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The DOE High Energy Physics Program . Kathy Turner Office of High Energy Physics DOE Office of Science Fundamental Physics in Space Conference Warrenton, VA May 24, 2006. DOE Office of High Energy Physics (HEP). Goal is to Explore the Fundamental Interactions of Energy, Matter, Time,
The DOE High Energy Physics Program Kathy Turner Office of High Energy Physics DOE Office of Science Fundamental Physics in Space Conference Warrenton, VA May 24, 2006
DOE Office of High Energy Physics (HEP) Goal is to Explore the Fundamental Interactions of Energy, Matter, Time, and Space • Understand the unification of fundamental particles and forces and the mysterious forms of unseen energy and matter that dominate the universe • Search for possible new dimensions of space Connections between the physics of elementary particles and the physics that determines the structure of the universe HEP Office supports ~ 90% of U.S. High Energy Physics and coordinates with NSF, NASA and international efforts We coordinate our program with the National Science Foundation (NSF), NASA and International Efforts Kathy Turner, 24May2006
Office of High Energy Physics (HEP)- Components of the Program Accelerator-based physics is our primary tool • Top quarks, Higgs search, extra dimensions, supersymmetry; neutrino studies, b-quarks, CP violation Operating experiments: Accelerator Physics CDF and DZero Fermilab Tevatron Top quark, Higgs, SUSY, extra dimensions MiniBooNE Fermilab Main Injector Neutrino mixing BaBar SLAC B-factory Matter-antimatter, b quark, CP violation K2K Japan Neutrino mixing MINOS Fermilab Main Injector Neutrino mixing (long baseline) BES China (IHEP) charm and bottom quarks Under Construction: ATLAS & CMS CERN Large Hadron Collider Higgs, SUSY, extra dimensions Proposed or Future Planning: • International Linear Collider Higgs, SUSY, extra dimensions • Electron Neutrino Appearance Experiment Neutrino mass, mixing, hierarchy • High Intensity Neutrino Beam Neutrino mass, mixing, hierarchy
Today’s Tools:Currently Running U.S. HEP Accelerator Experiments Tevatron at Fermilab Neutrinos @ MINOS B-factory at SLAC Kathy Turner, 24May2006
Tomorrow’s Tool ATLAS@CERN Kathy Turner, 24May2006
Office of High Energy Physics (HEP)- Components of the Program • Non-accelerator physics – a growing and important sector • Atmospheric, solar and reactor Neutrinos, dark matter, dark energy, • high energy cosmic & gamma rays Operating experiments Physics Super-K, KamLAND in JapanProton decay, neutrino mixing Sloan Digital Sky Survey 3D sky map, dark energy Supernova Cosmology Project, Nearby Supernova Factory dark energy Cryogenic Dark Matter Search (CDMS) dark matter in cosmic rays Approved & Under Construction: Large Area Telescope (LAT) – on NASA GLAST mission gamma rays, dark matter Pierre Auger – ground array in Argentina high energy cosmic rays AMS – Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer – on ISS cosmic antimatter VERITAS – telescope in Arizona high energy gamma rays Axion Dark Matter eXperiment (ADMX) dark matter search Proposed (far from an exhaustive list): Reactor Neutrino Experiment – Daya Bay Neutrino mixing Joint Dark Energy Mission (JDEM) – space based dark energy Large-aperture Survey Telescope (LST) – ground-based dark energy • Dark Energy Survey Telescope (DES) – ground-based dark energy • Enriched Xenon Observatory (EXO) Majorana neutrino mass
Office of High Energy Physics (HEP) Other Components of the Program are: • Theory – elementary particles and fields • Technology R&D - for accelerator and detector technologies Plans for FY 2007- President’s Budget Request is ~8% increase • Fully support our operating facilities: Tevatron at Fermilab and B-factory at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC) • Increased support for Large Hadron Collider experiments as construction completes & for our research program • R&D for new initiatives Kathy Turner, 24May2006
The Scientific Context - Discovery Plans for FY 2007 R&D Investment in Future Initiatives: • International Linear Collider • new neutrino experiments – accelerator & reactor • long-term accelerator technologies • Dark Energy - Increase R&D for ground- and space-based concepts • We are entering the age of the Terascale energies • The reigning theory (Standard Model) is as precise as it is incomplete. • How the weak and electromagnetic forces unify is a mystery …but the consequences are likely dramatic • Dark Energy & Dark Matter (what the … is it?) • Neutrinos – what are they and how do they interact? Kathy Turner, 24May2006
