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Report from DOE Office of High Energy Physics. Dr. Robin Staffin Associate Director of Science for High Energy Physics HEPAP Meeting July 13, 2007. HEP Budgets Top Line for 2008 -- Congressional Bills. Both House and Senate marks include $60M for ILC, the President’s request.
Report from DOE Office of High Energy Physics Dr. Robin Staffin Associate Director of Science for High Energy Physics HEPAP Meeting July 13, 2007
HEP Budgets Top Line for 2008 -- Congressional Bills • Both House and Senate marks include $60M for ILC, the President’s request. • Both House and Senate marks explicitly call out JDEM.
Congressional Language • House: • Includes the $60M request for ILC, with language on site preparation, schedule. • “The Committee directs the Department to select, using competitive procedures, a mission science team and approach as soon as possible and proceed with a dark energy mission with a launch in fiscal year 2013. As part of this, the Committee direct DOE to explore other launch options, including international approaches and the procurement of private launch services, to get the Dark Energy Mission into space….Additional funding in fiscal year 2008 for proceeding with the Dark Energy Mission should be no more than $20,000,000 above the $3,500,000 requested for the work by the SNAP team and should be taken from other lower-priority areas within High Energy Physics.” • Senate: • Includes $60M request for ILC, with language on total cost. • Adds +$7M for JDEM, with language: • “The Committee reasserts its strong support of JDEM, directs DOE to down select from among the three JDEM competitors immediately following the decision of the NRC committee, and provides $7,000,000 above the combined requests for JDEM, SNAP and other dark energy research programs to fund the competition and to aggressively ramp up activities focused on a launch in 2014.”
FY2008 Macroeconomics • New (M&S-intensive) HEP construction projects will be ramping up. • NOvA (NUMI Off Axis Neutrino Appearance Experiment) • MINERVA neutrino cross section measurements • Daya Bay neutrino experiment w/China • Dark Energy Survey (Stage 3) w/NSF • ILC R&D is ramping up to a $60M request for FY2008, up from $42M in FY2007 • The new SCRF initiative of $23.5M has synergies with ILC R&D • Conversion of Capital to Operating of the past decade is also over. Re-converting Operating to Capital has begun. Not an easy step. • Running the Tevatron, B Factory, and NUMI going full steam. • This is not a relaxed program, as we are both operating current facilities and preparing for the next decade’s activities.
ILC: High Scientific Potential and a Complex international Endeavor • Ray Orbach at HEPAP in February 2007, restated his priority to pursue the ILC based on its scientific importance, but noted that the time to reach international agreements (site, shares, organization) and time for R&D and construction with a timeline will likely extend to the mid to late 2020s. This will be a complex international undertaking, and one driven by what we find at LHC. • We have the responsibility to assure that the US program stays healthy even with a longer ILC schedule • We are engaging with HEPAP and P5 on a regular basis to help assure this. • Our request for FY2008 ILC R&D is $60M, up from $42M in the FY2007 budget. • Superconducting RF R&D based at Fermilab is a key enabling technology for future applications, for ILC and more. FY2008 funding for this is $23.5M. • US Budget request language: • “The Department will consult with our international partners about entering into formal negotiations to establish an international agreement to direct the engineering design phase of the proposed ILC, should the U.S. and partner governments choose to proceed to fully costed engineering design activities for the project. This agreement would be similar to the ITER EDA agreement. The information provided by the activities would inform future decisions on the construction and U.S. participation in the proposed ILC.” • FALC Meeting this week touched upon all of these (and more)
ILC (cont’d) • DOE maintains its interest in the possibility of hosting the ILC at Fermilab, given internationally-based affordability and scientific validation at the LHC. • We congratulate the GDE for the completion of their Reference Design Report, representing the hard work of a coordinated international network of dedicated scientists and engineers. • The international cost review recognizes the high quality of the RDR, and as a basis to move on to the engineering design phase • Detailed U.S. site studies will be an element of the proposed FY08 ILC R&D activity, in accord with Congressional guidance. This does not prejudge a future decision on ILC or site selection, however. We are in an R&D phase.
Dark Energy • Congressional Input on JDEM, as discussed • FY07 approximate funding level is: $6.6M (SNAP), $2.4M (DES), $3M dark energy solicitation. • BEPAC • Inquiring minds…are told to wait till September • Dark Energy R&D solicitation had 32 proposals requesting ~$18M • Attempted to Tie to Dark Energy Task Force recommendations • Many of the proposals are linked to common projects • Funded 21 for a total of $3M with input from panel review in May • $450k Stage II, $1250k Stage III, $1000k Stage IV, $300k Theory • $1805k DOE labs, $1195k universities/other (including NASA) • Review letters being sent to PIs • Plan to repeat solicitation in FY08, funding level to be determined
DUSEL R&D • HEP is participating with NSF in providing grants to proposals selected by peer review. Both Labs and universities eligible to apply. • First year: HEP has awarded $320K in grants. • More talks at this HEPAP on DUSEL to follow
Project Closest to Home • For the Office of High Energy Physics, shortage of personnel is our biggest problem. • Validated by the previous COV (2004), and will be cited again in this year’s. • Since the last COV, we have filled some positions, while others have become vacant. • A Planning Position is open for application -- strongly recommended by COV • IPA opening in Project Management and strongly in need • Successfully arguing for budget and new projects inside the Government is very closely tied to the ability of the office to perform detailed planning, provide program and project oversight, and argue for the science. • We need your help; your futures depend on it more than ever before.