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Stay informed about upcoming events at UTEP, including RISE application deadline, Career Fair details, Goldwater Scholarship, AIDS Walk, ASM activities, Homecoming Week, and Athletics Spirit Competition. Don't miss out on these exciting opportunities!
RISE Please do not forget that the deadline for RISE is September 15th. You can find the application online If you have any questions, please contact the Director of the Program, Dr. Aguilera His email is : raguilera@utep.edu
Career Fair at UTEP Location and Time: Don Haskins Center September 23 and 24 from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. and 9 a.m. until 1 p.m., respectively. It is a wonderful opportunity to identify possibilities for internships and professional employment. List of participants can be found at: http://studentaffairs.utep.edu/Default.aspx?tabid=46945 They are offering workshops in all of the colleges and in the Career Center to assist students as they prepare to attend Career Expo. The workshop is entitled, “Navigating a Career Fair.” The schedule of workshops can be found on our web site and students can call us at 747-5640 http://studentaffairs.utep.edu/Default.aspx?tabid=1562
Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship UTEP Campus Deadline: December 1, 2010 The Goldwater Scholarship was established to foster and encourage excellence in science and mathematics in the U.S. Awards are made annually, Each scholarship providing a maximum of $7,500 per year These awards will be announced in spring of 2011 for use during the 2011 – 2012 school year. Sophomore applicants are eligible for two years of support; junior applicants are eligible for one year of support. Two hundred and seventy-eight scholarships were awarded for 2010- 2011. Eligibility: Current sophomores and juniors who are U.S. citizens or resident aliens with stated intent to obtain U.S. citizenship. Students' ultimate educational Your goal should be to receive a Ph.D.; the competition is not appropriate for students intending to go to medical school or to stop their education at the master's level. For more info go to: http://www.act.org/goldwater/index.html
AIDS Walk "Band Together, Walk Together" : AIDS Walk El Paso 2010 October 23, 2010 8am-2pm Location : Memorial Park (Copper & Copia) 5 mile walk and Community Festival that will follow the walk which hosts live entertainment, health screenings and information about local non-profit organizations. Volunteer/Service/Social? Registration is free: http://www.internationalaids.org/aidswalk.asp Contact:Antonio Martinez - (915) 590-2118 This year, AIDS Walk El Paso (APEP) and International AIDS Empowerment will jointly sponsor the AIDS Walk.
ASM Flag Football Team First game TOMORROW Tuesday September 14th Time: 7pm Co-Ed team– at least 3 girls must be present at each game. Arrive 10-15 min before each game to sign in with Miner ID Any questions speak to Manny or Liz and schedule information on website
ASM T-Shirts Please do not forget to submit any ideas for the ASM shirt this year The winner will receive a prize Submissions are past due so please email any officer if you have any suggestions for the shirt
Homecoming Week We need as many members as possible to participate in as many events as possible Our participation in Homecoming Week will show the campus what we are capable of achieving with our teamwork as well as enlighten other students about ASM and who we are
UTEP Athletics Spirit Competition(Gabriel Espinoza)October 3rd Team members are encouraged to go all out to show their Miner Pride and support for our student athletes. Overview: Points will be awarded based on the percentage of members present in themed costume. Group must choose from their country’s historic attire. Description: Groups are encouraged to come together in a large group and display their spirit. All members must be dressed in theme in order to sign in. ‘UTEP Spirit’ theme standards: Each member must be wearing their selected country’s fashion and incorporate UTEP paraphernalia to earn theme points. Banners, spirit signs, flags, pompoms are encouraged. ‘Around the World’ theme standards: each member in costume must be wearing at least three (3) DIFFERENT items that represent the theme. *All members’ attire will be subject to the approval by the Homecoming staff managing the event* Percent Attendance Points Awarded 76%-100% 30 51%-75% 25 26%-50% 20 1%-25% 5 There will be no 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place points awarded. *UTEP Athletics will be offering prizes to the top two ‘Most Spirited’
Homecoming Pageant(Gabriel Espinoza)October 3th • Pageant Description: • Time: 6:00pm • Location: Magoffin Auditorium • The 2010 Homecoming Pageant production is free to all UTEP students with a valid UTEP ID. Come support your fellow classmates and your Student Government Association (SGA) as we crown the 2010 Homecoming Court on Sunday, October 3, 2010 at 6 p.m. We'll be crowning the King & Queen, Prince & Princess, and Duke & Duchess. The pageant will include music and dance numbers by the contestants, as well as special guest judges and MCs. All contestants will be given an opportunity to represent their respective organizations and demonstrate their Homecoming Spirit. • The SGA will be awarding prizes to the top three groups with the highest percentage of attendance at the pageant. Groups must have at least 50 percent of their members in attendance at the pageant. A sign-in sheet, approved by the SGA, will be located at the entrance.
