples have the right to conditions worthy of human life and, if these conditions are not present, the right to migrate.” (Strangers No Longer, USCCB, §29) • But, “the needs of immigrants must be measured against the needs of the receiving countries.” (Strangers No Longer, §30) • “Every human being has the right to freedom of movement and of residence within the confines of his own country; and, where there are just reasons for it, the right to emigrate to other countries and take up residence there.” (Pacem in Terris, Blessed Pope John XXIII, §25)
5 Principles Guiding Church’s View on Migration Issues Persons have the right to find opportunities in their homeland. Persons have the right to migrate and support themselves and their families. Sovereign nations have the right to control their borders. Refugees and asylum seekers should be afforded protection. The human dignity and human rights of undocumented migrants should be respected. (Strangers No Longer, §33-38)
Legalization pathway for undocumented workers should: • Afford sufficient wage levels and benefits • Include worker protections and job portability • Allow for family unity • Employ labor-market tests to protect workers • Allow for ease of movement between U.S. and homeland • From Strangers No Longer; Together on the Journey of Hope, §75, USCCB, January 22, 2003,
Pastoral Challenges and Responses • Challenge • Rejection or indifferencefrom Catholics • Sense of alienation • Do not know “the system” • Do not speak the language • Response • Communion • Personal support of Church • Hospitality not hostility • Solidarity • Advocacy • Provide network of social services • Invite parishioners with professional expertise to assist
Immigration and the Next America: Renewing the Soul of Our Nation • Immigration is about more than immigration – it’s about the identity of America • We have lost our national story: “We have lost sight of thefact that the deepest motivations for America’s founding were religious and spiritual.” (36) • “Long before America had a name, long before there was a Washington, D.C. or a Wall Street, this land was Spanish and Catholic.” (48)
Immigration and the Next America: Renewing the Soul of Our Nation • He also reminds us that the missionaries defended the native peoples against the greed and corruption of colonizers, another neglected aspect of our narrative. • Fr. Juan de Padilla was the first martyr in what is now America • Ambushed and killed by the native Quivira, among whom he had counted many converts