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Development of a Faculty Learning Community

This project aims to establish a Faculty Learning Community (FLC) to support scholarship and progression for lecturers enrolled in the Early Career Development Programme (ECDP) in the MVLS department. The FLC will empower participants through peer support, mentorship, and practical support for scholarship projects. The project will evaluate the effectiveness of the FLC approach in supporting progression and scholarship through reflective diaries, pre and post participation focus groups, and collection of evidence.

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Development of a Faculty Learning Community

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  1. Development of a Faculty Learning Community Emma Bailey; Ashley Le Vin; Louise Miller; Katherine Price; Sharon Sneddon; Genevieve Stapleton; Lissann Wolfe

  2. What is a Faculty Learning Community? • A group of peers who come together to share their judgements and uncertainties about an area of practice and share ideas or experiences to collectively support and improve each others progression. • A learning community has the potential to bring together motivated staff with a range of experiences and skills to work together for a common goal. Cox, M.D. 2004. Introduction to faculty learning communities. New Directions for Teaching and Learning 97: 5,23 Jane MacKenzie, Sheena Bell, Jason Bohan, Andrea Brown, Joanne Burke, Barbara Cogdell, Susan Jamieson, Julie McAdam, Robert McKerlie, Lorna Morrow, Beth Paschke, Paul Rea & Anne Tierney (2010). From anxiety to empowerment: a Learning Community of University Teachers, Teaching in Higher Education, 15:3, 273-284

  3. Glasgow’s First FLC 2005-6 • Support University Teachers’ engagement with SoTL • 12 members from 6 faculties • Monthly meetings • Development of individual Teaching Development Projects (TDPs) • Group feedback on TDPs Jane MacKenzie, Sheena Bell, Jason Bohan, Andrea Brown, Joanne Burke, Barbara Cogdell, Susan Jamieson, Julie McAdam, Robert McKerlie, Lorna Morrow, Beth Paschke, Paul Rea & Anne Tierney (2010). From anxiety to empowerment: a Learning Community of University Teachers, Teaching in Higher Education, 15:3, 273-284

  4. FLC Outcomes 2005-6 • Anxiety surrounding role as a teacher and scholarship - under - valued - lack of understanding of SoTL • Desire for community - safe space - support and advice from LC members • Empowerment - understanding of what SoTL is and how to engage in it - successful projects

  5. The 2018 Glasgow FLC How did it begin & who is involved? Recruitment: • MVLS • LT&S Track • Early Career Development Programme (ECDP) Final FLC • 3 x Life Sciences • 3 x Medicine • 1 x Veterinary Medicine

  6. Aims of the FLC • To create and design a Faculty Learning Community to support scholarship and progression for MVLS lecturers (learning & teaching track) enrolled on the Early Career Development Programme (ECDP) • To understand how a Faculty Learning Community can be used to support staff on career development pathways as part of MVLS support for ECDP participants • To empower ECDP participants to engage in the ECDP through peer support and mentorship within the Faculty Learning Community • To provide practical support for scholarship projects (it is hoped that all members will be supported to drive their scholarship ‘from idea to manuscript’) • To provide co-authorship on the scholarship of Faculty Learning Communities to support ECDP progression and scholarship

  7. Retreat Days • First and last meetings are day long retreats • Intended to encourage the development of relationships and a ‘sense of belonging’, described by MacKenzie et al (2010) as an important determinant of a successful FLC. • Both days will include a focus group which will explore the usefulness of the LC to support ECDP participants and whether a LC represents a credible sustainable model for scholarship and progression support

  8. Meetings to date & future plans 2018 • Feb - Initial Retreat Day • Mar - What is ECDP / issues with ECDP • Apr/May - Identification of individual SoTL projects • June - Feedback on individual SoTL projects • Aug - Joint away day with Edinburgh Napier University Faculty Learning Community • Sept - December – Topics to be decided 2019 • Jan – Second retreat day

  9. Intended Outcomes • To publish and disseminate scholarship describing the use of a Faculty Learning Community to support progression • To provide recommendations regarding scholarship support for ECDP which may inform ECDP and Promotion and Progression Committees and impact on promotion criteria • Provide support for staff development to deliver excellence in learning and teaching & improve student satisfaction rates

  10. Evaluation of the FLC Can a Faculty Learning Community approach be used to support progression and scholarship? • Reflective diaries throughout process • Qualitative analysis of the reflections of ECDP participants pre and post participation in a FLC • Pre and post focus groups • Record proceedings of meetings • Collect evidence of scholarship outputs

  11. Outputs – so far So far: • 7 individual scholarship project proposals: - Using tv and radio to enhance learning and engagement - Encouraging professional attributes in medical students by assessing problem-based learning - Students’ Stress Levels in OSCEs - Defining the borderline candidate in standard setting for professional examinations - Evaluation of an Interactive 3D Contextual Representation of Spinal Cord Pathways and Cranial Nerve Nuclei to Aid Student Comprehension - Using artefacts to increase student confidence and address fears over residential field courses and beginning their junior honours year in the Animal Biology degrees - Facilitating assessment literacy development to aid student transition. • 3 collaborative scholarship projects beyond the learning community • 4 poster presentations accepted • 6 oral presentations accepted

  12. Future • FLC manuscript • Conference abstracts/poster /presentations • Report of findings to the ECDP • Influence policy

  13. Questions?

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