Homecoming King and Queen Paricipants Nancy Espinoza Abraham Matamoros
Miner Feud ( Katie Bryant) Monday Oct. 4, 2010 Sign in: 1pm-1:15pm Event : 1:15pm- 2:30pm Union Plaza Stage We need 5 participants This event is just like “Family Feud”, in that, you are asked the same question that 100 people were previously asked. Your goal is to answer the most common response by these 100 people in order to gain more points.
Miner Spirit Cheer(Jazmine)October 4th • Sign in 12:15-12:30, Event 12:30-1:30 • Location: Union Plaza Stage • Create new cheer/chant to rally UTEP miners • Should be entertaining, original, and SPIRIT • No longer than one minute • 3 members as a minimum, more participation is better • Winning organization will lead cheer throughout the events of Homecoming • Sign up today! All ideas are welcome!!
Recycle Wars(Denisse Meza)October 4th- 6th • CAB Garage • Plastic bottles = + points • Aluminum cans = - points • Collect and bring to the office
Around the World - Map Trivia(Luis Gonzalez)October 5th Time: 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. Sign in @ 11:45 p.m. Location: Union Plaza Stage Members to participate: 4 • 1 member will be allowed to answer ?’s regarding the location of specific countries, landmarks, capitals, and flags by placing a pin nearest the location on the map. Questions answered correctly = 1 point. • Team must ring a bell first & will then be allotted 5 seconds to answer. • If answered incorrectly opposing team will be allotted 5 seconds for a steal. • Members will alternate between ?’s until one is eliminated. • No points deducted for incorrect responses. • In the event of a tie, a round of UTEP Trivia will be held to determine the winners.
Around the World – Three Point TourneyOctober 5th • Manny, Sean, and Luis R. have volunteered for this event, we need to pick 1 of the 3 • Sign In: 4:45 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. • Time: 5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. • Location: Memorial Gym • Members to participate: 1 • Description: • Each team may be represented by one student. • Five stations will be set around the three-point line. • The selected member will be given 5 minutes to shoot 15 three pointers. • The men will shoot from the men’s three point line. • The women will shoot from the women’s three point line. • The winner will be the student who scores the most baskets. • In the event of a tie, tie breaker will take place. The students with the tied-highest score will replay the event, and the highest score wins.
Lip Sync ( Katie Bryant)Wednesday Oct. 6, 2010 Sign in: 11:45pm-12pm Event: 12pm Union Plaza Stage We need everyone to participate! We will be given a country to represent- music choice must represent the country. One CD is needed with complied music selection. CD deadline is Sept. 21st by 5pm!!!
Amazing Race(Manny) October 7th • Sign In: 11:00 a.m. • Time: 11:30 a.m. • Location: Geology Lawn • Members to participate: 4 • The first member will carry an egg using a spoon in their mouth from/to predetermined coordinates. • The second member will jump rope to predetermined coordinates while being shot by water guns by opposing teams. • The third member will kick a soccer ball through a field of cones. • The fourth member will crawl through the rope obstacle course while being shot by squirt guns by opposing teams. • Two members will wheel barrel through the Geology Lawn and then tie each other’s legs together and run a 3-legged-race for the rest of the predetermined coordinates.
Float Making Party (Elizabeth Aguilera) October 7th Time: 6:00 p.m. Location: P-9 Parking Lot We need everyone to participate Katie offered her house to set up there We need a trailer We will begin working on the float 2 weeks prior to the event
Parade and Pep RallyOctober 8th • Time: Judging- 10:00 a.m.; Line-up- 11:15 a.m.; Start time-12:15 p.m. • Location: P-9 Parking Lot • 10:00 a.m. Judging • The judging of floats will begin in designated parking location. Please have a member of your organization speak about your float to one of the judges. • 11:15 a.m. Line-up* • All floats and vehicles must have their driver present no later than 10:45 a.m. • Organizations/teams walking in the parade must also be present at this time • 12:00 p.m. Start time (Parade Kick-Off) • The parade will begin near Oregon & Glory Road and continue to the Memorial Triangle courtyard where the pep rally will immediately follow. • PEP RALLY (following parade, estimated start time 1:15 p.m.) • We will announce the winners of the float competition and the overall winners of the Homecoming activities for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners. • The Most Spirited prize will be awarded to a student organization