Advisory Panels High Energy Physics Advisory Panel (HEPAP) – reports to DOE and NSF • Expanded to 20 members, with members from Europe and Asia AAAC – reports to DOE, NASA, NSF Panels Reports to Topic(s) ReportsDue/Approved CMB Task Force HEPAP & AAAC Roadmap future initiatives Oct 2005 P5 HEPAP B-factory + Tevatron Ops Nov 2005 Roadmap New mid-scale initiatives End 2006 NuSAG HEPAP & NSAC Double Beta Decay Exp’ts Sept 2005 Reactor and off-axis expt’s Feb 2006 Super neutrino beam Feb 2007 HEP Resources HEPAP Are there enough physicists Jan 2006 to run the program? ILC & LHC HEPAP ILC/LHC “synergy” Mar 2006 Dark Energy HEPAP & AAAC Dark Energy techniques May 2006 Task Force AARD HEPAP US Accel R&D program July 2006 Dark Matter SAG HEPAP & AAAC Direct Dark Matter experiments Feb 2007 Kathy Turner, 24May2006
National Academies Panel Elementary Particle Physics in the 21st Center (EPP2010) • A new “decadal survey” • Lay out the grand questions that are driving our field • Describe the opportunities that are ripe for discovery • Identify the tools that are necessary to achieve the scientific goals • Articulate the connections to other sciences and to society • Foster emerging worldwide collaboration • Recommend a 15 year implementation plan with realistic, ordered priorities • Not a typical high energy physics advisory panel. It includes • Non-physicists • Strengthen connections with society • Sharpen the physics questions • Non-particle physicists • Engage other scientific communities • International participants • Place US HEP in the international setting Kathy Turner, 24May2006
NRC PanelElementary Particle Physics in the 21st Center (EPP2010) Committee Chair: Harold T. Shapiro, president emeritus and professor of economics and public affairs, Princeton Draft report release on 4/28/06 – www.nationalacademies.org/bpa/epp2010.html Recommendations in priority order: • Fully exploit the opportunities for U.S. involvement at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN • Comprehensive program to become the world-leading center for R&D for the International Linear Collider (ILC) and mount a compelling to build it in the U.S. • Expand the program in particle astrophysics and pursue an internationally coordinated, staged program in neutrino physics. Kathy Turner, 24May2006 Now will show some of our astrophysics and cosmology related efforts & projects
Dark Energy – Planning & Future Investigating future space and/or ground telescopes in cooperation with NASA and NSF. Dark Energy Projects are being considered by P5 panel. Planning how to review and select which project(s) go forward – in view of DETF report • Continue to plan a Joint Dark Energy Mission with NASA & we’re open to the possibility of International Collaboration • High priority in DOE Strategic Plan • DOE/NASA Science Definition Team Dark Energy R&D: Doing R&D for SuperNova Acceleration Probe (SNAP) concept for JDEM Labs doing small amount of R&D for DES (Dark Energy Survey) and LSST (Large-scale Synoptic Survey Telescope) In FY07 Request, additional R&D of ~$5M available – ground and/or space concepts will be selected by open competition; DETF will guide us • funding levels reflect tentative plan which may change based upon advice from DETF and other relevant considerations Taking Data: • Nearby Supernova Factory – continues operations; measurements of nearby supernovae • Supernova Cosmology Project • Operations continuing using ground telescopes & Hubble measurements to collect statistics and refine results • Sloan Digital Sky Survey Kathy Turner, 24May2006
Office of High Energy Physics ProgramSloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Data - Galaxy surveys, dark matter, dark energy - June 2005 – 4th public data release Taking data since 1998 - Approved for additional data-taking thru summer 2008 Funding: Sloan Foundation, NSF, DOE, Japan, Germany Science News: Jan. 2005 – first baryon oscillation measurement Mosaic Imaging Camera Kathy Turner, 24May2006 Telescope in New Mexico 640 fiber spectrograph
