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An Efficient IP Address Lookup Algorithm Using a Priority Trie

This paper proposes a new IP address lookup algorithm using a priority trie, which improves efficiency by replacing empty internal nodes with the longest prefix among the sub-tree's prefixes. The algorithm guarantees that the matched priority prefix is the longest prefix in the search path.

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An Efficient IP Address Lookup Algorithm Using a Priority Trie

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  1. An Efficient IP Address Lookup Algorithm Using a Priority Trie Authors: Hyesook Lim and Ju Hyoung Mun Presenter: Yi-Sheng, Lin (林意勝) Date: Mar. 11, 2008 Publisher/Conf. : IEEE GLOBECOM 2006 Dept. of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan R.O.C.

  2. Outline • Introduction • Proposed Algorithms • Update • Performance Evaluation Optimization • Conclusion

  3. Introduction • In this paper, a new IP address lookup algorithm using a priority trie is proposed. • The proposed algorithm removes empty internal nodes replacing by the longest prefix among the prefixes belonged to the sub-tree of each empty node as a root. • The replaced node is called priority node.

  4. Proposed Algorithms • Listing in the increasing order of their lengths.

  5. Proposed Algorithms (cond.) • The optimum depth of the binary trie : N is number of prefixes.

  6. Proposed Algorithms (cond.) • Starting from the longest prefix in the list, follow the search path and store the prefix into the first empty node met in the path or create a leaf and mark the prefix as a priority prefix.

  7. Proposed Algorithms (cond.) • If the number of nodes is greater than N: Starting from the bottom left prefixes to the bottom-right prefixes, remove the prefix and locate it into the first empty node met.

  8. Search

  9. Update • Deletion : If we assume that the entire routing table is rebuilt with appropriate regular intervals, the number of empty nodes by the prefix deletion would not be a problem.

  10. Update (cond.) • Insertion : There are two cases that multiple nodes are affected by an insertion. 1. When the new prefix matches a priority prefix and it is longer than the priority prefix. 2. The ordinary node of the new prefix was taken by other priority prefix.

  11. Update (cond.)

  12. Performance Evaluation

  13. Performance Evaluation

  14. Conclusion • The proposed algorithm constructs a priority trie, in which each empty node in the trie structure is replaced by a priority prefix which is the longest prefix belonged to the sub-trie rooted by the empty node. • Search is guaranteed that the matched priority prefix is the longest prefix in the search path.

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