Cryogenic Dark Matter Search Purpose: direct detection of Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPS) Location - Soudan Mine in Minnesota Data-taking: partial operations started in 2003, full operations with 5 towers starting soon & will continue in FY07 CDMS detector Results – April 2005 …set the world's lowest exclusion limits on the WIMP cross section by a factor of 10 compared to other experiments, ruling out a significant range of neutralino supersymmetric models. Also have Axion Dark Matter Search (ADMX) experiment at Lawrence Livermore Lab in California – another possible form of Dark Matter Blue line – new results Dotted Blue line – expected full results Kathy Turner, 24May2006
Pierre Auger – high energy cosmic ray detector array (w/NSF & foreign partners) Water Cherenkov surface detectors • Search for Very High Energy cosmic rays • 3000 km2 site in Argentina • As of Fall 2003, it became the largest air-shower detector in the world Fluorescence telescopes Partial operations have started – construction expected to be completed by early 2007 First science results out in Summer 2005 - a new cosmic ray spectrum at the highest energies; the results of anisotropy and point source searches; and new limits on the photon content of the primaries Current status (April 2006) - 18 (out of 24) fluorescence telescopes operating; rest under construction - 1128 (out of 1600) surface Cherenkov detectors deployed, ~ 1000 operating Kathy Turner, 24May2006
VERITAS(Very Energetic Radiation Imaging Telescope Array System) • Scientific Purpose: Study of celestial sources of very high energy gamma-ray sources in the energy range of 100 GeV- 50 TeV & search for dark matter candidates • Atmospheric Cherenkov 4 12m telescope array w/500 pixel cameras • Energy range 100 GeV – 50 TeV • Angular resolution ~ 4’ • Crab rate ~ 50 photons/minute • Funding: NSF, DOE + contributions from Smithsonian & foreign institutions Status: Plan is to build at Kitt Peak. • In April 2005, work at Kitt Peak was stopped to redo the NEPA and NHPA process could be redone according to specifications • NSF is leading the process with DOE cooperating. • Had “government to government” meeting with Tohono O’odham Nation in January 2006 • Plan is to install and commission the telescopes at the Whipple Basecamp while waiting for Kitt Peak access. A 2-year engineering run will start in 2007. Two telescope array at Whipple Basecamp Artist’s conception – 4 telescope array Kathy Turner, 24May2006
GLAST Large Area Telescope (LAT) • GLAST will have a very broad science menu that includes: • Systems with supermassive black holes (Active Galactic Nuclei) • Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) • Pulsars • Solar physics • Origin of Cosmic Rays • Probing the era of galaxy formation, optical-UV background light • Solving the mystery of the high-energy unidentified sources • Discovery! Particle Dark Matter? Other relics from the Big Bang? Extra dimensions? Testing Lorentz invariance. New source classes. • LAT is the primary instrument on NASA’s Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope (GLAST) mission • -- Collaboration between NASA, DOE, France, Italy, Japan, Sweden & managed at SLAC. • Shipped from SLAC to NRL for environmental testing in mid-May • GLAST launch scheduled for September, 2007 • Successful DOE/NASA partnership! GLAST draws the interest of both the the High Energy Particle Physics and High Energy Astrophysics communities. GLAST is the highest-ranked initiative in its category in the National Academy of Sciences 2000 Decadal Survey Report. Kathy Turner, 24May2006
AMS - Alpha Magnetic Spectrometerw/NASA + foreign partners • Search for dark matter, missing matter & antimatter on the International Space Station • Prototype (AMS-01) took data on STS-91 in 1998 • AMS-02 fabrication complete in 2005; integration and test to be completed in 2007 • Plan is for a Shuttle Launch and deployment on ISS -- launch date is currently unknown.
High Energy Physics Program In years to come, we are looking forward to exciting new discoveries at the TeV scale, with neutrinos and in finding out what the stuff is that the majority of the universe is made of – dark matter, dark energy Kathy Turner, 24May2006